Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 86 86. This has to be recorded, the chapter head tells the boss

Chapter 86 86. This has to be recorded and told to the boss later
The atmosphere in the car was awkward at first, after all, the uncle driver had never seen the lady bring any friends.

Especially a good-looking boy.

But after a while, the situation is no longer awkward.

I don't know if it's the driver's illusion, why does he think that Miss today said so much?
Like a chatterbox.

no!This has to be recorded!Go back and tell the boss immediately!

When I was about to get home, there was a traffic light at a crossroad, which took a long time, especially because there was a big truck directly in front of me, which directly blocked the traffic light, so the driver didn't know when to leave, because Can't really see anything.

The car behind kept honking, as if it really urged them to leave quickly.

There happened to be a postal courier truck next to him, and he could see the traffic lights ahead.

"Uncle, just look at the post next to him. Just leave when he leaves. He can see it, but we can't."


After less than half a minute, after seeing the postal car moving, the driver followed closely.

Suddenly, right at this moment—

"Beep beep——"

An ambulance came from the front and "passed" the car Tian Tian was sitting in. The speed was so fast that it took almost an instant.

The beeping sound of the ambulance seemed to penetrate people's hearts, and Tian Tian suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She subconsciously looked at Chu Muran beside her.

Chu Muran didn't know what he felt, and he also looked at the ambulance rushing to the hospital.

It was only then that Tian Tian remembered that her visit this time should be related to Chu Muran's grandfather.

She remembered that netizens said that Chu Muran's grandfather died of advanced cancer, that is, when Chu Muran was in his third year of high school, and counting the time now, is it almost here?
There are less than four months left before the college entrance examination.

Tian Tian can't say that she is a prophet, so she can only open the topic tentatively: "There are always joys and sorrows in life. Every time I see an ambulance, I feel very nervous. I really hope that everyone will stay away from the suffering of illness. , stay with your family well, and live happily and healthily for the rest of your life.”

"Yes, me too."

Chu Muran didn't know what happened to his heart, it was beating very fast just at that moment.

just like.
The people in the ambulance were somehow related to him.

"Buzzing..." When the two of them were silent for a while, Chu Muran's cell phone rang suddenly, and the sudden ringtone was like a warning, breaking the tranquility.

When he saw the caller ID, Chu Muran's heart that had finally let go was picked up again.

He quickly answered the phone, his tone inevitably a little worried:

"Hey, Brother Zhang, what's the matter?"

Brother Zhang?
The big brother driver?
Tian Tian didn't dare to miss any of Chu Muran's expressions.

Especially when Chu Muran was listening to the other party, she didn't know what the other party said, but she could clearly see that Chu Muran's eyes gradually changed from worry to panic.

"What??! How is grandpa now?"

Chu Muran's face turned pale instantly. While keeping in touch with the person on the phone, he patted the driver's seat in front of him in a panic, and said eagerly:
"Uncle, let me get out of the car now, I have something to do! Please!"

When Tian Tian heard it, she immediately knew that something must have happened to Chu Muran's grandfather.

So she hurriedly asked: "Chu Muran, which hospital? You need to take a taxi now, why don't we take you there."

Chu Muran's heart felt as if he had fallen into a bottomless ocean. He listened to the words of Brother Zhang on the other end of the phone at a loss, looking at Tian Tian helplessly like a child.

This kind of look made Tian Tian seem to see Chu Muran when he traveled for the first time.

He longing for love,
But always in the dark.

Seeing that Chu Muran's face was as pale as a piece of paper, Tian Tian snatched his mobile phone without saying a word, calmed down and said to Brother Zhang on the other side: "Hey, Brother Zhang, I It's Chu Muran's classmate, tell me which hospital it is, and we'll send Chu Muran there right now."

"Central Hospital, Building No. [-]."

"Okay, come here right away."

Afterwards, Tian Tian immediately said to the driver in front, "Uncle, I'm sorry to trouble you, please take us to the Central Hospital."

"no problem!"

The driver master basically understood what happened. This matter of life and death should not be underestimated.

So the driver made a big turn and ran towards the hospital.

After arranging everything, Tian Tian returned the phone to Chu Muran, and when her fingertips touched Chu Muran's cool palm, she sighed helplessly and distressed in her heart.

Maybe others see Chu Muran as calmly facing everything, but in fact, there are things in his heart that he longs for, and there are people or things that he wants to protect.

"Chu Muran, everything will be fine, we'll be at the hospital soon."

Tian Tian doesn't know Chu Muran's grandfather well, but he has heard a few words that the relationship between the son and grandson is also very stiff.

But from the fact that his grandfather arranged Brother Zhang as the driver, it can be seen that Chu Muran's grandfather must care about him and love him very much.

Chu Muran must know.

Chu Muran swallowed, his expression was full of unconcealable sadness and panic, his throat seemed to be blocked, he couldn't speak a single word, his throat had never been so hoarse, and his heart had never been so hoarse. flustered
He looked at Tian Tian, ​​saw the concern in her eyes, and suddenly choked up and said, "Yang Yu, grandpa was the first one to give to my family."

"I know, I understand."

Tian Tian also felt uncomfortable. Although she didn't know what happened that year, she could understand Chu Muran's feeling.

When grandpa passed away, she was teaching in the classroom.

Although grandpa retired, his brothers would still take care of him and watch him. At that time, they lied to her that grandpa had gone out to play.

When she knew that her grandfather had passed away, she really couldn't read a single word of what kind of bullshit book.

The only family member is gone.

What will she do next?
I still have the time to care about what class I have today and what homework I have to hand in.

So now she looks at Chu Muran who is at the same age and has encountered the same thing.
It was like seeing myself back then.

Maybe there is no heart-piercing wailing, but the whole mind is thinking
what do I do.

Tian Tian didn't know how to comfort her, she seemed to have a bitter taste in her mouth: "Chu Muran, everything will be fine."

The driver deliberately accelerated his speed, and finally arrived at the Central Hospital within 15 minutes.

Because of Tian Tian's size, she can only let Chu Muran go first, and she will be there later.

Finally, after humming for a long time, the sweaty Tian Tian finally came to Chu Muran's grandfather's operating room.

Brother Zhang is also there, I haven't seen him for a few years, his appearance has not changed, his temples are slightly white, and his eyes seem to be a little more loving.

He patted Chu Muran's shoulder, indicating that he was fine.

"The old man suddenly called me and said he was not feeling well, so I hurried back, but I didn't expect him to be very uncomfortable after taking the medicine. He accidentally slipped and fell when going to the toilet, and then covered his stomach, saying it was painful .”

When Brother Zhang talked about this, his face was full of guilt.

At that time, it would have been better if he had supported the old man a little bit.
(End of this chapter)

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