Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 95 95. Her heart is already half cold

Chapter 95 95. Her heart is already half cold
The cafeteria of No. [-] Middle School was originally similar to a food stall. Students prepared meals with plates or rice bowls at the window, and then sat down at random to enjoy the food.

However, as the requirements of students gradually increased, and after a while, it will be the 110th anniversary of the school.

Many honorary alumni choose to come back at this time to support various aspects of the school, some donate computers; some donate books; some buy experimental equipment; some beautify the campus
There are a lot of talented alumni who have gone out of No. [-] Middle School, but the school is so big, wouldn't it be saturated after all the contributions?
At this time, many people set their sights on the cafeteria.

Opening a restaurant and installing air-conditioning. In short, since the new cafeteria was established, Chu Xiuwen didn't go out to buy food. He took his two younger brothers and lived on the second floor of the school cafeteria every day.

The restaurant Zeng Yiyi mentioned was a place called Xiaoqiang Malatang, and there was Overbearing Snail Noodles next door.

There is nothing special about the way of eating Malatang. It is just to bring some dishes you like to eat in a pot, and then pay the boss to cook them.

Tian Tian's appetite is still very average, although her stomach is already growling with hunger, but this body is not interested in doing anything now, and she is sick.

Zeng Yiyi didn't know what he saw, and suddenly picked up a large piece of meat and put it in Tian Tian's basin, "Yang Yu, try this, it's delicious!"

"Thank you." Tian Tian looked at the big lump of meat, she had no appetite in the first place, even less now.

She picked up a large handful of green vegetables in a dull manner, and then handed the pot to the boss to settle the score.

The boss looked at the price meter, "It's only nine yuan, boy, if you add something, we will only cook it for 11 yuan."

Still have this?
"All right."

But it's only an extra two dollars, so it's not a troublesome thing.

Tian Tian was about to go to the vegetarian section next to her and pick up some green vegetables to make up two yuan, such as kelp and gluten, which are heavy, but before she reached the vegetarian section, Zeng Yiyi, who was waiting for the account, came Very "naturally" put the hot dog in her bowl into Tian Tian's bowl.

Tian Tian is surprised, what does this mean?

Send me a hot dog?
Before she could speak, Zeng Yiyi blinked and said, "Yang Yu, isn't this just right? You don't have to go over there to pick up vegetables, hehe."

also. ok?

Tian Tian didn't say much, after all, this hot dog looks quite attractive and delicious.

Sure enough, after adding a hot dog with the help of Zeng Yiyi, Malatang was exactly 11.5 yuan in the end.

There are not as many people in the cafeteria in the afternoon as there are people in the cafeteria at noon, because the closed management of the school ends when school is over in the afternoon, and many students will choose to go out to eat during this time instead of eating in the school cafeteria.

After the two of them sat down in a corner seat, Tian Tian was going to the side dish area to add some seasonings for herself.

When he came back, he saw Zeng Yizheng, who was familiar with him, took back the hot dog that had been given to her.


"Why did you clip it back?"

Tian Tian was stunned by this operation, she had already counted the money, why, can a good friend not say clearly that she has reneged?

Zeng Yiyi stirred his Malatang for a while, and then said as a matter of course: "What's the matter? Isn't it always like this before? But if you want to eat, I'll give it to you again."

Afterwards, Zeng Yiyi pretended to be innocent and prepared to return the hot dog in the bowl to Tian Tian.

"Hey! Don't don't don't"

Tian Tian quickly moved her bowl away, and then said sullenly: "Since you have already put it back, don't give it to me."

Although it's not worth much,

But is this too natural?

However, Tian Tian also wondered if it was because she was not Yang Yu at all, so she couldn't fully bring Yang Yu's feelings into her. Let me help you pay.
After figuring it out, Tian Tian began to enjoy her vegetable Malatang.

When Zeng Yiyi, who was sitting opposite, saw that Tian Tian's bowl was almost full of vegetables, he said in surprise: "Actually, I wanted to ask you just now, what's the matter with you, I remember that you never ate Malatang before." Those who eat vegetables, don’t you like meat the most?”

"Oh I lost weight recently."

Tian Tian is too lazy to explain anything, she can't say that she can't eat it, can she?

Ha ha,

With her size alone, she really doesn't look like she can't eat it.

"lose weight?"

Zeng Yiyi paused for a moment with the chopsticks in her hand, her face seemed a little stiff, "Why do you want to lose weight properly, I don't think you are fat now, at most you are just slightly fat."

Slightly fat?

Tian Tian frowned uncommonly.

Yang Yu's weight is at least 160, can this be slightly fat?
Why is what Zeng Yiyi said so unpleasant?

What's more, if Yang Yu has the idea of ​​losing weight, as a good friend, shouldn't she encourage and support her?
After all, health is more important than anything else.

So Tian Tian suppressed the smile on her face, and said with a light smile: "I originally gained weight suddenly, and now my body has some problems due to gaining weight, so for the sake of health, I must lose weight, not to mention what I just said Well, I still want to go back to the stage and continue dancing. Didn’t you also say that you will always support me? How can I go back to dance with my current state.”

Zeng Yiyi didn't speak, just smiled and nodded.

She quickly lowered her head and ate the Mala Tang in the bowl by herself. Tian Tian couldn't see her expression, so she didn't know what she was thinking.

After Tian Tian wiped out all the vegetables in the bowl, there was still the big piece of meat that Zeng Yiyi had picked up at first.

I didn't want to waste food
But Tian Tian really couldn't eat it anymore, and even felt a little disgusted seeing that piece of meat.

"Have you finished eating?"


Zeng Yiyi handed Tian Tian a piece of paper to wipe his mouth. He was smiling at first, but happened to see the meat left in Tian Tian's bowl, so he subconsciously put away his smile.

But in the next second, a look of enthusiasm appeared on her face again.

Holding Tian Tian's hand, he said excitedly: "Since we want to lose weight, let's go for a walk in the woods? Then we can go back to the classroom for evening self-study when the time is almost up."

"Okay." Tian Tian glanced at the time on the watch, and suggested: "Why don't we go to the playground for a walk, make it more spacious."

"This is still a grove. Didn't we used to walk and chat in the grove? There are so many people on the playground, we can't even hear each other's words when chatting."

Tian Tian nodded as if nothing had happened, with a naive smile on her face, "Okay then, I'll listen to you."

But in fact,

Her heart was already half cold.

(End of this chapter)

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