Chapter 98

Pan Shan and Xiao Jia are both students of the No. [-] Middle School. Although their grades may not be among the best in the city, they all receive the most correct values ​​and education. The things they have been exposed to since childhood are cultivated
So they really can't be like the people in Zhaoling, who can make red eyes when they are a little upset.

They usually just delete a few slaps and take some ugly photos and videos that hurt people. They never think about what they want to beat people into. They are also afraid, and they also have fear in their hearts.

"Akai, hold me down! Damn it"

The golden-haired man stood up from the ground with difficulty, and he almost felt that his lower body was unconscious!

He can't bear it!Absolutely can't bear it!

He was like a wolf who had been hungry for days, and he just pounced on Tian Tian, ​​and directly threw Tian Tian to the ground, because it was a concrete floor, even though Tian Tian's waist and back were thick. , but still felt the pain continuously climbing up his spine.

She squinted her eyes in pain, and unconsciously groaned in pain: "Hiss——"

Tian Tian is now completely pinned to the ground by these people, unable to move at all.

Jin Mao also said to Pan Shan and the others who were still in a daze behind him with a gloomy expression: "Sister-in-law, don't you want to vent your anger? This bitch can't move now, come quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Pan Shan hurried up with Xiao Jia and the others.

Although they were terribly afraid in their hearts, they didn't want to lose face more than being afraid!
The people from Zhaoling finally called and brought them in. Wasn't it because of this scene?

Pan Shan could not bear it at first, but the moment she saw Tian Tian's face, especially when she saw Ueda Tian's eyes full of cold light, she did not know what to think of, and she suddenly became ruthless up.


There was a sound of applause and the muffled sound of punches and kicks. Tian Tian felt like a sandbag, constantly being hit with big or small fists. The only thing she could do was to protect her body. Your own head, try not to hurt the most important part of your body.

But at this moment, Tian Tian only felt a sharp pain coming from her knee.

At the same time, with a scolding stop, Tian Tian finally felt that the constant pain suddenly stopped.


The sound of hurried footsteps from far to near reached Tian Tian's ears, she was so dizzy that she couldn't even open her eyes.

Her whole body was tense, and she was full of vigilance for anyone approaching.

very strange voice,

She was sure she had never heard the man's voice.
Who is he? !

When she didn't dare to move, a pair of warm palms suddenly passed through her back, and with a little force, she was lifted up from the ground. At the same time, she only felt as if she had fallen into an embrace. During this time, a faint smell of tobacco filled her nostrils.

"You are. Ah."

She was about to ask who he was, but within two seconds of standing, Tian Tian felt that her knee, which was in severe pain just now, was now weakly sore. There is a slight tingling feeling.

Tian Tian was stimulated by the pain and opened her eyes, her face was covered with sweat, as if she was holding back something, she still refused to let go of her lower lip which she bit tightly.

The people around her seemed to see that something was wrong with her, "Can you stand up?"

Tian Tian shook her head, she couldn't stand at all, so she could only lean her whole weight on the stranger next to her.

The person next to him didn't say much, but slowly helped Tian Tian to sit on the steps beside him, "You sit here first, and I'll take care of the rest."

Tian Tian froze, subconsciously nodded.

She didn't know why she didn't want to raise her head, as if subconsciously, she didn't want to raise her head to look at the boy's face, so she could only lower her head, and all she could see was the boy's lower body clothes.

He was wearing a pair of the latest limited-edition sneakers, and his pants were baggy. They were sports pants that many boys who played basketball liked.

The boy seemed to pause for a moment, then stretched out his hand, and gently touched Tian Tian's head.


A murmur so low that it was almost inaudible, made the sensitive Tian Tian instantly aware of the unusual relationship between this boy and Yang Yu.

Tian Tian didn't make a sound, and didn't dare to make a sound.

Seeing the boy drifting away, Tian Tian dared to raise her head slowly and stared at his back.

With a tall and straight body and a straight back, she walks with a rebellious aloofness, and every step is extremely stable and determined.

Suddenly, the boy walked up to the golden retriever,

Not saying a word but not angry.

The shivering appearance of the golden retriever is very similar to those who are often played in many TV dramas, those passers-by who are willing to fight and suffer.

"Boss, why are you here?"

The golden retriever didn't look the same as when he was dragged to the sky just now, he stood in front of the boy with a stiff smile, just like a repair dog trying to please his master!

The boy didn't speak,

Just when everyone thought that boys would say why they came,
The boy punched the golden-haired man hard in the face.

In an instant, a lot of blood gushed out of the golden-haired man's nose, and even the corners of his eyes twitched slightly
The boy took out a napkin from his pocket, and while wiping the blood on his hands, he asked, "Who told you to come?"

"It's sister-in-law"

Seeing that the situation was not right, the green-haired man hurriedly whispered to the side.

The movement of the boy wiping his hands suddenly stopped, he raised his eyes slightly, and there seemed to be a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, and his ending voice rose slightly: "Sister-in-law? Heh, who is it? Why don't I know when I will have a girlfriend?" gone?"

The green-haired man's back turned cold, and he subconsciously looked at Pan Shan next to him: "Pan Shan, how dare you lie to me! You really hurt us both!"

Compared to the sister-in-law who suddenly appeared halfway.
Of course, Big Brother is the scariest.

Thinking that he might have been cheated by this woman, Pan Shan, the green-haired man confessed almost without reservation:
"Brother. We also saw that your relationship with Pan Shan seemed to be pretty good. Didn't you still play billiards together? Today she came to me suddenly and said that she wanted you to help me with something. We also wanted to share your worries with the boss. Tell you, we came, we thought it was just a woman, the two of us should be enough
In addition, Pan Shan said that she is already with you, we thought she would not be able to lie to us about this matter, we thought we finally had a sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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