Chapter 17

In the secret environment, the scene that looks like the real world in the eyes of others, in the eyes of the controller, is composed of small magic circles, and each small magic circle is related to each other, and together constitute a large magic circle that supports the entire secret environment .

Shao Yao stood on the spot and turned around.

As she had guessed before, after she and Xie Shixun started fighting together, the Secret Realm really couldn't bear it, and the magic circle is rapidly disintegrating now...

However, in the secret territory at this time, two large magic circles appeared out of thin air, one above and the other below.

If that was the case, Shao Yao wouldn't be so surprised!

Because as a person who controls the environment, no one knows the secret environment better than Shao Yao. She can tell at a glance that these two magic circles can't support the existing secret environment at all.

What really surprised her was that the two large circles were recovering the dissipated small circles!
In the beginning, the recovery speed of the small circle was not fast, but with the addition of the small circle, the large circle was also expanded, and the corresponding power was also enhanced, so it recovered the small circle faster.

The faster you are, the stronger you are; the stronger you are, the faster you are!

Under such a cycle, these two magic circles quickly converted all the small magic circles in their original positions!
But even so, the two magic circles did not stop. They moved up and down and began to converge towards each other.

This time, even faster!
Shaoyao is the controller of the situation, so she can see more clearly and more carefully than others, but in fact, this scene happened in a very short time, so short that she couldn't fight back at all!
At this point, starting with the two magic circles and ending with the collapse of the old magic circles, Shao Yao completely lost control of the secret environment, and her expression turned extremely ugly.

With the new controllers, the secret environment gradually stabilized, the light that belonged to the magic circle faded, and Xie Shixun's figure gradually appeared.

Seeing Shao Yao, she couldn't help shouting sharply: "Who are you?!"

Xie Shixun didn't answer, and saw him walking slowly, but each step was huge, and within two or three movements, he had already come to Li Xuanxuan's side.

At this time, Li Xuanxuan had already passed out. Xie Shixun checked to make sure that she was fine, and then put his hand on top of her head.


"What are you doing?!"

Xie Shixun kept moving, and Shao Yao, who rushed over, quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist: "Hey! The secret realm has been broken, you don't need to kill them all like this!"

Xie Shixun raised his hand and broke away from Shaoyao's contact. He looked at Shaoyao with calm but unquestionable eyes and said:

"What I need is an absolute answer."

Shao Yao wanted to persuade her again, but she didn't expect Xie Shixun to stretch out her other hand while the two were talking!


Shao Yao was so angry that she cursed at him, but because she was worried about Li Xuanxuan, she immediately lowered her head to look at Li Xuanxuan. Seeing that Li Xuanxuan's body began to become transparent, Shao Yao hesitated and reached out to Li Xuanxuan.

Since Xie Shixun did not stop Shaoyao from coming forward, he was confident that she would not be able to destroy his plan, but he never expected——

Shao Yao actually grabbed Li Xuanxuan's hand!

How can this be? !
With Shao Yao's current state and his status as a border controller, how could she grab the hand of the new immigrant Li Xuanxuan? !
Xie Shixun's hand stretched out before his thoughts, he wanted to stop Shaoyao, but after Shaoyao touched Li Xuanxuan, her body instantly turned into dots of light, penetrated into Li Xuanxuan's body like a streamer, and then became completely transparent together with Li Xuanxuan , thus disappearing.

Xie Shixun restrained the expression on his face, and when his gaze fell back to his outstretched hand, it was already icy cold.

Soul body!
It turned out to be a soul body!



Li Xuanxuan felt that she hadn't slept well for a long time.

From the moment she opened her eyes, she was already in another world. She completed the mission, was kidnapped, fell off the cliff, and entered the secret realm. The experience of the past 20 years has not been as ups and downs as this period of time. .

Although she had slept in the secret environment before, she didn't have such a good sleep this time. Li Xuanxuan couldn't help stretching her arms and stretched herself.

"You finally woke up."

It's a female voice, it sounds a little familiar, but also a bit resentful?
Li Xuanxuan turned her head slowly, but what she saw was Shao Yao's haggard face, she trembled in fright, she couldn't help hiding, "What's wrong with you?"

However, whether it was Li Xuanxuan's actions or Li Xuanxuan's words, Shaoyao's gloomy look became more intense, and she repeated faintly again:
"You finally woke up."

Li Xuanxuan: "???"

"I slept for a long time?"

Peony is waiting for this sentence!

She immediately roared: "You slept for a whole day and a night!"

Li Xuanxuan quickly reached out to cover her ears, but Shaoyao on the other side still couldn't control herself, she shouted again:
"A real day! A night!"

"Are you a pig? Sleep, sleep! Sleep so much!"

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help but replied: "Isn't that because you don't let me sleep?" In the later scenes, one after another, neither food nor sleep, can she not be sleepy? !

Shao Yao glared at the past, and Li Xuanxuan, who knew the current affairs, immediately shut up.

"Get up quickly when you wake up! We don't have much time to waste!" After Shao Yao finished speaking, she got up and got out of bed first.

Only now did Li Xuanxuan have time to look around: This seems to be a room?
"Where is this?"

Shao Yao sat down at the round table, and returned angrily: "Where else could it be? Of course it's a secret place!"

Li Xuanxuan walked over, first picked up the teapot on the round table, poured a cup of tea for the two of them, then sat down, and continued to ask: "Isn't the secret realm broken?"

Shaoyao looked at the teacup in her hand, and for a moment didn't know whether she should feel sorry for Li Xuanxuan's big heart, or admire her calmness... But after the warm tea passed down her throat, it more or less calmed her anxiety Mood.

"This is a new secret environment, and it is inside the original secret environment, commonly known as the environment in the environment."

Li Xuanxuan asked hesitantly: "Thank you Shixun?"

Shaoyao will be angry when she hears this name!

This guy actually secretly set up two magic circles under her nose, in her secret environment!It's no wonder that when she was probing before, he exhausted so quickly, obviously stealing her aura for so long...


Shao Yao couldn't help but patted the table, and when she left the country, she must make him look good!
Seeing that Shaoyao was so angry, Li Xuanxuan knew that she had guessed correctly. She had previously thought that Xie Shixun was planning something, but she didn't expect it to be such a trick.

He really deserves to be the hero!

As soon as Li Xuanxuan thought about it, Shao Yao looked at her suspiciously: "How do you know?"

Li Xuanxuan tilted her head, blinked her eyes: "You are here, he is not, and—" Li Xuanxuan stretched out her hand and poked Shaoyao's hand as she spoke, "Isn't this proof?"

(End of this chapter)

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