At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 192 Transparent Man

Chapter 192 Transparent Man

Li Xuanxuan was startled when she heard this.

At this moment, an idea broke into her mind, but it was too fast. Before she could catch it, she found that the study room in front of her was opened!

And the little peony she was looking for was now facing her across the threshold!

Li Xuanxuan was stunned for a moment.

At the critical moment, Xiao Shaoyao reacted quickly. She immediately crossed the threshold and grabbed Li Xuanxuan's wrist. The wind blew under her feet, but she left the study door in an instant.

After Li Xuanxuan came to her senses, although she let Xiao Shaoyao lead her away, her head could not help but look back——

Strangely, she couldn't see anything.

The world behind them seemed to be mosaic due to their speed, leaving only a blur in front of their eyes.

So weird.

In the chaos, only a female voice's call came faintly:


Li Xuanxuan seemed to be awakened, and quickly took the little peony back with her backhand: "Panalia! What should I do about the little peony?"

When Xiao Shaoyao heard this, the corners of her mouth that were tightened and drooping slightly relaxed: "She will be fine."

Having said that, it's still not a good idea to leave Xiao Banxia behind, right?

Li Xuanxuan silently apologized to Xiao Banxia in her heart, then looked back at Xiao Shaoyao and the unfamiliar surroundings, and asked: "Where are we going?"

I don't know if it was Li Xuanxuan's illusion, but Xiao Shaoyao seemed to be in a good mood at this moment, because the corners of her lips were slightly raised: "Let's go outside to play!"

Li Xuanxuan reacted quickly this time: "Running away from home?"

When Xiao Shaoyao heard this, his whole little face was full of indifference, "Anyway, you will be punished when you go back, so you might as well have enough fun."

At this moment, Li Xuanxuan also recalled what she heard in front of the study door——

'Dad, have you ever cared about your daughter? '

So, her sister Shaoyao, her mother died young and her father did not love her since she was a child? Li Xuanxuan suddenly felt distressed.

She nodded heavily: "Okay, then we'll go back after we've had enough fun!"

After she goes back, she will talk to Xiao Shaoyao's father Xiaozhi emotionally and rationally. If the other party is stubborn, then don't blame her for being hard-fisted!

Although Li Xuanxuan did not say these words, the smart little Shaoyao could observe Li Xuanxuan's suddenly widened eyes and clenched fists...

Seeing this, Xiao Shaoyao couldn't help but chuckle.

Li Xuanxuan was confused, "What's wrong?"

In response, Xiao Shaoyao just shook her head slightly, then pointed forward and said: "We are here."

Looking along Xiao Shaoyao's finger, Li Xuanxuan saw an evening market decorated with lights and colorful lights. There was a surging flow of people underneath, and the lively noises gradually became heard.

"What is this place?"

"The shop at the foot of the mountain!"

Following Xiao Shaoyao's introduction, the appearance of this place seemed to instantly shrink into a three-dimensional map and appear in Li Xuanxuan's mind.

She 'saw'——

This place is surrounded by several high mountains. Yaowang Valley is located within the high mountains. At the foot of the mountains outside, there are scattered mountain villages. The center between the mountain villages is also located due east of the high mountains and is also a market. !

Li Xuanxuan is not very interested in the market, but Yaowang Valley...

Thinking of this, Li Xuanxuan concentrated on exploring the mountains - the tops of the mountains towered into the clouds, and whether it was rising in the morning or setting at night, the tops were always surrounded by clouds and mist.

Li Xuanxuan used some strength to pierce through.

I don't know if it was because of familiarity, but the first thing that caught Li Xuanxuan's eyes was Yaoyuan.

It was also at this point that Li Xuanxuan discovered that the medicine garden in Yaowang Valley was very large, and there were people patrolling and taking care of it day and night. As for the area she stayed in before, it seemed to be in the innermost and best area, but no one came close to it.

Thinking about it again, if you have to pass through the layers of patrols outside and the garden guarding formation, it is almost impossible to encounter someone like her who can appear quietly.

Thanks to the 'small retrospection'!

Thinking of this little guy, Li Xuanxuan also took her time to look at it——

'Little Sui Hui' is not really awake yet, but its condition has improved visibly to the naked eye. With the herbs given by Peony and Pinellia ternata, even Li Xuanxuan can see the rich vitality in its body.

Seeing that 'Xiao Suhui' was still sleeping, Li Xuanxuan looked away. Beyond the medicine field was the residence in the valley. Almost instantly, Li Xuanxuan locked onto a certain house. That was the study room she had stayed in before!

Li Xuanxuan didn't think much, she just wanted to use her 'sight' to probe in like before. However, she didn't expect that a male voice scolded her faster than her:


The moment this word fell, the three-dimensional map in Li Xuanxuan's mind instantly dissipated, and even her body couldn't help but take a step back.

"Are you okay?"

A support came from the waist behind her. The strength was a little weak, but it held her firmly.

After Li Xuanxuan took a deep breath, she replied "It's okay". At the same time, she also discovered that at some point, the two of them had come down from the air.

With my feet on the ground, the emptiness caused by my previously wandering vision dissipated.

Li Xuanxuan suppressed the distracting thoughts in her heart, calmed down, looked back at Xiao Shaoyao, and at the same time reached out to pull out the little hand behind her, holding it while moving forward: "Let's go! Take a stroll!"


Xiao Shaoyao could see something was wrong with Li Xuanxuan, but they were both here and there was no reason to back down.

This is a monthly evening market. It is more colorful and beautiful than the market during the day, and there are more delicious food and fun things. It is very lively.

After a while, the big and small were having a great time.

But what Li Xuanxuan doesn’t know is——

Just after she finished watching 'Little Suihui' and turned her attention to Yaowang Valley, 'Xiao Suihui' who had been sleeping suddenly opened her eyes!

As soon as 'Little Suhui' woke up, he immediately stood up and sniffed in the cave. After it turned around quickly, 'Little Suihui' kicked off its legs and rushed out.

It’s just a coincidence!

The moment when 'Little Suhui' left, it happened to be the moment when Li Xuanxuan was exploring the Yaowang Valley and was discovered by the owner of the Valley without leaks!

At that time, Wu Liuzi, after shouting to drive away the people who came, immediately protected the chapel where he worshiped his beloved wife. After confirming that there was no leakage, he opened the wooden door of the study.

As soon as he opened it, he immediately sensed a strange movement in the garden guarding array in the medicine garden, and immediately chased after it.

Since 'Small Backtracking' can take Li Xuanxuan to the past, how can it be able to catch up without any mistakes? However, the fact that there were no mistakes in discovering the whereabouts of the 'Small Backtracking' proves that it is extraordinary.

Because there was a flaw in the garden-protecting formation, and the place was a medicine garden within a medicine garden, Wu Liuzi, who returned without success, immediately increased the number of patrols. At the same time, he finally remembered his daughter who had run away earlier, and ordered people to look for her.

In this case, even if Banxia wanted to cover up something, he was helpless.

In the end, Xiao Shaoyao was taken back and was punished to kneel in the ancestral hall.

Xiao Banxia was very anxious and angry about this. She was combing her clothes and preparing warm clothes and food for the young lady who was locked up in the ancestral hall.

Xiao Shaoyao himself didn't care at all.

Since her mother's death, hasn't she come to this ancestral hall to kneel down as punishment? She has long since gone from being scared to being calm, and she will not really kneel down stupidly, but...

"Are not you afraid?"

Li Xuanxuan, who has always been with Xiao Shaoyao, was surprised when she heard this: "Why should I be afraid? They are not my ancestors."

Although the rows and columns of tablets are indeed a bit eye-catching at first glance.


She didn't do anything wrong! What are you afraid of? !

Li Xuanxuan's joke did not make Xiao Shaoyao feel relieved. Instead, she looked at Li Xuanxuan more seriously: "You know that's not what I'm talking about."

"Huh? What is that?"

Xiao Shaoyao did not respond to Li Xuanxuan, but looked at her intently.

Li Xuanxuan was helpless. She originally wanted to pretend to be stupid, but her sister, even when she was young, couldn't be easily fooled.

So, she could only spread her hands and sigh: "It's useless to be afraid, right? Besides, becoming a transparent person is the dream of many people!"

Yes, she became transparent.

She, Li Xuanxuan, came to this time and space in the past and became a transparent person that only Shaoyao and Banxia could see, and no one else could see her.

 It’s the last volume, so I’ll try my best to finish it before the end of the year.



(End of this chapter)

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