Chapter 2

Is this justifying her elders?
Li Xuanxuan was thinking in her heart, but she said without hesitation: "You in the past may have been the pride of heaven, but now you are not even as good as ordinary people!"

"To put it bluntly, he is an incompetent person who can only rely on his family and others! He is even a waste who can't even stand up!"

"How can you be worthy of me like this?!"

It's quite cruel to the male lead!
However, she is the original owner now, and the 'Li Xuanxuan' in the eyes of others is also her. Since she has accepted the original owner's body, she should also bear the cause and effect together.

After adjusting her attitude, Li Xuanxuan looked directly at Xie Shixun for the first time.

Compared with his perfect side face brought by his clear bone lines, Xie Shixun's frontal face is also exquisite and flawless. Among them, the prominent brow and nasal bones, together with thick eyebrows and deep eyes, can be described as sword eyebrows and star eyes.

In this way, after listening to Li Xuanxuan's humiliating words, although he didn't show it on his face, there was already a bit of displeasure between his brows and eyes.

Not to mention the anger on the faces of the two servants beside him.

Li Xuanxuan sighed secretly.

But in the next moment, she still looked at Xie Shixun squarely and said, "I think you know the gap between us, so—"

"Let's break off the engagement!"

Facing Li Xuanxuan, Xie Shixun was no longer so indifferent.

He didn't say anything else, just stared at Li Xuanxuan, and asked bluntly: "You just think that I will never be able to stand up in the future?"

Li Xuanxuan's eyelashes moved slightly, and although she paused for a moment, she still replied coldly: "That's right!"

Xie Shixun looked at her for a while, then lowered his eyes:
"it is good."

"That's as you wish."

"Hope, you won't regret it in the future."

Xie Shixun said the last sentence in such a low voice that no one else could hear him at all, let alone Li Xuanxuan whose mind system was already throwing flowers.

[Congratulations to the host for completing 90% of the mission! 】

[In order to successfully complete the task, please speak your lines as soon as possible: If you can stand up, I, Li Xuanxuan, will be a slave and a servant, and you have the final say! 】

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

This line is really indescribable.

It's just that this is obviously related to another task, and I have to say it again.

Li Xuanxuan is still struggling, but Xie Shixun has already taken out a small rectangular wooden box from his sleeve:
"Since the engagement is to be terminated, the two parties should return each other's token."

Xie Shixun pulled the wooden box away as he spoke, revealing a transparent and emerald green jade hairpin inside:

"This is the jade cicada hairpin from your residence."

"Please return Xie's orchid jade pendant."

Ever since Li Xuanxuan saw the jade hairpin in the wooden box, she couldn't take her eyes off—aside from being beautiful, is it also a little bit familiar?

Xie Shixun raised his eyes and looked at Li Xuanxuan. Although he stopped talking, his urging intention was still slightly obvious, but Li Xuanxuan's eyes were glued to Yuhan.

Li Guangping, who was sitting on the main seat, coughed a few times when he saw this.

Li Xuanxuan recovered from this, and then thought of Xie Shixun's words, she couldn't help blinking, and then looked at Li Guangping.

Li Guangping reached into his sleeve uncomfortably, took out a small square box, and handed it to Li Xuanxuan.

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

The co-authored engagement token is not in her body?
After taking the small box, Li Xuanxuan went straight to Xie Shixun, handed it over with one hand, and when he was about to pick up the jade hairpin with the other hand, Xie Shixun shrank his hand back.

Li Xuanxuan was puzzled, but when he saw his gaze resting on the small box, and after a little cushioning of his head, he immediately understood what he meant:
Some speechless but some reasonable.

So, she opened the small box, and then turned to Xie Shixun.

Xie Shixun looked at the jade pendant, but did not move for a while.

Li Xuanxuan stuffed the small box directly to the other party, and then impatiently took the Yuzan box.

Because of Li Xuanxuan's rude movements, her hand touched Xie Shixun inadvertently. At that moment, Xie Shixun's eyebrows moved slightly, and a stream of light flashed across his eyes.

At this moment, his whole body was like a cold spring.

Just the next second, there was surprise in his eyes, because Li Xuanxuan's voice suddenly sounded in his mind:

"The hairpin is beautiful!"

The sound was not loud, and it was fleeting, as if it were an auditory hallucination.

But Xie Shixun clearly did not see Li Xuanxuan speak.

Li Xuanxuan didn't notice Xie Shixun's strange behavior, but all her attention was on the hairpin.

Looking at this jade hairpin from a close distance, not to mention the transparency of the hairpin body, the jade cicada on the head of the hairpin is even more lifelike. The whole hairpin has smooth lines and looks simple, but the details are exquisite everywhere.

Just when Li Xuanxuan fell in love with her more and more, Li Guangping behind her was coughing again.

Li Xuanxuan didn't turn her head away, pretending to be confused, she put away the jade hairpin directly.

Xie Shixun on the other side, after looking at the jade pendant, also put it back into his sleeve meticulously, then called the servant behind him, turned around and left with a wheelchair.

At this moment, Li Guangping couldn't care about Xie Shixun anymore, he stood up: "Xuanxuan—"

Li Xuanxuan tilted her head and gave him a bright smile: "Xuanxuan understands, don't worry, uncle!"

Li Guangping: "???"

What does she understand?What is he worried about?
Before Li Guangping could think again, Li Xuanxuan had already called Xie Shixun to stop and chased after him.

It's probably a first-time stranger and second-time acquaintance, Li Xuanxuan stood still this time, and she already skillfully put on the appearance of a spoiled young lady:
"Xie Shixun, you are not irresponsible for retiring the engagement!"

"I'm also putting my words here today: If you can stand up, I, Li Xuanxuan, will be a slave and a handmaid, and it's all up to you!"

Xie Shixun couldn't help snorting when he heard the words.

When Li Xuanxuan heard Xie Shixun's cold snort, she crossed her arms in front of her body and let out a "hum" unconvinced.

It's just bragging rights, who wouldn't?

Anyway, she only had such a chance, so naturally she won't be left behind.

Xie Shixun looked cold and serious: "Then Miss Li must remember what she said!"

"Li Xuanxuan!"

Li Guangping hurriedly followed and scolded.

Li Xuanxuan's heart skipped a beat, and she took the opportunity to stamp her feet, and after pretending to call "Uncle", she turned around and ran away.

Li Guangping was about to chase after him, but Xie Shixun turned his wheelchair to block him.

"What's the meaning of Xie nephew?"

Xie Shixun had a half-smile on his face: "Patriarch Li, good trick."

When Li Guangping saw Xie Shixun's appearance, he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable:
"What is nephew Xie talking about? Mr. Li can't understand."

Xie Shixun chuckled, "It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not, but Patriarch Li must remember that she is my future maid for Xie Shixun."

Li Guangping's face suddenly turned ugly.

Xie Shixun didn't care, and turned the wheelchair directly, but before leaving, "Oh, that's right," he tilted his head and said, "Now you and my family have nothing to do with each other, please don't call yourself a family friend anymore. .”


 Seeking investment, asking for collection, asking for recommendation tickets~~

(End of this chapter)

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