Chapter 28

Li Xuanxuan replied immediately: "What is the oath my sister just said?"

When Shao Yao heard it, her soul and body froze, she would have known better if she didn't make a sound.

"Uh, there's just something..."

"Can I help my sister?"

Shao Yao saw that Li Xuanxuan was looking at her intently, and when the two looked at each other at close range, she could even see Li Xuanxuan's luster hidden deep in the pupils of her eyes, which was quite shocking.

But she quickly averted her eyes.

"It's not a big deal, anyway, Fellow Daoist Xie has already agreed, don't bother the two masters, Xuanxuan, you don't have to worry about it."

When Li Xuanxuan heard this, her eyes drooped slightly.

Xie Shixun once said that those who control the environment must have something to ask for.

Shaoyao set up the secret environment to find someone who can get the Vein-Shaping Grass, but Li Xuanxuan always felt a little weird. Apart from this, she suddenly thought:
What about Xie Shixun?
Xie Shixun set up the environment in the environment, so he is also the controller of the environment, so what does he want?
Seeing Li Xuanxuan's pensive look again, Shao Yao couldn't help but ask, "What? Worried about him?"

Li Xuanxuan felt that the system didn't know everything about it after the Vein Grass incident, so she nodded: "Does my sister know what's wrong with his body?"

Speaking of Xie Shixun, even Shao Yao, who was born in Yaowang Valley, couldn't help but click her tongue.

He must have suffered serious internal and external injuries before, and he was also poisoned by various types of poisons. He was able to survive at that time, presumably because he had a very precious medicine to hang him.

But the poison on his body is indeed very troublesome, Shao Yao can probably tell that he should have forced all the poison to his legs, and then healed the internal and external injuries.

It's just that this time dragged on for a long time, so that the toxin was seriously eroded, so he took the risk...

"Then if there is Vein Grass, will his success rate be higher?"

Shao Yao thought for a while before nodding: "It should be." After she finished speaking, her voice changed again: "But!" Shao Yao walked forward while talking, and she stretched out her index finger to poke Li Xuanxuan's forehead :
"You are not allowed to think too much!"

"Even if he needs Xie Shixun again, he will never use it again, because the person recognized by Vein Plastic Grass is you!"

Li Xuanxuan then raised her hand and touched the place where her forehead was poked. It was cold and inexplicably comfortable, and even her mind became sober because of the coldness.

She raised her smiling face and said to Shaoyao, "Okay, don't think too much."

At this moment, Shao Yao saw that the beautiful color that Li Xuanxuan had only hidden deep in her eyes seemed to bloom in an instant, and even her little face like a goose egg became bright | charming | charming | attractive.

This made her suddenly silent.

Seeing this, Li Xuanxuan couldn't help tilting her head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Shao Yao came back to her senses and quickly shook her head, "It's all right, oh yes, aren't you promoted to Foundation Establishment now? How do you feel? Did he tell you the basic knowledge of cultivating immortals before? Did he give you exercises? "

Li Xuanxuan shook her head one by one.

Peony: "..."

Now, Li Xuanxuan knew Shao Yao a little bit, so before she could say anything again, she replied, "You appeared not long after I woke up."

Shao Yao shook her head, then took Li Xuanxuan to sit on a stone platform and talked:

"A cultivator cultivates the body, so that he can constantly train himself, discover himself, and break through himself, so as to compete with the sky."

"But if it's just about self-cultivation, you won't be able to go far after all. Therefore, those who cultivate immortals need to cultivate their minds and cultivate the world."

"The former can be taught and led by others, but the latter two can only be relied on by oneself."

After Shaoyao finished speaking, seeing Li Xuanxuan staring at her with burning eyes, she couldn't help but chuckled and explained: "These words were all told by my father to me when I was young, when I started to practice..."

In fact, it was a long time ago, but for some reason, when she thinks about it now, the scene in her memory is still so clear.

Li Xuanxuan remembered what she said in the secret realm, "I will not regret it", but now seeing the look of nostalgia on her face, she still asked softly: "Sister, do you want to go back to the Valley of the Medicine King?"

Shao Yao was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I won't come back."

From the moment she left that year, she could never go back.

Shao Yao cut off her thoughts, and turned to say: "I can't give you the cultivation method of Yaowanggu, one is not necessarily suitable, and the other is to avoid causing trouble to you."

Li Xuanxuan understands and understands this very well.

"But you can wait for him to come out and see if you can use the exercises left by the true immortal! That's definitely a treasure!"

Li Xuanxuan shook her head: "That's not good."

"What's wrong? You are his fiancee!"

Li Xuanxuan was a little embarrassed: "We have already divorced, and even if we haven't divorced, he has no obligation to give me anything."

This is the reason, but Shaoyao felt that if Li Xuanxuan asked, Xie Shixun might really give it to her!

One is his performance in the secret environment:
Xie Shixun could clearly devour her secret realm, but he still transferred Li Xuanxuan into his immigrant in the form of the realm, so that she would no longer be able to control Li Xuanxuan in the secret realm.

This is what he calls "the need for absolute answers".

Second, he swore without hesitation:

Although in the end, her request became dispensable because of the environment, but since the illusion technique started, Li Xuanxuan also got the result. If she did not complete the request when weaving the secret environment, then there may be cause and effect left Hidden danger.

That's why he took what he asked for.

But Li Xuanxuan didn't know about these two items, and judging by Xie Shixun's words and deeds, it seemed that she didn't intend to let her know either.

Shao Yao knew everything, but she had no intention of telling Li Xuanxuan.

She can't trust any man in the world.

It's just that although she is like this, she never thought of letting Li Xuanxuan be like her: "Sister Xuanxuan, what you said is very good, but I don't want you to take it for nothing with him, you can exchange things with him, Or buy it!"

After hearing this, Li Xuanxuan remembered the [-] high-grade spirit stones she had just owed!That's it, the debts are piled up, how dare you add new debts?
While the two were talking, Li Xuanxuan also asked 717 in her heart: "Is there a points system in the system?"Is there a mall?Is there a way to exchange exercises or spirit stones? '

It's a pity that there is nothing in this garbage system!

Shao Yao quickly said: "Although I can't give you the exercises, I can still teach you how to move around the sky."

"This week is divided into big week and small week..." Shaoyao said as she took Li Xuanxuan's hand and demonstrated it herself.

Entering another person's body with spiritual power, if the two people don't fully trust each other, and the controller can't walk around finely, both parties are prone to accidents.

Especially peony is the soul body.

But Li Xuanxuan is different this time, she has just eaten the Vein Vein Grass, and the Vein Vein Grass has the smell of pinellia, at this time, Li Xuanxuan will not reject peony, nor need to be afraid of the soul body.

What's more, it's just a tiny trace of spiritual power wandering around the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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