At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 30 Thank You, Friends

Chapter 30 Thank You, Friends

Li Xuanxuan narrowed her eyes when she heard the words: "System? '

Isn't 717 itself a system?
Could it be that……

There was a moment of silence in Li Xuanxuan's mind, and then 717 explained: 【It's the main system. 】

Li Xuanxuan: 'Oh. '

717: […]

On the other side, after the two sounds, the cave fell into silence again, but when Li Xuanxuan communicated with 717, the magic circle at the entrance of the cave gradually dissipated.

After Shao Yao glanced at Li Xuanxuan, she walked in first.

Li Xuanxuan followed closely behind, and asked 717 in her heart: "What's the situation with Xie Shixun now?" '

[Resigning from the old and welcoming the new is the stage of adaptation. 】

Li Xuanxuan froze when she heard this.

God...what's saying goodbye to the old and welcome in the new? !If you don't know how to use four-character words, don't use them indiscriminately, okay?

Li Xuanxuan had just complained about the system, and was about to find Xie Shixun when she first smelled the smell of blood permeating the cave.

Very heavy bloody smell.

Her eyes moved quickly, and soon she found Xie Shixun who was still sitting in a wheelchair in the corner.

Different from the white clothes when we first met, Xie Shixun was dressed in black clothes this time, and his hair was still simply tied up, but it was different from the previous appearance that seemed to be shining because of his temperament, this time he was because of an extremely pale face. And striking.

Xie Shixun saw Li Xuanxuan looking at him with an unclear expression, and after thinking for a while, a talisman was thrown out by him.

Just like last time, the talisman paper set itself on fire without fire, and a light breeze blew away the smell in the room.

Shao Yao paused for checking his legs, and after giving him a blank look, she murmured softly: "Scheming man!"

Obviously, they could have removed them before they came in, but they had to wait for her sister to find out before doing so!
Xie Shixun seemed to have never heard of it.

Li Xuanxuan stepped forward and asked with concern: "How is it?"

Shao Yao angrily patted Xie Shixun's knee with the silk, "Don't worry, it's alright!"

After Shao Yao finished speaking, she stood up, and as soon as she turned her head, she saw Li Xuanxuan's eyes widened, and there seemed to be disbelief in her eyes.

Seeing this, Shaoyao immediately stopped in her heart, "Don't worry, it won't break!"

Li Xuanxuan was a little relieved when she heard that, after all, this was closely related to her mission!

Li Xuanxuan subconsciously took a step closer to Xie Shixun——

【Host! 】

[717 recommends that you don't get too close to the hero! 】

'Know. '

'Getting close will affect the connection! '

While Li Xuanxuan answered 717 in her heart, she looked at Xie Shixun and asked again: "How do you feel?"

Xie Shixun looked up at Li Xuanxuan without saying a word.

Just when Li Xuanxuan was wondering if she was disheveled or dirty, Xie Shixun slowly moved her feet away from the wheelchair's footsteps, slowly put them on the ground, and then supported the handles of the wheelchair with both hands , stood up slowly.

This process was very slow, but Li Xuanxuan was standing right in front of Xie Shixun at this moment. Seeing him like this, she couldn't help but hold her breath and couldn't take her eyes off her.

No matter how slow the movement is, there is a time when it is finished.

Xie Shixun stood up quickly, seeing that his hands were about to let go of the handle of the wheelchair, the corners of Li Xuanxuan's lips could not help but move——

Loosen, let go!
Li Xuanxuan's eyes lit up, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. When she was about to see Xie Shixun, she saw him leaning forward!
Li Xuanxuan: "!!!"

Without any hesitation, Li Xuanxuan rushed over, grabbed Xie Shixun's arms in an instant, and held him tightly.

However, Xie Shixun's entire head rested on Li Xuanxuan's shoulder due to inertia, and his black hair was also thrown in front of him due to violent movements, which happened to half cover his face at this moment.

Smelling the familiar but long-lost fragrance, Xie Shixun's eyes slightly curved.

But the next moment, he unknowingly grabbed the left hand of Li Xuanxuan's arm, but brought him a female voice:
"Beauty, is the beauty in your arms?"

Xie Shixun: "..."

Xie Shixun's body moved slightly, indicating his struggle, and since Li Xuanxuan met Xie Shixun, the voice of "Zi-Zi-" has been in her mind, and this Xie Shixun's movement also made her calm down and quickly grabbed Xie Shixun sat back in the wheelchair.

This action is somewhat indecent, I don't know if the two parties are embarrassed or not, but Shaoyao is on the side, anyway, they are quite happy to watch.

"You said you, what can you do before you recover? Could it be that you want to deliberately take advantage of our Xuanxuan?"

Xie Shixun didn't listen to these words, but looked up at Li Xuanxuan, and said softly, "That's it."

Peony: "!!!"

After Li Xuanxuan let go of Xie Shixun, the ear-piercing electric sound in her mind disappeared, but she still couldn't get in touch with 717. Just as she was thinking about whether to take a few steps back, she suddenly heard Xie Shixun's words and couldn't help but tilt her head, "Hey "A cry.

Xie Shixun's face remained unchanged, and his tone was as stable as ever: "Didn't you ask how I am? As you can see."

Meaning, show her, can stand but not steady?

Shaoyao heard the words, couldn't help scolding Xie Shi training the dog man in her heart, she said only a few words, but why did she want to fix this?Isn't it just because her sister is kind-hearted!
After hearing this, Li Xuanxuan didn't think much about it. She only focused on the injury of Xie Shixun's legs the whole time, so that means, Xie Shixun is now recovering?

So she nodded after hearing this, and said solemnly: "Then you have to practice hard in the future, and strive to be able to walk as soon as possible!"

I heard that the rehabilitation process is painful and boring, but it doesn't matter, she will definitely supervise him and let him complete the progress quickly so that her task can be completed... No, it is more important to restore health.

Xie Shixun put on a gentle smile on his face and nodded slightly at her.

Shao Yao was dumbfounded: This is also okay?
After shaking her head, Shao Yao decided to find Xie Shixun's 'trouble'. She looked around and saw that her stone bed, stone table, and stone chair had all been turned into gravel, and there were some shelves, sundries, etc. Being pushed to the ground, he couldn't help but snorted coldly:
"My surname is Xie, are you tearing down my cave or destroying my cave?"

No matter which one it is, Xie Shixun is ready to admit it: "Miss Shaoyao can calculate the cost, and Xie will double the compensation."

Shao Yao stretched out her index finger and shook it: "I am a soul body, what do I need those external things for?"

Could it be that the original is not a foreign object?

Xie Shixun's expression faded, but he still continued, "Then what does Miss Shaoyao want?"

Shao Yao clapped her hands: "Simple!"

She pointed out, "You promised to help me repair this enchantment before, and now I want you to add another magic circle on this basis!"

Xie Shixun's expression didn't change, he still said calmly: "That's because your request has not been realized, and it's just to help you, Xie is now—"

Before Xie Shixun could finish speaking, Shao Yao shook her head to interrupt him, and jokingly said:
"How long will Fellow Daoist Xie hide his clumsiness?"

"Haven't you recovered?"

(End of this chapter)

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