At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 32 Rebirth Spell

Chapter 32 Rebirth Spell
Today's weather seems to be not very good, the sky is dark and gloomy, and the bottom of Duantou Cliff has not grown a blade of grass all year round. This kind of sky and earth, in such a parting day, adds a bit of depression for no reason.

At this time, Li Xuanxuan, who was wearing a double-breasted skirt, came out of the dark cave slowly. The red upper jacket was paired with a water green and ivory white lower skirt. Such a fresh and bright color, the moment she appeared, It is undoubtedly eye-catching.

But more than the outer clothing, it is the person who wears it that attracts the most attention.

Even though Li Xuanxuan had a plain face, she was still not overwhelmed by the color of the clothes on her body. On the contrary, her skin was fair and delicate, and her small face like an oval egg looked like beautiful jade.

Shaoyao had seen the beautiful color in the depths of Li Xuanxuan's eyes at close range, but recently, whether because of her practice, her eyes became more sparkling, but clean and clear, with long eyelashes, it is even more fascinating .

Shao Yao looked satisfied, she came out first and waited for nothing.

Li Xuanxuan resisted the feeling of awkwardness, reluctantly walked up to Shaoyao in a dignified manner, and shouted a little helplessly:
"elder sister?"

Shao Yao responded with a smile, and raised her hand to gently caress Li Xuanxuan's bun.

She is also a young lady, and she has been used to being taken care of by her since she was a child, let alone having a pinellia by her side.

She also learned this bun after leaving the valley.

It's a pity that she only knows one type. If Banxia was here, she would definitely be able to give Li Xuanxuan a more complicated and beautiful bun.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

Li Xuanxuan asked again, followed by stroking her hair, and asked a little uneasily, "Is it strange?"

Shao Yao shook her head, smiled and withdrew her hand, "It's beautiful!"

"Really?" Li Xuanxuan wanted to believe it, but also couldn't believe it.

Upon hearing this, Shao Yao looked at Xie Shixun on the other side: "Then why don't you ask Fellow Daoist Xie what you think?"

Li Xuanxuan followed and looked over——

Xie Shixun doesn't seem like a liar.

Xie Shixun saw the burning gazes of the two fell on him, but he still looked back calmly, and even sized Li Xuanxuan carefully.

On the contrary, Li Xuanxuan stood there, feeling a little embarrassed.

And just when she couldn't bear it and wanted to give up, Xie Shixun commented seriously: "It's good for the eyes, but it's not good for you."

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

Peony: "..."

There was a moment of silence on the field, but Xie Shixun didn't notice it, and even asked ashamedly, "Did Xie make a mistake?"

Li Xuanxuan quickly waved her hands: "No, no."

Shao Yao shook her head, "It's hopeless!" After speaking, she turned around and headed for the exit at the bottom of the cliff.

Seeing that Xie Shixun was still looking at her, Li Xuanxuan couldn't help laughing, then raised her skirt to follow.

Xie Shixun waited for Li Xuanxuan to pass by, then lowered his eyes and hooked his lips, but soon he restrained his expression, then turned the wheelchair and caught up with the person in front:
"Li Xuanxuan."

Li Xuanxuan slowed down, and when she was about to turn her head to look at Xie Shixun, she saw the wheelchair under him first.

After the system releases the task of modifying the plot, it does not give no hints at all.

According to 717, in this world, immortals and mortals live in different regions, and the place between the two is commonly known as the gray zone.

There, there is a mortal doctor known as 'Sai Yao Xian', who is best at treating such non-celestial and non-human patients.

What a non-immortal and non-human!
All in all, Li Xuanxuan had to bring Xie Shixun to the 'Sai Yao Xian' for medical treatment in order to complete this task.

It's just that a few days have passed, and Li Xuanxuan hasn't found the right words and the right time to talk about it. If she doesn't say it before leaving the bottom of the cliff, it will be even more difficult later on.

Xie Shixun was very puzzled by Li Xuanxuan's behavior of looking at her wheelchair all the time, but he didn't say much, just asked softly:
"You want to do something for her, don't you?"


Li Xuanxuan's gaze moved up, and seeing that Xie Shixun did not refute, she was stunned for a moment, then nodded frequently, and exclaimed in her heart again and again:

Could it be that he is going to do it himself?
According to the original plot, Shaoyao did leave with Xie Shixun, so did the male protagonist need to speak in person to achieve this?
But it doesn't matter, as long as we can leave together first, we can make plans for other beautiful girls!
When Li Xuanxuan was excited, she suddenly heard Xie Shixun say: "I can teach you the mantra of rebirth."


"Reborn curse."

Xie Shixun repeated it once, then stopped the wheelchair and turned to look at another place.

There are many skeletons at the foot of Duantou Cliff, but they do not fall all over the bottom of the cliff. Most of them are in the corresponding places on the same cliff.

Although none of these bones were caused by peony, they are obviously not normal birth, old age, sickness and death. With such a large number, they have been piled up at the bottom of the cliff for a long time, and I am afraid that they will give birth to resentment.

Li Xuanxuan has just stepped into the road of cultivating immortals, and has not yet felt it, but Xie Shixun can see clearly that this kind of resentment may affect cultivators, let alone the peony of the soul and body.

Li Xuanxuan looked at the place full of bones, she couldn't help raising her hand, looking at her palm, she can still recall the touch when she accidentally touched it before entering the secret realm...

"Will they disappear after reciting the mantra to them?"

"They? Bones?"

Li Xuanxuan nodded.

Xie Shixun also nodded, "Yes."

Seeing this, Li Xuanxuan nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll read it to them, and I will read it to them very sincerely!"

Xie Shixun was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, although it doesn't matter and there is no additional effect, but still... "Okay."

'The Curse of Rebirth' was even more difficult to read than Li Xuanxuan imagined. Xie Shixun took her to read it three times before she managed to memorize it completely.

Once the 'Rebirth Mantra' starts, it needs to be recited seven or seven times 49 times before it ends, and there should be no interruption or lag in the middle.

Li Xuanxuan meditated in her heart for a long time, and after confirming that she had memorized it correctly, she clasped her hands in front of her body, closed her eyes lightly, and began to chant the mantra like a whisper.

Shao Yao had almost reached the exit, but later realized that the two of them hadn't followed. When she came back, her silly younger sister had already memorized the 'Curse of Rebirth'.

It's nothing to repeat the 'Rebirth Curse' once or twice, but with the superimposition of the 'Rebirth Curse', the power will increase, and the caster will also enter a state of complete concentration. During this process, if there is a slight carelessness , is also extremely prone to accidents.

What Shaoyao didn't expect was that Li Xuanxuan entered the state faster than ordinary cultivators.

Seven times and 49 times of the "Rebirth Mantra" took time, whether it was long or short, but Shaoyao listened to it with her breath holding her breath.

Seeing that the 'Rebirth Curse' finally stopped, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at Xie Shixun angrily:

"Are you willing to let her do such a thing?!"

(End of this chapter)

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