At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 5 Falling off a cliff

Chapter 5 Falling off a cliff

Without waiting for Li Xuanxuan to think again, Li Sisi has already started, trying to search Li Xuanxuan's body!
This would not be a good time, but Li Xuanxuan couldn't help it, so she could only pull her hands out of the rope, and quickly tied Li Sisi up.

Li Sisi opened her eyes wide in shock.

She never expected that Li Xuanxuan could untie the rope in an instant and tie her up!

Could it be that……? !

Li Sisi was so surprised that he only opened his mouth, but forgot to make a sound, but the guards of the Qin family beside him were not pillars!
But when they stepped forward, Li Xuanxuan had already bent down to pick up the medicine bottle that had fallen on the ground.

At this moment, she didn't care about the effect of those medicines, she just closed her eyes, held her breath, opened them all at once, and sprinkled them on the person rushing towards her!

After spilling, while running, on the other hand, she still didn't forget to throw the bottle at the person who wanted to chase her.

Run now!
This was the only thought in Li Xuanxuan's mind, she wanted to run towards Xiaya Road wholeheartedly.

Those medicine bottles from the original owner were given by Xie Shixun in the past.

Immortal cultivator's medicine is naturally the best, even if you don't look back, you can get a glimpse of the painful cries from behind.

However, in the next moment, there was a "huh" sound of wind, and a powerful gust of wind suddenly came towards him, sweeping Li Xuanxuan up and blowing him all the way to the edge of the cliff!

Li Xuanxuan's hands gripped the ground tightly, not daring to relax at all!
Because she could feel that her feet seemed to be suspended in the air!
A cultivator? !
How could there be immortal cultivators in Qinghe City? !

When Li Xuanxuan was forced to retreat, it wasn't that she didn't observe the others, she was the only one on the field who was controlled by the strange wind, if it wasn't the cultivator who made it up, who could it be?
Seeing Li Xuanxuan's embarrassed appearance, Qin Chao couldn't help laughing.

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster!" Qin Chao turned to Xie Shixun and laughed, "It seems that your little wife doesn't care about you!"

Xie Shixun did not respond.

But Li Xuanxuan didn't pay any attention, she was hurrying to climb forward, and when she was far away from the edge of the cliff, she quickly stood up, took two steps outside, and then stopped.

It's not that she doesn't want to continue, but that going forward, it's Qin Chao and the others.

Seeing her like this, Qin Chao was about to say a few more words when suddenly a low, hoarse, and dignified voice came from behind:

"Hand over the jade pendant and hairpin, and spare your lives!"

Li Xuanxuan looked at the luxurious carriage in the distance, thinking that the cultivator was hiding there.

Just when Li Xuanxuan didn't know what to do, Xie Shixun next to her suddenly said:

"Hanzi, is it still there?"

Li Xuanxuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Give it to me and I'll take you away."

Li Xuanxuan froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "Xie Shixun, do you think I'm stupid?"

Xie Shixun: "..."

If you don't speak, that's the default.

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help but wanted to snort coldly, but she held back and asked, "Where's the jade pendant? Is it still on you?"

This time, Xie Shixun nodded.

While the two were talking, Qin Chao also waved his hand, and the twenty or so guards of the Qin family behind him immediately pulled out their swords, and while holding them up, surrounded and suppressed the two people on the edge of the cliff.

Seeing that the guards had come to him, Qin Chao became more confident, and said loudly, "You two! If you are sensible, hand over your things quickly!"

"Otherwise, we will forcefully search!"

Li Xuanxuan was curious, "Aren't you afraid of us jumping off? Will someone die?"

After Qin Chao heard this, he burst out laughing again, "What a joke! Since we dare to bring you up here, we are naturally not afraid!"

As if to verify what he said, a gust of wind suddenly blew from behind Li Xuanxuan. The wind was not as strong as before, but it still made her lean forward.

Li Xuanxuan's expression froze immediately.

'717, I remember you said, the male lead's cheats for falling off a cliff and not dying? '

【Yes. 】

Li Xuanxuan turned her head to look at Xie Shixun, and found that not only was he in a wheelchair, but his hands were also bound, but his feet escaped unharmed.

Sensing Li Xuanxuan's gaze, Xie Shixun raised his eyes and looked back at her. Although he didn't make a sound, his expression seemed to make her consider what he said earlier.

Li Xuanxuan raised one corner of her mouth: "I don't need you to help me."

"I'll help you!"

As Li Xuanxuan's voice fell, everything after that seemed to be slowed down.

I saw the elegantly dressed woman suddenly spun towards the edge of the cliff, but within two laps, she was already close, and in the next lap, the two thick ropes broke silently!

Like a moth to a flame, she threw herself into the arms of the person who was sitting in a wheelchair, who seemed to be an immortal.

The hem of their clothes fluttered in the wind.

Suddenly there was a "crack" sound, and the two of them, together with the wheelchair, went back together——

fell down!
Everyone was shocked and moved forward subconsciously.

At this moment, something was thrown up, and under the light, it was extremely transparent.

Someone saw it and said pleasantly: "Is that a jade pendant?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help raising their heads, and gathered towards the place where the object was about to fall...


It was the low and hoarse voice from before!

In the next moment, a group of guards, together with Qin Chao, were all blown back to the carriage by a gust of wind. Everyone was disoriented, and there was a burst of wailing.

Especially Qin Chao, who cursed even more!

Because Li Sisi was tied up, she had been staying by the carriage, so when the voice appeared again, she immediately turned her head to look——

I saw a person standing out from the luxury carriage. This person was wearing a gray Taoist robe, with white hair on his head, but his face was as smooth and unmarked as a boy's!

Li Sisi froze suddenly.

Although the man didn't look at her, Li Sisi could feel that he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye!Just one glance gave her the feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake.

Fortunately, his attention is not here.

Li Sisi suppressed the fear in his heart, and followed the other party's line of sight:
Is it the original suspected jade pendant?

Just, is it glowing?
Before Li Sisi could think again, the object started to fall due to the wind, and when it touched the ground——


A loud bang!
The people were not affected because they were blown away by the strong wind, but the heat wave of the explosion still swept towards them.

Everyone backed away in a panic.

The white-haired boy still stood motionless in front of the carriage, then he looked at Qin Chao, and reprimanded in a low voice:

"Idiot! This time I can see clearly!"

Qin Chao looked back when he heard the sound, his eyes touched the white-haired boy, he shrank his neck involuntarily, and dared not say a word.

The white-haired boy quickly looked towards the cliff again.

His line of sight seemed to fall on the big crater that appeared due to the explosion, or it seemed to fall on the space outside the cliff.

Soon, everyone heard him scold angrily:
"Damn Shuzi!"

"Take me to the bottom of the cliff to search!"

"In life you have to see people, in death you have to see corpses!"

(End of this chapter)

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