At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 54 The Left Hand

Chapter 54 The Left Hand

Naturally, Li Xuanxuan wouldn't be so stupid as to wait for Qin Changsheng to hit her. Besides, Shaoyao's blow bought her some time, and she had already distanced herself from Qin Changsheng.

It's just that ignorantly running away is not the solution after all.

Li Xuanxuan's brain turned rapidly.

In the dungeon before, Qin Changsheng, who was still a human being, still aimed at Shaoyao, but after turning into a monster, Qin Changsheng was only obsessed with himself.

Then, it is possible that he made a mistake, or... it is possible that he was loyal to his instinct!
If it's the former, then it doesn't matter, but if it's the latter, what is there on her that is worth coveting?
Li Xuanxuan thought of it: Jade Chan hairpin!
She still remembered that before going down to the dungeon, Qin Changsheng asked her, "Are you with the jade pendant and the hairpin?" 'Including the very beginning, she was kidnapped because Qin Changsheng wanted jade pendants and hairpins!
The footsteps behind him are getting closer and closer, and if they continue to move forward, it will be a matter of time before they are caught up...

There was a thick tree in front of her eyes, Li Xuanxuan used it to turn around, and when she ran back, her right hand was already holding the jade cicada hairpin!

Now that he has decided to make a move, it is natural to hit the vital point directly.

Li Xuanxuan's goal is the neck.

This is where it is most vulnerable.

But to his surprise, as soon as Qin Changsheng caught sight of Li Xuanxuan, he immediately stretched out his hands.

I don't know if it was Li Xuanxuan's illusion, but she felt that Qin Changsheng's arms were stretched out, as if they were very long!

In this way, it will be difficult for her to get close.

Li Xuanxuan and Qin Changsheng were not slow to each other, but after a few breaths, the two met again.At that moment, Li Xuanxuan inserted the hairpin into Qin Changsheng's arm without hesitation.

She had cut the thick rope with a hairpin on Duantou Cliff that day, so the hairpin should be very sharp.


The contact between the hairpin and the arm made such a crisp sound? !
Is this still a human hand?Iron arm is about the same? !

The jade cicada hairpin couldn't pierce Qin Changsheng's arm, but when Qin Changsheng came to his senses, he swung his arm sideways and wanted to grab Li Xuanxuan back.

Fortunately, when Li Xuanxuan heard the voice, she made a quick decision, pulled out the hairpin with one hand, put Qin Changsheng's hand on the other, and used it to rotate her body, and stabbed the hairpin towards the back of Qin Changsheng's neck in mid-air.

She wants to try again!
Although Li Xuanxuan thought so, she was still prepared to hear "铛" again, but she didn't expect that the hairpin would pierce it easily!

How easy is it?
Li Xuanxuan's hand was originally grasping the middle half of the hairpin, and with this stab, the bottom of her clenched palm directly touched Qin Changsheng's neck!

Although the neck was successfully pierced, Li Xuanxuan had a bad premonition in her heart!
"Xuanxuan! Be careful!"

Li Xuanxuan followed her intuition and looked to the left, just in time to see Qin Changsheng's left hand, turned back 180 degrees, and grabbed her!
Li Xuanxuan pulled out the hairpin subconsciously, and used it against Qin Changsheng's palm!
The next moment, there was another small and crisp "clang!"

A white light flashed in Li Xuanxuan's mind, while she was going to 'catch' the white light, she began to back away, just in time Shao Yao also rushed over.

This time, Shao Yao's attack landed on Qin Changsheng's right hand and directly tore it off!

Qin Changsheng wailed again.

At this moment, Qin Changsheng, not to mention losing an arm, has a hole the size of a fist on his chest, and a wound half the width of a finger on his neck. Half of his body is bleeding, and his clothes are torn, making him look very embarrassed. , and seemed to die at any moment.

But Shaoyao knows, no!
Not only that, but her complexion was also very ugly.

The blow just now, it can be said that she went all out, but was dodged by Qin Changsheng, and only took away the opponent's arm...

I'm afraid this battle is dangerous!

With a stern expression, Shao Yao stopped Qin Changsheng who wanted to chase Li Xuanxuan again, and the two fought again.

Li Xuanxuan, who was not far away, stopped her retreating figure, raised her head again, but stared closely at Qin Changsheng, and then shouted to remind Shaoyao:

"Left hand! Sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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