At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 58 The Wind Rises

Chapter 58 The Wind Rises

The long dark night finally ushered in the dawn.

Li Xuanxuan looked at the ruins around her, but thought of another thing: "Will the Rebirth Curse work for her?"

The reincarnation curse is only useful to mortals.

The soul body itself has jumped out of reincarnation, and now that the soul body disappears, it also means that the soul is gone.

Xie Shixun raised his eyes and looked at Li Xuanxuan who had already stood up, his eyes slowly lowered, "You can try it."

Seeing this, Li Xuanxuan felt disappointed again.

But this time, she quickly came to her senses: it doesn't matter, just like those puppets, she just needs to read it enough times.

Whether it worked or not, she had to do something.

It was interrupted by the monster Qin Changsheng earlier, so Li Xuanxuan needed to read twice this time, but after she finished reading once——

Here, it's windy.

The morning wind was very gentle, blowing on her face, as if a hand was caressing her face gently...

Li Xuanxuan's eyes began to itch again.

It's just that she has lost a lot of "golden beans" in the mouth of her sister, and now she can't get it out.

Li Xuanxuan raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, but the next moment, her world was spinning!

"elder sister!"

Li Sisi suddenly made a sound, startled Xie San to turn around quickly, at that moment, his eyes were wide open, but he exclaimed:

Miss Xuanxuan fainted, but she fell into the arms of the master, and most importantly, the master stood up now!
At this moment, various thoughts frantically flashed in Xie San's mind, but they were undoubtedly divided into two camps: the past?Don't go?
Li Sisi didn't need to think at all, she just pushed Xie San away and ran over.

Seeing this, Xie San had no choice but to follow, but he still had to be at the forefront!

It was also fortunate that he moved, because Xie Shixun's legs were just right, and he couldn't stand for a long time, let alone hug someone.

Xie Sanyan quickly helped his master back into the wheelchair.

Li Sisi, who followed closely behind, saw Li Xuanxuan being beaten across the wheelchair, and quickly reached out her hand to pull her back, but Xie Shixun dodged it.

Li Sisi immediately put on a tight face: "Young Master Xie, this is my sister! Also, you have already divorced!"

When Xie Shixun heard the words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Retire?"

Retirement requires the presence of the elders of both parties and a matchmaker. After the three parties discuss, the matchmaker writes a marriage letter of dissolution of the engagement, and then destroys the original engagement letter.

What kind of divorce between them?
Seeing Xie Shixun's icy face and being stared at by his gloomy gaze, Li Sisi felt chills all over his body!

"what happened?"

Li Guangping spoke as he came over, and Qin Chao followed him.

After Li Sisi settled down, she pretended to be calm and met Xie Shixun's eyes, "Don't forget, this is the Qin Mansion!" Then she lowered her voice and said, "Do you want my sister to go out like this?"

Seeing that Xie Shixun was obviously loose after he finished speaking, Li Sisi stepped forward with small steps, tentatively helped Li Xuanxuan in his arms, and then leaned against himself, seeing that he didn't say anything, he helped her back up took two steps.

Just two steps, no more she has the courage.

After Li Guangping came over, he couldn't help frowning when he saw the condition of the two sisters, but he couldn't help it either.

Qin Chao scratched his head and ears anxiously.

At this time, calling a servant girl could easily solve the problem, but all the servant girls in the Qin residence are in the Changshengyuan, but now this Changshengyuan...

Then where would he go to find the maid?

At critical moments, Li Sisi had to rely on herself, "Young Master Qin, please find a few servants and bring the sedan chair over here."

When Qin Chao heard this, he clapped his hands suddenly, saying "I can't think of it", and ran out to call for someone.

As soon as Qin Chao left, the field fell silent.

Li Sisi was the first to break the silence: "Sister, what happened to her?"

Xie Shixun: "No problem."

"Then why did you faint?"

Li Sisi didn't let it go easily, after all, it was just the two of them standing together, although she was far away, she seemed very sad to see her sister.

Xie Shixun's eyes fell on Li Xuanxuan's face, and it was rare to explain again: "The spiritual power is overdrawn, and the body can't support it. It will be fine after a sleep."

The person she said was kind to her really spared no effort to squander all her spiritual power...

Xie Shixun couldn't help but let out a cold snort in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but become dark.

Li Sisi didn't notice it this time, because her attention was all on the word 'spiritual power', she looked at Li Xuanxuan who was leaning on her shoulder in disbelief:
"Are you really a cultivator?"

Li Guangping was on the side and heard everything.

He still knew about his own daughter, so although he didn't really want to talk to Xie's little boy, he still asked aloud:

"When did this happen?"

Xie Shixun couldn't quite understand the expressions of these two people, but it could be seen that they seemed to be very concerned about this matter. According to his intuition, Xie Shixun said truthfully: "The bottom of the cliff."

As soon as he said this, Li Guangping and Li Sisi were obviously relieved.

But Xie Shixun figured it out at this moment: "You think she deliberately kept it a secret and didn't help you on purpose?"

The father and daughter did not answer Xie Shixun's words, but it was too obvious that Qi Qi looked away.

Xie Shixun couldn't help snorting coldly.

Just at this time, Qin Chao rushed back, and Li Sisi supported Li Xuanxuan, and they got into the sedan chair together, preparing to go back to Li's residence.

Although no one called, Xie Shixun's master and servant followed behind.

"Hey, thank you fellow daoist!" Qin Chao stopped Xie Shixun, "Well, where is my grandfather?"

Xie Shixun drove the wheelchair to go around Qin Chao, but when he passed by, he still dropped two words:

When Qin Chao heard it, his eyes lit up instantly, but disappeared in a flash: "Really?"

Xie Shixun ignored him and went straight forward.

Qin Chao had no choice but to grab Xie San on the other side, "Brother Xie San, I helped you! This matter is very important, you must tell me exactly!"

Xie San looked at Qin Chao and was speechless.

Previously, he was able to find the entrance to the bottom of Duantou Cliff thanks to a gray pigeon, but he never thought that the owner of the pigeon would be this young master of the Qin family!

"Don't worry, you're dead!"

After Qin Chao heard this, he still didn't quite believe it. He had seen the rebirth of his ancestor, "No, won't it be resurrected?"

Xie San was anxious to keep up with the master in front, so he had to forcefully shake off the other party's hand, "Don't worry! There is no one alive, they are all dead!"

Xie San ran away after finishing speaking.

After Qin Chao was stunned for a while, he turned around and went back.

At this moment, he looked at the ruins all over the yard again, and he felt more and more real in his heart.

has it ended?

it's over!
Qin Chao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, then took out the whistle in his arms, and blew it hard!But after a while, a team of guards rushed over.

"Clean up this shit** Longevity Institute for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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