At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 60 The Old Ancestor

Chapter 60 The Old Ancestor

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

She didn't quite understand why Qin Chao spoke so excitedly about this matter?
Seeing her sister's expression, Li Sisi couldn't help turning her head and glanced at Qin Chao angrily. Qin Chao was puzzled, so he blinked at her. When Li Sisi saw it, his heart suddenly froze, and he simply turned his head back and explained to Li Xuanxuan. :
"Qin Changsheng claimed to be Qin Chao's grandfather, but in fact he was his great-grandfather, and even higher, so he called Qin Changsheng an 'old ancestor'."

Shao Yao once said that Qin Changsheng was not a cultivator.

As an ordinary mortal, but he can survive for such a long time, and then think of the puppet under the dungeon, and his last appearance before dissipating——

It's that arm bone!

Li Xuanxuan subconsciously glanced at her left hand, but asked, "Why?"

When it came to the secrets of the Qin family, Li Sisi didn't speak easily, and Qin Chao also took the initiative to take the words: "The ancestor does have something in his hands, which can keep his youth forever, and can give him the ability like a cultivator, but..."

Qin Chao's voice changed: "But even I don't know what that thing looks like. The ancestors always keep it close to their bodies, whether it's bathing or sleeping."

Speaking of this, Qin Chao couldn't help but confirm to Li Xuanxuan again: "So, is my ancestor really dead?"

In this regard, Li Xuanxuan has nothing to hide.

When Qin Chao heard the word 'dissipate', he believed it most of the time, because no one knew better than him. After digging three feet at the scene, not only the ancestor's body, but even his clothes were not found at all.

Xie Shixun interrupted at this point: "Are you worried that he will be resurrected after repeated confirmation?"

Up to now, Qin Chao has naturally confessed everything: "I am really worried, because I have personally seen my ancestor get injured, but recovered in an instant, and I have also seen people who had died recover their breath under his hands. "

This time, he has completely come to the light. Once the ancestor is not dead, then he, his subordinates, Miss Sisi, and the Li family will all fall into the abyss!Don't turn over!
"I also watched him disappear with my own eyes!"

Li Xuanxuan was very sure of this, not only because she saw it with her own eyes, but also because the arm bone had been integrated into her body.


"Even if he can really 'resurrection', I will definitely kill him again!" To comfort the spirit of peony!
At this moment, in Li Xuanxuan's eyes, there was a real murderous look.

When Xie Shixun saw it, he lowered his eyes slightly; when Qin Chao saw it, his heart was determined; only when Li Sisi saw it, Dang even put his hand on the back of her hand, and cried out with some worry:

"elder sister?"

Probably Shao Yao set an example in front of her. After hearing this name, Li Xuanxuan subconsciously put away all her emotions, smiled and shook her head at Li Sisi:
"I am fine."

After finishing speaking, Li Xuanxuan looked at Qin Chao again and asked, "How did Qin Changsheng catch Shaoyao?"

Although he hadn't been introduced, Qin Chao himself guessed that 'Shaoyao' should be the master under the Duantou Cliff.

"Actually, the ancestors have been thinking about her for a long time!"

Although Li Xuanxuan was in the dungeon and had already figured out the general idea from the conversation between Qin Changsheng and Shaoyao, she still listened carefully to what Qin Chao said about what his ancestors had done these years.

Li Sisi had probably heard it before, and Xie Shixun's emotions were rarely shown on his face, so Xie San was the only one on the field who listened and stared, gasping from time to time.

Qin Chao was therefore able to continue talking, or else he would have thought: Are all these people cold-blooded?

After talking about the past, Qin Chao also had to mention the "kidnapping" that day. In fact, the group of people that day were also his people!If Xie San hadn't appeared, they would have succeeded in taking Li Xuanxuan away, and then secretly sent her out of the city.

"It's a pity, the appearance of Xie San not only disrupted our plan, but also brought Li Si..."

Li Xuanxuan also thought in her heart after hearing the words:

If Qin Chao was telling the truth, then she would not have appeared on the cliff of Duantou, nor would she have fallen off the cliff with Xie Shixun, which would trigger a series of subsequent changes, and if this was the case, it would also match the plot that 717 said .

Therefore, not only Qin Chao and Li Sisi, but also Li Xuanxuan's eyes fell on Xie San.

Xie San couldn't help taking a step back, facing the eyes of the three of them, "Why, why are you looking at me like that? I'm just following the master's orders!"

When the three of them heard this, they all turned to Xie Shixun again.

Xie Shixun's expression did not change at all, not only ignored the three of them, but even reached out to pick up the teacup, and sipped the tea very calmly.

Well, the Lord will not explain it at first sight.

The three looked back tacitly, and Qin Chao continued to talk.

Seeing this scene, Xie San couldn't help but widen his eyes again: No, why did he only oppress him?

As soon as this thought fell into place, Xie San's back suddenly felt a little chilly...

Of course, no one will pay attention to Xie San anymore.

Qin Chao said that, because the plan was suddenly disrupted and time was tight, so he had to go to the cliff to find a solution.

Li Sisi also followed because she was worried.

According to their thinking, they would first give the hairpin to Qin Changsheng, and then they would play a scene to let Qin Changsheng let Li Xuanxuan go.

Looking at the appearance of these two people, Li Xuanxuan could suddenly imagine what kind of scene it would be: probably Li Sisi begged for mercy, and then Qin Chaoxiong, who was saddened by the beauty pass, also followed suit?

Li Sisi paid more attention to Li Xuanxuan, so looking at her sister's expression, and thinking about what she said that day, she really wished there was a hole in the ground to get into!

However, Li Sisi is a smart and decisive girl.

Although it would be very embarrassing, she still stood up and bowed to Li Xuanxuan: "On that day, Sisi had no intention of offending my sister, please forgive Sisi's rude words."

Li Xuanxuan hurriedly pulled Li Sisi up.

In fact, she is still confused now, and she doesn't know if she can believe what Qin Chao said. In addition, the memory of the original owner has been lost, and she doesn't know the relationship between the original owner and his uncle and cousin...

But right now, he still said to Li Sisi: "It's nothing."

After all, her first impression of her was not bad.

Everyone knows what happened on Duantouya, so Qin Chao didn't repeat it, but instead mentioned the strange things about Duantouya:

"It turns out that I have been there too, but since your accident, the originally unfathomable bottom of the cliff has become clearly visible! Even the weather has been sunny for several days! What's even more strange is that the bottom of the cliff I found the entrance so easily!"

 Thank you for your rewards from friends who are "returning to yourself"~~
(End of this chapter)

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