Chapter 7 Dreaming

With such two women to accompany her, Li Xuanxuan is not boring.

In addition, Li Xuanxuan discovered that she can also get an illusory portion of the food here:
For example, when she picked up a piece of pastry on the table, the quantity on the plate did not change, and when she ate it, no matter the taste or texture, it was the same as reality.

Wouldn't it be fun to eat like this without getting fat? !
Although there is no storyteller in this inn, the windows in the room are facing the street, and it is most suitable for spending time while watching people coming and going from upstairs.

But even so, Li Xuanxuan never expected that she would wait so long for someone?

Among the three, the maidservant called "Ban Xia" by the miss was the most restless. She kept walking back and forth, asking from time to time: "Miss, are you thirsty? Are you hungry?" Time to call for a pot of tea or a snack, sneak out!

Li Xuanxuan wanted to follow along, but... as expected, the person she couldn't stay too far from was Miss.

However, Ban Xia was not able to leave the inn, and later she directly persuaded: "Miss, why don't I go to remind you? Or you can run errands with Xiao Er!" Or: "Miss, why don't we go to the inn first Go back? No matter how late, the master will find out!"

But no matter what Ban Xia said, the lady calmly comforted her, and occasionally made excuses for that son.

Seeing Li Xuanxuan, she really admired her.

After about an hour of waiting, there was finally a knock on the door of the room.

Ban Xia quickly ran over to open the door, and Li Xuanxuan, who was sitting by the window, also turned her head, her eyes were firmly locked on the door:

The person who came was also wearing white clothes, but the clothes were embroidered with plum blossoms, and he was holding a plum blossom fan. His facial features were very ordinary, all due to his height and clothes, he looked like a man...cough cough.

When Li Xuanxuan was about to turn her gaze back out of the window, she found a figure entering the room following that young master, and she took a closer look——

Thank you Shixun!
Li Xuanxuan immediately stood up and walked over quickly: "Did you come in too?"

Xie Shixun waited for people to arrive at the front and back, and then nodded.

In fact, the moment he opened the door, he found Li Xuanxuan, but Li Xuanxuan had been looking at Duan Kui and didn't see him immediately.

Li Xuanxuan was a little happy to see Xie Shixun.

After all, she doesn't understand the methods of immortal cultivators, and on her own words, it may be quite difficult to get out.

"Then do you know how to get out?"

Li Xuanxuan looked at Xie Shixun with bright eyes, and Xie Shixun didn't hide any secrets, he nodded in response: "I know, but it's not the time yet."

These words made Li Xuanxuan's heart go up and down.

Without waiting for Li Xuanxuan to ask again, she saw Xie Shixun turn his head to look to the side, and she followed her -

The three people in the room were still!
Xie Shixun said calmly: "This is a secret environment constructed by illusion. There are two ways to weave this secret environment, one is based on the memory of the intruder, and the other is based on the memory of the person who controls the environment. compiled from memory."

"The former generally choose the most painful or sweetest things in the memory of the immigrant to reproduce. Once the immigrant loses himself in it, he will sink into the secret world forever. On the contrary, as long as he persists in the state of mind until the end of the scene, it will naturally Can leave the secret place."

"As for the latter..."

Seeing that Xie Shixun hadn't finished speaking, Li Xuanxuan stopped, thought for a while, and replied, "Are we in the second, more difficult mode?"

Xie Shixun nodded: "In the secret environment woven by the environment controller, we can only follow the established person in the environment and experience an indefinite number of scenes. Until the target scene appears, we will gain the body control of the person in the environment. At this time, The choice we make determines the success or failure of going abroad."

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

"Success or failure, isn't it the one who controls the situation?"

Xie Shixun pondered for a moment, "Not at all. Under normal circumstances, when weaving the secret realm, the answer is already determined, so we need to carefully observe each scene."

Li Xuanxuan nodded upon hearing this: "Then why are they doing this?"

She pointed to the other three people in the room who were still.

Xie Shixun saw that Li Xuanxuan had diverted his attention, so he didn't say any more. Anyway, there is not only one way to break this secret realm.

"Because the Realm Controller paused the scene."


Xie Shixun twitched his brows slightly, and asked back, "Do you think we can still hear what they are saying when we talk like this?"

Li Xuanxuan was puzzled: "Why not?"

Xie Shixun choked, and realized later: Yes, she has always been good at dual-purpose.

Xie Shixun suddenly had nothing to say, and Li Xuanxuan didn't care, she just muttered to herself: "I didn't expect this controller to be so kind?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, the scene began to move.

Sure enough, this person is unrepentant!
As soon as Li Xuanxuan thought about it, a white light flashed in her mind, she suddenly looked back at Xie Shixun in surprise, and asked with her mouth:
'Is he here too? '

After Xie Shixun read the information, he felt a little appreciative in his heart, and he nodded.

Li Xuanxuan immediately approached and whispered, "Then let's find him and break through him, isn't that all right?"

"It's possible, but it's not so easy to find the controller."

Li Xuanxuan frowned slightly, but she didn't speak anymore, because Xie Shixun had already signaled her to observe the scene first.

When the scene started to move, it was not that Li Xuanxuan was not distracted to listen, but there were some pleasantries coming and going, which were not nutritious. On the contrary, she knew from Xie Shixun that the son's name only had the word 'kui'.

Oh, it’s not that there is no information at all. For example, it turns out that the lady’s name is Shao Yao, and she is the daughter of the richest man in the city; another example is that the two met because of a heroic rescue of the beauty; The medicinal materials for Duan Kui to heal his wounds.

After the two stood and talked for a long time, they sat down at the round table after Ban Xia's reminder.

Li Xuanxuan hurriedly followed, and before Ban Xia poured the tea, she took out an illusory portion from each of the two teacups and teapots.

Although they only got together for a few hours, Li Xuanxuan knew that Ban Xia was extremely careful. For example, when Duan Kui entered the door just now, she had already told the waiter in the good shop to bring new tea and snacks.

"Come here!"

Li Xuanxuan greeted Xie Shixun, then went straight to pick up the teapot, poured the two teacups to [-]% full, and before Xie Shixun came over, she picked up her own cup, first sniffed it carefully, and then brought it to her mouth , took a sip——

Strong tea fragrance, mellow tea taste and sweet aftertaste, good tea!

Xie Shixun stood on time, just in time to see Li Xuanxuan's satisfied face. On the one hand, he was surprised by her discovery. After all, this operation that can produce illusory food was something he, who had already experienced a scene, hadn't discovered. On the other hand, it's funny that she put her sensitivity in such a place.

(End of this chapter)

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