Chapter 70
Hello friends, this is Taozi~~
This article "At first I just wanted to quit the marriage" was released on February 2st, and it has been serialized for more than two months today, so it is ready to be released today~~
This is the first time Taozi has written a fairy tale, so she is very nervous, and she often gets stuck. The speed of the code word has dropped from [-] to [-], which is outrageous. She has passed the new book period safely.

Looking back at the new book issue, Taozi still asked for data in the early stage, such as asking for investment, asking for recommendation tickets, asking for monthly tickets, asking for five-star book reviews... But in the later stage, probably since the failure of PK and losing the recommendation, it is already very Buddhist...

But now that it's on the shelves, you still have to work hard, right? !
Therefore, Taozi specially came to issue a single chapter, come to ask for the first order, ask for a monthly ticket~~
I hope that friends will support and subscribe more, and give more monthly tickets, I love you ヽ(〃〃)-(¬¬)σ…

(End of this chapter)

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