Chapter 84 Dao Proposal

After hearing this, Xie San couldn't help but immediately went to see his master, but Xie Shixun just sipped tea and didn't even see Su Wen.

Su Wen has also encountered many obstacles in the past few days, so that she is somewhat used to it now.

She stood up, put her elbows on the table, stretched her neck and approached Xie Shixun: "It's really a simple request!"

"Master Xie, do you want to think about it?"

Following the questioning, Su Wen got closer and closer to Xie Shixun. The distance was such that Xie San couldn't help frowning when he saw her.

Xie Shixun raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him expressionlessly.

Since Su Wen first met that night, she knew that Xie Shixun was good-looking, and he was the best-looking man she had seen in Baiwei Prefecture for so many years.

So at that time, it wasn't all a misunderstanding, she was more or less intentional.

After going back that night, Kong Qing looked at the strangle marks on her neck, and said that she would die for seeing the color...but it was not true, she did not expect that this man could hold her and want to kill her at the same time.

Only the next day, when she saw Xie Shixun again, she could see more clearly again.

This face, no, it should be more accurate to say that the whole head looks too good, right?Su Wen felt a little itchy at that time, because the head looked so easy to touch!

So, she quickly forgot all about the brutality of that night.

But right now, at the moment Xie Shixun looked at each other, the feeling of suffocation from being strangled that night came again, and the other's dark eyes looked at her, as if her master was looking at a corpse.

Su Wen's breathing, even his heartbeat, seemed to stop in an instant.

The next second, she sat back silently.

Xie San didn't notice that Xie Shixun's aura was abnormal. From his point of view, his master had always been like this. On the contrary, seeing Su Wen sat down again, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but glance at the inn gate .

When he turned his head around, Xie Shixun finally put down the teacup in his hand, only to hear him ask in a low voice: "In what capacity do you guarantee it?"

Su Wen heard the words, and instantly forgot the fear just now, she looked at Xie Shixun with some joy: "So, are you willing?!"

Xie Shixun didn't answer, just glanced at her lightly.

Su Wen was understood immediately, but she also hesitated in an instant:

After a few short days of getting along, she naturally knew how rare it was for Xie Shixun to let go this time, and she must answer right now.

But, to what extent is she going to say it?
Xie Shixun didn't give Su Wen much time to think. He raised one corner of his mouth, but his expression was extremely indifferent: "I didn't expect that the identity of the apprentice of 'Sai Yao Xian' is so difficult to say."

Su Wen was taken aback, "You know me?"

This understanding, of course, refers to her identity.

It was also at this moment that Su Wen finally put aside the filter brought by Xie Shixun's face, and turned to thinking about the encounter between the two, and the relationship between these few days, whether the other party did it on purpose, or whether there was a conspiracy?
But soon, Xie Shixun's voice broke her delusion:

"do not know."

Su Wen relaxed, but still asked strangely: "Then how do you know?"

Now that Su Wen didn't want to hide it anymore.

Xie Shixun didn't answer right away, but looked down at the teacup, and Xie San poured tea for him immediately, and when Xie Shixun picked up the teacup again, looked at the light blue tea in the cup, shook it lightly, and then opened his mouth road:

"In Baiwei Prefecture, besides the only apprentice of 'Sai Yaoxian' who has the confidence to say this, who else can he have?"

the fact is--

The poison he injected, in this area, should be rarely diagnosed as 'unsolvable'.

But in Baiwei Prefecture, the only people with this ability should be 'Sai Yao Xian' and...

Xie Shixun glanced at Su Wen again:
and his apprentice.

Su Wen heard what Xie Shixun said before, but she was a little happy. After she nodded, she asked, "Since you already know, how do you think about it?"

After finishing speaking, her body couldn't help leaning forward again.

Xie Shixun frowned slightly, he looked away, and said calmly, "Tell me about your request."

"Be a fairy couple with me!"

Xie Shixun: "..."

Xie San: "!!!"

Su Wen answered quickly after Xie Shixun had finished speaking. Seeing the expressions of the master and servant, Su Wen quickly covered his mouth and added:

"It can be fake!"

"Well, there can also be a time limit, one year!"

Xie Shixun put down his teacup and asked again, "Why?"

Su Wen was a little embarrassed and said: "Because of my master!" Of course, there is also a bet.

It's okay not to say this, right?
Xie Shixun asked again: "How is your master?"

When it came to 'Sai Yao Xian', Su Wen became more cautious, she shook her head and said, "I can't tell you yet."

"However, if you agree to my conditions, then you will know sooner or later!"

Xie Shixun was silent.

Xie San on the side is also a little entangled in this meeting.

In all fairness, just pretending to be a happy couple can get the diagnosis and treatment of the 'Sai Yao Xian', no matter how you calculate it, it is not a loss.

But Xie San was still inexplicably uneasy, he couldn't help but glanced at the gate of the inn again, seeing that it was still empty, he couldn't help muttering in his heart: Why hasn't Miss Xuanxuan come back yet? !

At this moment when Xie San kept thinking about it, Xie Shixun finally looked at Su Wen again, and when Su Wen saw this, he couldn't help but straighten his back nervously, and his eyes were fixed on Xie Shixun——

His thin lips parted slightly, and he dropped two words coldly:

Su Wen's back suddenly collapsed.

But she quickly cheered up again and continued to ask: "Why?!"

This time, Xie Shixun didn't speak anymore, he glanced at Xie San, Xie San understood, and immediately walked over to Su Wen.

Su Wen was also very familiar with this battle.

So she hurriedly stretched out her hands to grab the corners of the table before being chased away, and said repeatedly: "Mr. Xie, I sincerely propose! During this period, I will not let you do anything, you just need to bear this identity." !"

"Or, the time limit can also be changed! Or, nine months? Half a year? Three months?"

While Su Wen was talking, Xie San had already walked beside her: "Miss Su Wen, please don't make it difficult for Xie San, please."

Su Wen immediately turned to stare at Xie San.

It's hard to say every time, but it's merciless every time!

Seeing that Xie San was about to make a move, Su Wen hurriedly turned back to look at Xie Shixun, and said with a mournful face: "One month! One month, okay?! This can't be less, any less will not be enough!"

Unfortunately, Xie Shixun remained unmoved by Shang Suwen's repeated concessions.

Su Wen was quickly pulled up by Xie San, and before being pushed away, Su Wen quickly turned to look at Xie Shixun, and raised his voice: "Mr. Xie, this proposal will be valid until tonight when I go to Zuihualou! You think about it again—”

Before Su Wen could finish speaking, Xie San had already pushed him outside the inn door.

She couldn't help but turned around angrily, put her hands on her hips, and shouted angrily, "Xie San!"

Xie San made a gesture of digging his ears, then shook his hand at Su Wen: "Go, go, my master will never agree to you!"

When Su Wen heard this, he became even angrier, "Why, he doesn't have anyone he likes now!"

Xie San rolled his eyes to Su Wen, and then silently added in his heart:

so what?
Hey, it’s fine to have a fiancée!

Looking at Su Wen in front of him, Xie San couldn't help shaking his head, thinking: Sure enough, only he knows the master best!
No longer caring about Su Wen, Xie San turned around and went back.

When Su Wen saw this, she stomped her feet angrily, and then raised her feet to leave... But she didn't take two steps before she suddenly realized:
No, she is living in the Yuelai Inn now!Why is she leaving? !

Because in the past few days, Su Wen always went to Xie Shixun's room to look for him, so Xie San subconsciously drove him out of the 'door'.

Su Wen probably did not respond immediately because of the same reason.

When she came back to her senses, she turned around angrily, and was going to find Xie San to settle the score, but she didn't expect that after just two steps, she ran into Li Xuanxuan who was coming back.

Li Xuanxuan only found Su Wen when she turned around.

At that time, she saw that Su Wen's eyes were not only round and big, but also her cheeks were bulging, as if she was very angry, she couldn't help but stopped in place for a moment in a daze.

But Su Wen didn't go very far, and the two of them completely faced each other.

As soon as Su Wen saw Li Xuanxuan, her eyes lit up immediately. The thank you three times was instantly forgotten by her. She looked left and right at Li Xuanxuan's side, and asked curiously:

"Didn't Kong Qing go out with you? What about the others?"

When Li Xuanxuan was about to say that he had something to deal with, Su Wen waved her hand directly: "Oh, I don't care about him, I'm not interested in him! Don't get me wrong!"

Li Xuanxuan nodded.

But in my heart, I was distracted and thought: That's for sure, you should only be interested in the male lead.

Li Xuanxuan didn't want to get too close to the heroine's confidante. On the one hand, she was worried about affecting the plot, and on the other hand, she was afraid of hurting them.

For example, like peonies...

Just when she was about to say goodbye to Su Wen, Su Wen suddenly came forward, took Li Xuanxuan's hand, and asked in a mysterious low voice:
"Did Kong Qing confess to you?"

Li Xuanxuan: "???"

After being stunned for a moment, she couldn't help coughing, "Nothing, nothing!"

Su Wen was really puzzled: at this time, why is he still not acting?However, it's fine if he doesn't act, but it just so happens that she didn't succeed either...

Su Wen was just at the time of rejoicing, but suddenly heard Li Xuanxuan ask her: "Where did you hear that?"

When Su Wen heard this, she suddenly felt guilty.

Dead, before Kong Qing opened her mouth, she pierced it first!

If the woman had a heart, wouldn't she have helped Kong Qing?If the woman had no intentions, wouldn't she have harmed Kong Qing?

No matter what, Su Wen felt that he could not bear the consequences!

"Hehe, hehe, what, I still have something to do, so I'll go first!" After Su Wen finished speaking, he ran away.

Li Xuanxuan was at a loss for hearing and seeing.

【717, what does she mean by this? ] Li Xuanxuan, who couldn't figure it out, walked into the inn and asked the system, but 717 ignored her.

"Miss Xuanxuan!"

As soon as she stepped into the inn, Li Xuanxuan heard Xie San calling her. Following the voice, she happened to see Xie Shixun next to him, and immediately understood why 717 didn't call her back.

"Miss Xuanxuan!"

Xie San shouted again.

This time, Li Xuanxuan noticed that many people in the lobby were also looking at her, and their eyes seemed unfriendly?

She thought about it, and walked over.

Before Li Xuanxuan arrived, Xie San eagerly pulled up a stool for her.

In this way, Li Xuanxuan had no choice but to sit next to Xie Shixun. As soon as she sat down, she asked, "Why are they looking at me like this? Am I weird today?"

Xie San hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands, "How could that be! Miss Xuanxuan looks great today!"

However, he didn't dare to say that the reason why the people in the lobby looked at them was because of the noise with Su Wen just now.

Xie San wanted to keep the fact that Su Wen was there just now, but he didn't know that Li Xuanxuan had already bumped into him at the door, and the other party, after hearing what he said, snorted softly.

This made Xie San a little confused.

Could it be that the master wants Miss Xuanxuan to know that she is jealous?

Li Xuanxuan didn't know what kind of riddle the master and servant were playing, but she was not very interested, so she directly talked to Xie Shixun about the business:
"Do you have confidence in the 'destined person' at night?"

Xie Shixun said coldly: "Miss Li, shouldn't I be asking you this question?"

Li Xuanxuan looked at Xie Shixun strangely: why did she suddenly call her Miss Li?Haven't you always called people by name?

Hey, never mind.

Li Xuanxuan changed back to the second half of the sentence: "I don't have much confidence."

Seeing that she didn't refute his title, Xie Shixun couldn't help feeling a bit depressed, and said without much thought: "Isn't it you who suggested that you come to Baiweizhou to look for 'Sai Yao Xian'? Why? Isn't it just looking for clues these days? , but are you traveling in the mountains and rivers?"

Facing Xie Shixun's questioning, Li Xuanxuan suddenly became short of breath and felt guilty.

She couldn't help touching the tip of her nose.

When Xie Shixun saw her like this, inexplicable emotions filled his eyes instantly, and his cold voice suddenly became a little gloomy:

"Li Xuanxuan."

Xie Shixun called out people by name and surname again, but Li Xuanxuan couldn't find the familiarity, instead her body trembled.

Her reaction made Xie Shixun's complexion even worse.

It's just that Li Xuanxuan didn't dare to visit him since just now, so naturally she didn't find out.

And the next moment, before Xie Shixun could speak, Li Xuanxuan immediately stood up: "Well, I'll think about it again!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xie Shixun's reaction, she trotted away from the inn.

Looking at Li Xuanxuan's fleeing back, Xie Shixun's face was as dark as it wanted, and he drove the wheelchair back to the room not long after.

Xie San was also taken aback by this battle!
Seeing the figure of the master leaving, and looking at the famous tea on the table, he couldn't help but sighed.

At the same moment, Li Xuanxuan also sighed heavily when she ran to the stall far away from Yuelai Inn.

'717, come out quickly! '

This distance will definitely not affect the connection of the system.

'717, hurry up and give me the reminder of the task, otherwise, this task may not be completed! '

[Host, no. 】

(End of this chapter)

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