At first I just wanted to break up

Chapter 97 Teleportation Array

Chapter 97 Teleportation Array
The aura swirled quickly, heading straight for Li Xuanxuan.

Xie San was so far away that he could feel a whirlwind.In this way, not to mention Xie Shixun and Su Wen who were close at hand, they were directly pushed away by the gathered spiritual energy.


Xie Shixun let go of his hand, and the long sword fell directly to the ground.

Using his palm as a blade, he slashed forward, forced to squeeze in under the flowing aura, grabbed Li Xuanxuan's hand, and shouted:
"Li Xuanxuan, stop!"

"Don't cross the tribulation here!"

The clear and serious voice suddenly entered Li Xuanxuan's ears. She seemed to have just recovered, and asked in a puzzled way:
"what are you saying?"

Following her opening, the spiritual energy circulating around her slowly slowed down...

Seeing him, Xie Shixun stretched out his hand and tapped a few places on Li Xuanxuan's body, before Li Xuanxuan frowned and said, "Seal it up first, don't attract spiritual energy for now, wait until there and cross the catastrophe."

"Crossing Tribulation?"

Xie Shixun looked up at Li Xuanxuan: "He passed on his spiritual power to you, right?"

Without waiting for Li Xuanxuan to nod, Xie Shixun said again: "Do you know that if you go through the tribulation in your current state, you won't be able to withstand the first thunder?"

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help but gasp when she heard the words.

Li Xuanxuan is of course self-aware of her own strength.

When the foundation was established before, there was only half a bucket of water, and now it was about to raise the golden core, so wouldn't the bottom of the bucket be full?

But this barrel, after all, is also a big barrel, right?
Just like this, can't they resist a thunderstorm?

"How many are there?" Li Xuanxuan humbly asked for advice.

Xie Shixun glanced at Li Xuanxuan, and said lightly, "Gold core cultivators will survive the forty-nine minor catastrophes, that is, 36 thunderstorms."

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

You can't resist even one, but you still have to chop 36 times?
"Then can I hold back and not cross the catastrophe?" Knowing that it was impossible, Li Xuanxuan couldn't help asking, what if?Right.

After hearing this, Xie Shixun didn't even look at her, and turned to Xie San directly, "Let's go, we can't stay here for long."

After Xie Shixun finished speaking, he sat back on the wheelchair.

Seeing her, Li Xuanxuan hurriedly asked, "Are your legs still okay?!" 717 couldn't get in touch again, and I don't know how it's progressing...

Even Xie San, after hearing this, looked at his master nervously.

Although Su Wen didn't speak, she looked over faintly.

Su Wen at this time was naturally not because of herself, or because of Xie Shixun, she would only be interested in Kong Qing's death and revenge.The reason why she cared about it was also because the elixir Xie Shixun took was Kong Qing's posthumous work, and she naturally didn't want any mistakes to be made.

Xie Shixun looked at everyone's eyes, but said naturally: "Oh, I'm not used to it yet."

Everyone: "..."

Li Xuanxuan and Xie Shixun, master and servant, the three of them came here temporarily, and they have to leave now, and there is nothing to pack.

But what about Suwen?
Xie San didn't speak, because he listened to his master.

Li Xuanxuan was thinking that Su Wen should follow Xie Shixun according to the plot and tasks, but after this incident, it seems that she and Su Wen are not suitable to be together... But, Li Xuanxuan is still Can't leave Xie Shixun.

Su Wen didn't care where she went, she just wanted to follow Li Xuanxuan all the time, so that she could find the right time to kill her and avenge her master!

As a result, the eyes of the other three people on the field all fell on Xie Shixun.

Xie Shixun saw it, but he didn't take it seriously, he only looked at Su Wen, and said in a low voice: "There must be someone here to check on the big movement before."

Baiwei Prefecture is between the area of ​​cultivating immortals and the area of ​​mortals, and there are often contacts between cultivators and mortals here, not to mention that there are still cultivators living here for a long time.Therefore, Baiwei Prefecture is naturally also under the management of the two regions.

Under normal circumstances, they are all managed by the state government, but once there are immortal cultivators, especially those with golden core and above, people from the immortal cultivating area will intervene.

This move is also to avoid unnecessary casualties.

When Kong Qing was in Zuihualou, she had exposed Jindan's cultivation, but at that time there was an enchantment outside Zuihualou, and outsiders could not find out what was going on inside. In addition, the people who died that night died, and those who left left. Naturally, this news will not be exposed.

But today's thunder calamity and the self-destruction of the golden core immortal cultivator cannot be concealed so easily.

And once you meet the immortal cultivator who came to check, it will be too troublesome to explain, after all, there is no 'Sai Yao Xian' in the world now.

From all aspects, it is not suitable for Su Wen to stay here.

After Xie Shixun paused for a while, seeing that Su Wen also understood, he said softly: "I think your destination should be there too, how about—"

"Coming together?"

Li Xuanxuan felt relieved when she heard this proposal, which was not unexpected. Regardless of whether Su Wen was Kong Qing's only apprentice, even if she was dangerous, it was also under the nose, which was more reassuring.

Unlike that Wen Yi who disappeared...

When Xie San heard this, he immediately went to see Su Wen, but he soon looked back at Li Xuanxuan, with obvious worry in his eyes.

Li Xuanxuan looked up and saw him, and couldn't help smiling at him.

Xie San lowered his head in embarrassment, and reached out to scratch his hair.

Su Wen couldn't wait for this, so naturally he nodded.

And because the other three were ready to leave at any time, Su Wen quickly ran into her master's room, and put all the things into the storage space after three eliminations. As for her own room, she did not go back .

A group of four people left the island through a teleportation talisman.

Su Wen stayed at the end, and when she was the only one left, she soared into the air, stared at the whole island in mid-air for a long time, then formed her handprints, activated the island's hidden magic circle, then turned and left.

Not long after the group left, several people rushed over in an aircraft.

But before they could get any closer, the island exploded.

Totally blown up.

The aftermath of the explosion made it impossible for the aircraft to approach easily. Among them, a cultivator wearing a white royal uniform came out of the aircraft and flew to the top of the explosion area.

After watching it for a while, he returned to the aircraft.

As soon as he came back, the others quickly surrounded him and asked respectfully, "Really, what's the situation?"

The immortal cultivator known as the real person shook his head and said, "Don't look at it."

After these words fell, there was a moment of silence on the field, and then someone asked cautiously: "I don't know, how to write this report?"

After the 'real person' glanced at each other, he said pointedly: "It is the same as the 'Zuihualou' a month ago."

The person who asked the question was secretly happy when he heard it, not only because he didn't have to rack his brains to write the report, but also because he had a template to copy.

However, the clever ones think of more from this.

Sure enough, after returning, they also found that this 'true man' left Baiwei Prefecture very soon, as if returning to his life.

And the sect he belongs to is the first sect in the cultivation world, Tian Yuan Sect!
As soon as he left, a census of personnel in Baiwei Prefecture also began, and for a while, some people were quite panicked.

A group of four people who were missed by others unknowingly, they came to the Yuelai Inn in Baiwei Prefecture through a teleportation talisman that day!
This teleportation talisman was left by Kong Qing, and in Baiwei Prefecture, apart from Zui Hua Lou, Kong Qing's property is Yuelai Inn.

Zuihualou has now changed its appearance, and it will not be easily exposed unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, as soon as they arrived at the room marked by Yuelai Inn, the waiter came over, and when he saw Li Xuanxuan, he bowed and shouted:


Li Xuanxuan hadn't reacted yet, but Su Wen was furious. She pointed at the waiter and said angrily, "You actually recognize her?!"

The shop waiter recognized Su Wen, so he replied respectfully: "Miss Su Wen should know that we only recognize empty bluestones."

Su Wen was furious: "Do you know that she killed my master!"

The waiter in the shop was a little stunned when he heard the words, but he quickly realized: "Although the villain doesn't know what happened, Miss Xuanxuan is the successor that the former boss has long recognized, and the villain believes in the vision of the boss."

Speaking of this, the waiter couldn't help but confirm to them: "Is the former boss really dead?"

Su Wen was very angry at what he said, and turned her head away without answering.

Li Xuanxuan took the words: "Yes."

Apart from these words, Li Xuanxuan didn't explain anything else, which made Su Wen and Xiaoer Dian look sideways.

After the shop waiter sighed, he said with some regret: "The former owner said before that let us treat him as living and dying with Zuihualou. Unexpectedly, this is true."

Turning the topic around, the waiter in the store asked again: "How many people are here, are they going there?"

Li Xuanxuan was a little strange: "How do you know?"

The waiter in the shop smiled: "How can the villain know? It's the former boss who ordered us to take care of it early on. He said that if Miss Xuanxuan came again, it must be for this matter."

Li Xuanxuan looked at the Kong Qingshi on her wrist after hearing this, even though she didn't want to, she couldn't help being curious about Kong Qing.

Who is he?
"A few people, please wait a moment, the villain will go to prepare."

The waiter said that he was going to make preparations, but in fact he came back soon. He handed Li Xuanxuan a small storage bag: "The former boss once said that if you want to leave, you must prepare some food for you."

"In this storage bag are all the dry food and dishes in the inn. I hope the host will not dislike it."

When Li Xuanxuan arrived here, she didn't know whether she should shock Kong Qing's prophet or his carefulness?
On the field, Su Wen's complexion turned black and white after hearing this, while Xie San secretly watched his master's face, but Xie Shixun's expression was calm from the beginning, as if he hadn't heard what the waiter said. generally.

Li Xuanxuan took it with one hand, and asked the waiter to speak aside with the other.

After the two reached the corner, Li Xuanxuan pointed to the empty bluestone in her hand and asked him, "If you have this, do you really listen to me?"

The waiter nodded, "Of course."

Li Xuanxuan couldn't help questioning after hearing the words: "Then what if I lose it and someone else picks it up?"

The waiter smiled and said: "The Kong Qingshi is a keepsake, but its owner should also be recognized by the former owner. This is the inheritance. If one of them is broken, all properties under the Kong Qingshi will be classified as managers."

Li Xuanxuan: "..."

She silently put her hands down and pulled up her sleeves.

"By the way, in that case, do I usually have to worry about something? You know, I'm going on a long trip..."

The shop waiter smiled: "My boss, don't worry, you don't need to do anything, just wait for the money to be collected."

Li Xuanxuan: "!!!"

Did the sky really drop a pie?

After the waiter finished speaking, he was also afraid that Li Xuanxuan would think that he was lying to her, so he quickly added: "The former boss is also like this!"

"Well, at least all Yuelai Inns are like this!"

Li Xuanxuan waved her hand, and only confirmed with the waiter in the shop that the money...cough cough, how the 'dividends' were paid, and then turned to the real business.

What Li Xuanxuan wanted them to do was to keep an eye on Wen Yi's whereabouts!

If Wen Yi is not eliminated, Li Xuanxuan is always a little concerned.

However, what was even more surprising to Li Xuanxuan was that the waiter actually told her that Kong Qing's last order before leaving was to look for Wen Yi!

Up to this moment, Li Xuanxuan has to admit that Kong Qing seems to understand her very well...

After talking about the matter here, a group of four people, under the leadership of Xiaoer Dian, entered the secret passage of Yuelai Inn and went to another secret base.

On the way, Li Xuanxuan unintentionally complained: "You really like building secret passages."

Zuihualou has it, Yuelai Inn has it, even that small island can be regarded as having it...

After hearing this, the waiter in the shop corrected him: "It's not that we like to build, but the first owner likes it!"

"The first owner?"

Li Xuanxuan's eyes widened a lot, "Isn't the former boss the number one?"

The shop waiter shook his head: "No, the Zuihua Building was built by the former owner, but the Yuelai Inn was not."

"Who is that?"

The waiter in the shop was a little embarrassed and said: "I don't know about it. I only knew about it from the old people of the previous generation."

Seemingly knowing what Li Xuanxuan might ask in the next sentence, the waiter said directly: "There are almost no old people from the previous generation in Baiwei Prefecture, but there are in Jinfeng Town."

"The former owner often went there to visit them."

So, that's why she met Kong Qing in Jinfeng Town?
Li Xuanxuan felt that this seemed to be an understandable matter, but it was a pity that they were in a hurry to leave now... I hope it will not be too late when she comes back.

Even though she thought so, Li Xuanxuan still asked for the contact information of the waiter in the same store.However, even if there is contact information, it is not easy and not safe to communicate because they have crossed two regions.

But in the end it's better than nothing.

After arriving at the secret base, several people quickly got into a carriage and walked for almost an hour before arriving at the destination.

It is said that—

Here is the teleportation array of the black market!

If you use the normal teleportation formation, you will have to register information, record where you come and go, etc... But on the black market side, there is no need for this at all.

In a word!

As long as you have enough money, no matter who you are, you can sit!

Li Xuanxuan and her party of four, because they had already arranged in advance, so after arriving here, the four of them immediately activated the teleportation array.

You know, when the black market was not full of people, it started?
As a result, the behavior of the four also attracted the attention of some people.

(End of this chapter)

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