Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 105, copying the richest man's house to add to the fun

Chapter 105, copying the richest man's house to add to the fun

"so beautiful--"

There were exclamations from all around.

Those who are young are all lamenting that there are such beauties in the world.

Some older people were already covering their hearts and gasping for breath.

So beautiful!
A look of helplessness flashed across Wang Wu's brows, and he could only lower the luxurious curtains when he heard the exclamations around him.

The white jade hands touched the white fox in his arms one after another, and his legs were already tilted up unconsciously.


The maid Xiaoling looked at the lady who used to behave elegantly, but now she became a little "rude", and wanted to remind her.

But good-looking people are good-looking even if they pick their boogers.

The unruly eldest lady with her legs crossed, sits there, she is still the most beautiful woman in the capital.

"what happened?"

Wang Wu's white and tender fingers dug towards her nostrils, and her voice was a little bit unrestrained.

When the eldest lady was young, more than a dozen nuns taught etiquette, and there were a dozen gentlemen who assisted her in her studies.

Not only is he proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but he can also manage shops in various places.

Talent and appearance are unique.

Be graceful.

I don't know when it started, the eldest lady is obviously still the old lady, but her behavior is a little different.

A little bit manly vulgarity.

"Miss, there is an explanation for the master to let the lady come here, can the lady not... You are the eldest lady, you shouldn't be like this."

Xiaoling is Wang Wu's personal maid. She studied with the eldest lady since she was a child, and her behavior is more dignified than ordinary daughters from wealthy families.

Seeing Wang Wu picking her nose, she blushed, feeling ashamed.

"Chengchengcheng, I won't dig anymore, why don't you lend me your hand!"

Wang Wu put down her hands and looked at her hands, which were as white as jade and without any blemishes. It was indeed a bit unsuitable for nose-picking.

So he looked at Xiaoling's fingers.

It was also as white as jade, but rougher than her hands.

Xiaoling: ...

"Come here, I feel a big lump of booger in my nose now, and it's hard to breathe!"

Wang Wu waved at Xiaoling.

"Miss, I'll watch out for you. No one will watch it, and it won't affect your dignified and elegant image. You can pick your nose as much as you want!"

Xiaoling turned her head decisively, not looking at Wang Wu.

"It would have been nice if you had said so earlier. Don't you ever dig your nose? The dog emperor and the dog prince have to dig too!"

Wang Wu finally ruined his own hands.

"Miss! Don't dare to insult the royal family! And this time, it is the news that His Highness the Crown Prince is here, which the master bought at a high price. You just need to meet with the Crown Prince and be fascinated by him." Just pour it!"

Xiaoling hurriedly persuaded him earnestly.

Because of Wang Wusheng's good looks, all the men who met her fell in love with her. Wang Wu generally didn't show her true colors to others, and rarely attended various banquets in the capital.

Even so, the threshold of the Wang family was almost broken.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the rich assets of the Wang family, and Wang Wu is the only daughter, which is enough to make everyone's heart flutter.

"I don't know what my father thinks, why did he fall in love with that crazy prince?"

There was such a disgusted expression on Wang Wu's face, it was from the heart, it was the expression produced when he thought of flirting with a man.

Not just a dog prince.

Not any man.

She (he) is very disgusted.

"If the eldest lady still has the same personality as before, the master will definitely not let you go. The lady is different from before, and she is more powerful. That's why the master is relieved to let you seduce His Royal Highness the crown prince."

Xiaoling doesn't have to answer when she talks.

The carriages at home are made of high-quality materials, which isolate any noise and never let others hear it.

"In other words, the dog prince that father hates, let me marry him, and then..."

Wang Wu gestured to wipe his neck.

"No, no, it's mental torture, it's to blame for him..."

When Xiaoling said this, she covered her mouth and laughed.

She has had a very good relationship with the eldest lady since she was a child, as close as sisters, and there is no need to shy away from speaking.

Fighting is also normal, bickering is even more common.

"whispering sound!"

Wang Wu rolled her eyes.

The world is so crazy.

Feudal dynasty, feudal emperor, dull people.

miss the old days.

I used to climb the wall with my best friend to go to an Internet cafe to play games, and then secretly watched my best friend being hung up and beaten by her father...

Gee tut.

This world is really boring!

Inexplicably, she became the number one beauty in the capital.

Inexplicably, he became the sole heir to the richest man in the country.

Unacceptable, and very incomprehensible, once collapsed.

The source of everything is because he is a fucking man!
In the past, he possessed 200 catties of fat, all the strength in his body, and the feat of eating five steamed buns for a meal!

It's not working now, I'll be full after just one or two bites, and I don't know if there's something wrong with my body!
As thin as a chick!
Feng Jin and the others didn't know what happened in the carriage.

I just felt a little bit about the luxury of the carriage.

And Feng Jin nodded solemnly to Feng Minsheng.

She hoped that next time she would sit in the carriage by herself, and hoped that her father would work hard and strive to become the richest man!
Feng Minsheng calmly shook the hammer in his hand.

What kind of hammer did his daughter just yy, did she want to be beaten?
Feng Jin rolled her eyes silently, but she was farther away from Feng Minsheng and closer to Chen Yu.

The corners of Chen Yu's mouth rose slightly, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Would you like to ride in that carriage?"

Chen Yu asked.

When Feng Jin was looking at the carriage just now, the envy flashed in his eyes, he didn't miss it.

I see it clearly.

There is already a prototype in my heart.

Just ransack the Wang family's home!
There are a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in the Wang family's house. They are not valuable, but they are quite a lot. Xiaojin should find something she likes.

Don't ask what's wrong with doing this.

Chen Yu is the prince. As we all know, the prince is crazy.

It is a little bit reasonable to suddenly copy someone's home.

What's more, the Wang family is really too fat.

"I want to, but I need to use my hands to earn it myself."

When Feng Jin said this, she secretly gave Feng Minsheng a look.

I believe his father will understand her psychology of looking forward to her father Jackie Chan.

Feng Minsheng turned his head away, not to look at Fengjin.

This guy's life philosophy and chicken soup for the soul were all taught to her by himself, and after coming here, he fed back.

Let Feng Minsheng a little want to sever the father-daughter relationship with his daughter.

"Alright, if you change your mind, let me know."

Chen Yu nodded, saying this with seriousness on his face.

The dark news came to him. The purpose of the Wang family's daughter coming here is to take the position of the crown princess.

That being the case, just copy the richest man's house to add to the fun!
It's too fat, I'm sorry if I don't do it, this is also a good opportunity to stock up on gifts for Xiaojin.

It's hard to pretend not to see.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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