Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 121, Robbing the Rich and Helping the Poor

Chapter 121, Robbing the Rich and Helping the Poor

Wang Wu carefully observed Feng Jin's expression again.

Finding that there was not much doubt on her face, she was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, it was not found.

Thanks to him for being calm!

If Feng Minsheng is here, there will definitely be flaws.

Wang Wu's white fingers trembled a little.

From time to time, he would lightly tap his pink dress.

This is nervous performance.

In modern society, a fat man whose name cannot be disclosed weighs more than 200 pounds and often does this exercise every time he gets nervous.

However, Fengjin was only focused on admiring her beautiful face, so she didn't notice this little trick at all.

"Your fox is quite cute, is there anything special?"

Wang Wu looked at the white fox in his arms, and then at the red fox in Feng Jin's arms.

I always feel that there is too much difference.

The white fox has no stray hairs all over its body, and it cost nearly ten thousand taels to buy a fox.

He looks smart and cute, and there are many ladies in the capital who are greedy for the fox in his arms.

Although he said he was a pure man in his heart, he liked this little cutie quite a lot.

However, compared with the red fox in Fengjin's arms, it is still a little bit worse.

Probably the eyes!

The red fox's eyes are very agile, as if he can speak.

"Its characteristic is that it is relatively unlucky."

Feng Jin thought for a while and came to an obvious conclusion.

This guy has killed many bosses, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the lone star of Tiansha.

red fox:……

Wang Wu: ...

Xiao Jin is still the same as before, he likes to make serious jokes.

"Xiao Jin, look what I brought back for you today!"

Wang Wu also wanted to find something else to talk about. After all, there were too many things she wanted to talk about, but before she had time to speak, a wretched voice came.

I haven't seen anyone yet, but just listening to this voice, I can hear the greasy feeling of this person.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity came over him.

Wang Wu took a deep breath and was fully prepared.

Turning around gracefully, try to relax your expression.

But when he saw Wang Tong and County Magistrate Lin, he still couldn't hold back and widened his eyes.

These two people are not serious!
The temperament overflowing from the body is a wonderful fragrance!
Wretched, greasy, it seems that IQ is not enough.

The masculinity exuded is even more incomparable.

Everyone is carrying two huge king crabs in their hands, which looks a little funny.

In this era, in this small mountain village, almost no one else has seen it.

It is also a rare item.

But in the hands of these two, the high-end ingredients are like carrying two taels of pork belly, without any high-end sense of sight.

No need to ask, it must be his buddy who didn't run away!

Xiao Jin and the teacher came, and two buddies came, it seemed nothing.

He hadn't even guessed the names of these two, but he had already guessed their identities.

Anyone who can talk to Xiao Jin like this is definitely a buddy.

In the class, there are only two kinds of people, best friends and dead enemies.

If he didn't rush up to fight Xiaojin, he must be a friend.

However, these two people don't seem to be able to get along well!

A beggar, a little sesame official still wearing official boots.

It's just... It would be better if he was a man.

He can laugh at these two people loudly, what the hell have they become through time travel!

It's not as good as he would reincarnate himself, and directly became the heir to the richest man!
However, dressing as a girl does have to be low-key.

If these two buddies find out, they will make him pole dance!
Wang Wu took a step back silently, keeping a distance from the two wretched and greasy men.

Afraid of being exposed.

If the vest falls off, they will definitely be shocked for 100 years and ridiculed for 100 years!

"Where did you guys get this?"

Feng Jin looked at the two king crabs that were still moving, and his saliva almost flowed out.

In a small mountain village with closed traffic, it is considered a luxury to be able to eat chicken and fish.

Seafood really hasn't been eaten for a long time.

"Master Lin searched for the people's fat and people's anointing. Recently, the imperial decree has been obtained, and there are more people's people's fat and people's anointing."

Wang Tong glanced at Wang Wu who was beside Feng Jin, frowned slightly, and did not speak.

He knew Wang Wu.

He has seen portraits of all the big families in the capital.

Wang Wu's face is even more unique, and almost no one who has seen it will forget it.

Wang Tong knew what the Wang family was up to, and the target was the princess.

Anyway, the Wang family has a lot of silver, as long as the prince needs it, he can smash a crown princess with silver.

And Chen Yu happened to be here, so he treated Xiao Jin very differently.

Wang Wu's appearance here, I don't know if it will be dangerous to Xiaojin.

When he was busy with Lin Chengjie recently, he didn't know much about the travel of some important personnel.

Inadvertently, all the young ladies of the Wang family came here.

Or... just kill him!
Anyway, there is still some distance from the capital, so even if the Wang family were looking for the murderer, they would definitely be looking for his Bai Xiaosheng organization.

He is the boss, he can do whatever he says.


The appearance of Wang Wu made Wang Tong silent a lot.

Lin Chengjie didn't know Wang Wu, so he just looked her up and down, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

It looks pretty good, but the temperament is not good.

I always feel like looking at my brother!
People who are obviously tender and tender, look like rough old men!
I don't know what kind of wind is blowing, and I can't get rid of the thought as soon as it comes up.

Probably because there are too many daughters-in-law in the family, hallucinations appeared!
"I advise you to restrain yourself a bit."

As soon as Feng Jin heard that it was Min Zhi Min Zhi, she couldn't help persuading County Magistrate Lin.

Feng Jin didn't know why the imperial decree changed from implicating the nine clans to a commendation, but what she knew was that County Magistrate Lin really almost implicated the nine clans.

What happened in the past is the past, and Lin Chengjie can't change anything. You should take it easy in the future.

If you play it off, you don't know if you will have the life to travel back.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. It was given to me by a certain squire, and it is not considered as the anointing of the people."

Lin Chengjie was very confident when he said this.

Stealing money from the poor is called searching for people's fat and people's anointing.

Stealing money from the rich is called stealing from the rich and giving to the poor!

"It makes sense, let's steam it and eat it!"

Feng Jin wiped her mouth and pointed to the kitchen.

Dad will definitely not be able to come back at noon today, he has to cook for everyone on the mountain, and setting up a big stove on the spot is a piece of cake for Feng Minsheng.

"Don't cook it for too long, it won't taste good when it's old."

Wang Tong put the king crab in Lin County magistrate's arms with all his heart, ready to be the same as Feng Jin, to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Don't eat for a while!"

County magistrate Lin rolled his eyes and hugged four big king crabs, and went to work in the kitchen resignedly.

Feng Jin definitely doesn't know how to work. If Wang Tong worked hard, he wouldn't be a beggar.

In short, he, a man with seven wives, had to work!

"Xiaoling, go help!"

Wang Wu spoke softly.

This voice is naturally soft and melodious.

Wang Wu still misses the voice she used to shout in physical education class!
"Yes, ma'am."

Xiaoling responded and went to the kitchen.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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