After half an hour.

The prostitute of the Ministry of Rites, Mr. Chen's prostitute, was tied up by Feng Xiaofeng and hung at the gate of Fengfu.

By the way, he also tied up the servant girl and guard who was lying on the ground, and threw it aside.

Because Feng Xiaofeng is Xiaojin's personal servant girl and needs to help write the script, so the burden of watching people falls on the servant girl of Fengfu.

Fengzheng thought for a while, and exhorted a young servant to watch from a distance and not get close.

Fengzheng is also thinking about the family.

It's okay during the day, but if it's at night, it's likely to be blackmailed. If Master Chen cries and asks to marry Chen Jing, it's a big loss!
In short, cover your innocence.

The servant who was instructed by Feng Zheng nodded seriously.

Looking at the crowd from a distance, he resolutely won't let anyone disturb Miss Chen's search for Yupei.

Even the hidden guards from the Chen family who rushed out again couldn't do it, they all beat them down and tied them up.

One wave, two waves...

I don't know how many waves of people came, anyway, the gate of Fengfu is full of black crows.

Feng Jin didn't pay attention to what was going on outside, anyway, he would definitely have to hang out all night.

It's not that Feng Jin is narrow-minded, it's because Lin Chengjie, the new Minister of Dali Temple, will only take office tomorrow.

It's not easy to file a complaint today, at least you have to wait until tomorrow.

I heard that Master Chen was so angry that he went to the palace to face the saint. The reason why he faced the saint was because the hidden guards were tied up and beaten to death, and he wanted the guards in the capital to help him.

However, the guard knew that this was the person His Royal Highness wanted to protect, so he didn't dare to intervene and pretended not to hear.

Mr. Chen was suspicious, but for the sake of his own daughter, he had no choice but to ask the emperor.

He also tried to come to Fengfu.

But those who came to Feng Mansion to negotiate were all beaten up and tied up, even the housekeepers of Chen Mansion were like this.

Mr. Chen was afraid of embarrassing himself, so it was fine if he was beaten at home, but if he was beaten on the street, all the officials in the capital would see it tomorrow.

Feng Jin was not surprised to hear the news.

Who let her have someone above her!

She hasn't seen the emperor yet, but she has long heard that the emperor loves the prince the most, that even the jade seal can smash walnuts for the prince.

Feng Jin rounded it up, thinking that he could also directly smash walnuts with Yuxi, without fear at all.

that's it.

The people in Fengfu should do whatever they want, and they don't care about the people hanging outside or the people being tied up.

It's just that it's inconvenient when going out, for fear of running into a maidservant and ruining my innocence.

In the middle of the afternoon, the servants of Fengfu bought a lot of things, all of which were daily necessities.

There is no need to buy Fengjin items, there are jewelry, jewelry, clothes, silk and satin, and they can't be worn out, even the small benches are extremely delicate.

However, what the other yards looked like when they were bought is what they look like now.

Fengzheng can only make a list, buy back the ones that are in a hurry first, and then slowly add them later.

Fengfu cleaned up the mansion normally, and the new mansion has been busy until night, and the gate has become quiet.

Everyone who was tied up was trembling, including Chen Jing.

They began to realize that this so-called upstart is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the guards maintaining law and order in the capital to never show up, and even the patrolling teams in the distance would avoid it from afar.

I heard that Mr. Chen went to the palace to have a face-to-face meeting, but there was no imperial decree, and there was no oral order.

The official position of the Minister of Rites is not a first-class official, but it is also very important. Why are even the guards in the capital unwilling to help now?
As for the Chen family, today it almost encountered a "disaster". If Feng Jin was more ruthless, even if he killed the servant of the Ministry of Rites, he might not have come to meddle in his own business.

It's just that Fengjin is a modern person, so he won't kill anyone he sees.

Chen Jing was hanging in the middle of the gate of Fengfu. Right below her figure, there was a puddle of water. It was obvious that she had just suffered an unprecedented humiliation.

But there was no order on her face, she just looked at the deserted moon blankly.

She still couldn't understand how things turned out like this.

If she is given a chance to do it again, she will definitely please Fengjin well, and she will never frame her or plot against her.

Thinking about calculating Fengjin, a soft face automatically appeared in her mind.

It was this face that aroused her little thoughts, and she came here.

Chen Jing silently glanced at the bound guards around her, and her face became distorted with her memories.

Some of these hidden guards belonged to his family, and some belonged to other people's families. It seemed that my father had borrowed hidden guards from other ministers' homes.

just now……

Wait, wait, wait.

Maybe it's because His Majesty took a rest too late, so father can bring the guards of the capital to rescue him tomorrow!
Chen Jing could only comfort herself in this way, relying on her own beliefs, she did not commit suicide in shame.

It's been a long night.

Chen Jing and the people all over the place did not fall asleep.

The person who guarded them looking for the jade pendant at night did not sleep either.

The Chen Mansion was brightly lit, and no one was sleeping.

Feng Jin hanged Miss Chen upright and beat her without any punishment, which also attracted the attention of many people.

The eldest ladies in the capital even discovered that the reason why Fengjin was so arrogant and not killed by someone was the handwriting of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

His Royal Highness, who has never been close to women, is so kind to a little girl, and his heart is broken instantly.

The ladies in the capital couldn't sleep either.

Only the masters and maidservants of Feng Mansion slept soundly.

Feng Jin even got lazy today, she didn't ask Feng Xiaofeng to write a script, she just lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

The night is lonely and the sky is full of stars.

The patrol team and the guards in the capital perfectly avoided the gate of Fengfu, and bypassed it from a distance.

Everything is normal.

After a few hours.

The sun rises from the east, and fish belly white appears in the east.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on the tallest lady of the Chen family.

The beautiful face is coated with a light yellow light, which looks extremely beautiful.

It's just that the hair is messy and the body is curled up, looking a little embarrassed.

The servants and servant girls of the hidden guards all over the place were also distraught, almost beaten to death.

The anxious Lord Chen still did not see the emperor.

The emperor's dragon body is not in good condition, and even the early court was spared.

at the same time.

Dali Temple is bustling.

The newly appointed Minister of Dali Temple took office and came to Dali Temple for the first time.

Lin Chengjie was wearing a first-class official uniform, walking lightly on the road, happily listening to the people around him flattering him.

It feels so cool.

"My lord! I have been wronged!"

"Yesterday, a mob came to the capital. Not only did the eldest daughter of my family be arrested and hanged at the door, but also my family's secret servants and maidservants were arrested. They flouted the law. I beg your lord to look into it!"

An inappropriate voice sounded, and a man in official uniform knelt down in front of Lin Chengjie.

The Minister of Dali Temple is in charge of various cases in the capital, and all officials have to kneel when they see him if they want to arbitrate the lawsuit.

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