Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 243, The Prime Minister with Double Standards

The expression on Princess Mi Le's face is not hidden at all. If eyes can kill, Feng Jin has already been reincarnated [-] times.

Feng Jin didn't care, because the red fox was scraping the fluff off the peaches in the space right now.

I believe that Princess Mile will definitely like this gift.

"The Prime Minister came to the Princess Mansion for the first time, how come he is so familiar with Miss Feng? Could it be that he also had friendship before?"

Princess Mile suddenly spoke, but her tone was not very good.

She is an idle princess, and she doesn't hear much about the affairs of the court, but she just vaguely knows that the power of the prime minister has threatened the royal family.

But the superior character in her bones made her very upset that she was ignored.

They are all princesses, but Fengjin is just a reward that has no blood relationship with the royal family. She is the real Queen Yi of the royal family.

Why did the Prime Minister only salute Feng Jin?
The reason why Princess Mi Le said that was only to get the Prime Minister and Feng Jin related.

If it is rumored that there is an affair between the prime minister and Feng Jin, let alone the position of the crown princess, even if it is the crown prince's concubine, it is impossible!

Princess Mile's words were astonishing, making the surroundings quiet down.

No one on the son's side drank tea on their own, pretending not to hear, but their hands were shaking.

I'm afraid that if I hear terrible words, I will be silenced by the prime minister.

In a sense, the Prime Minister is the same person as His Highness the Crown Prince, who would die if he went crazy.

The ladies didn't dare to make a sound, but some people still looked at it gloatingly.

Feng Jin has really offended Princess Mile now, as long as she is hated by Princess Mile, I believe she will never take the position of Crown Princess.

"Mile! Don't mess around!"

Eldest princess Minghui froze, took a quick look at the Prime Minister, and quickly scolded Princess Mile loudly.

Even the dignified atmosphere at the beginning was gone, and I was so nervous.

She is also afraid.

I'm afraid that if the prime minister is offended, the rebellion will happen earlier.

Her imperial brother had spent a lot of effort to summon the heavenly man, and it is not yet the time to do it.

If it is earlier, let alone Mi Le is the princess, even as the eldest princess, she can't bear such a big responsibility!
"Princess Mi Le is joking. I am a subject, and Miss Feng is the princess. Naturally, a subject wants to greet Princess Jinxiu when he sees Princess Jinxiu."

Gu Nansheng smiled faintly, and answered unhurriedly.

"Then why didn't I see you greet the princess?"

Regardless of Princess Minghui's warning eyes, Princess Mile muttered in a low voice.

There was dissatisfaction in his voice.

"I am the prime minister, the head of all officials, and I am only loyal to the Holy One."

Gu Nansheng still took his time.

He only listened to the emperor's words, so he didn't have any big problems when he met Princess Mile.


Princess Mile was furious at Gu Nansheng's answer!

What does it mean to say hello to Feng Jin because I am a minister, but not to say hello to myself, the princess, because I am loyal to the Holy Majesty!
It's just preposterous!
Obviously disrespecting her!

Eldest Princess Minghui finally couldn't sit still at this moment, she had already walked in front of Princess Mile, holding the hand of Princess Mile tightly.

It was almost embedded in the flesh of Princess Mile.

It was the first time Princess Mile saw her mother so nervous, she still felt a little annoyed, she opened her mouth, but said nothing.

The tingling pain from her wrist made her give up on stalking others.

But in my heart I hated Feng Jin more and more.

All because of Fengjin.

My mother never scolded her, let alone beat her, but now she was scolded by her mother because of Feng Jin!

"Princess Jinxiu, I'm going to leave first. If I have something to ask, I will always be here."

Gu Nansheng ignored the eldest princess, mother and daughter, and bowed to Fengjin again.

"My lord, you don't need to be too polite."

Feng Jin responded to Gu Nansheng with a smile, staring at Gu Nansheng with dark eyes.

What the hell are you doing, kid!
Isn't this bringing hatred to Lao Tzu?

Seeing Feng Jin's eyes, Gu Nansheng silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and took a peek at his surroundings.

Indeed, I saw the jealous eyes of many ladies.

Oh hehe, it seems to be messed up!
He just wanted to use this attitude to prevent everyone from underestimating Xiao Jin.

Now everyone really dare not underestimate Xiao Jin, they all want to strangle him to death!
Gu Nansheng shuddered silently, turned around bravely, and returned to his seat.

He had just mentally simulated the appearance of Fengjin slapping him afterward.

Fortunately, the current Xiaojin is still young, thin and small, and should not have much strength.

He can bear this severe beating!
Thinking of this, Gu Nansheng was relieved a lot.

Sitting on his own stool, he was not honest, picked up his wine glass, and spoke respectfully to Fengjin from a distance,
"Princess Jinxiu, I offer you a toast!"

Gu Nansheng's voice was not too loud, but no one spoke at the banquet, and everyone heard it.

"My princess also respects my lord!"

Feng Jin picked up the teacup with gritted teeth, and poured it all down his throat.

Gu Nansheng looked at Feng Jin's gritted teeth, raised his eyebrows, and drank all the wine.

"Little Gu, invite the best doctor in the capital to the Prime Minister's Mansion in a while."

Gu Nansheng calmly smiled at Feng Jin, turned his head and confessed his last words to his servant.

Being beaten, he has experience.

"...Ah? Is your lord uncomfortable?"

After hearing this, the servant immediately became nervous, and quickly bent over, preparing to help the Prime Minister leave.

The prince hasn't come yet, so it's really inappropriate to leave the banquet.

But the prime minister is really not afraid of anyone so far, you can leave if you feel uncomfortable, and no one will talk behind your back.

After all, as far as the prime minister is concerned, leaving early or something is not a big deal.

"It's okay now, maybe it will be in a few hours. Remember to prepare the best golden sore medicine. If it doesn't work, prepare some Mafeisan. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it!"

Gu Nansheng replied solemnly.

Boy: ...?
I don't understand, but I will still prepare.

"His Royal Highness Li, His Royal Highness Rui, and Yi Wang are here!"

The quiet and weird atmosphere was broken by the arrival of the three princes.

Everyone looked at the past one after another.

Feng Jin saw three gorgeously dressed men at a glance, their faces were somewhat similar to Chen Yu's.

They are all more than 20 years old, in their prime, with sharp edges and corners.

The leading man looked gentle and elegant, with a gentle smile on his face, as warm as spring.

The two men behind him, one is cold and serious, avoiding strangers, and the other is free and easy, with curved eyebrows and eyes.

"These are three of Chen Yu's elder brothers, all of whom were conferred the title of prince, but because they have not yet been canonized as concubine, they have not gone to the fief and have been staying in the capital."

"The great prince, King Li, named Chenshi, is gentle and humble. He is the best friend of the princes. Except for the prince, these ladies are here for the prince, and the rest are for him!"

Wang Wu spread gossip in Fengjin's ears.

Sure enough, Feng Jin clearly saw that Zhang Xiaoru, who was talking to him at the beginning, had already looked at the great prince Chen Shi with a bewildered expression.

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