Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 245, the competition begins

"His Royal Highness, the courtiers have loved peonies since they were young, so they embroidered a picture of peonies and gave it to Her Royal Highness."

Zhang Xiaoru didn't return to his seat right away, but moved his body, which happened to block His Highness Chen Shi's view of the female guests.

Chen Shi frowned slightly on his always elegant and easy-going face, and finally set his eyes on Zhang Xiaoru again.

Zhang Xiaoru noticed this gaze, and the smile on his face became even more charming.

"Embroidered peonies? Quickly show me."

The eldest princess Minghui looked interested. She loves peonies and embroidery. Hearing this, she couldn't sit still.

Zhang Xiaoru knew that he had made the right bet when he saw the eldest princess Minghui's expression of interest.

She did not embroider this pair of embroidery herself, but bought it from a Jiangnan woman at a high price, which almost used up all the monthly silver she had saved.

A little maid held an embroidered picture in both hands and handed it to Zhang Xiaoru.

Zhang Xiaoru personally walked up to the Eldest Princess Minghui, and carefully opened the priceless embroidery.

The embroidered picture slowly unfolded, one by one pink and red peonies jumped out on the picture.

Each flower seems to jump out of the picture, with concave and convex, giving people a 3D feeling visually.

The ancients didn't know what 3D vision meant, but they could tell that this embroidery picture was different from other shows.

In some places, needlework was superimposed several times, so that every peony is patchwork.

It looks like it's alive.

Especially the dragonfly on the peony, which seems to be flying but not flying, adds a lively scene to the whole picture.

The male guests couldn't understand the embroidered pictures, they just found them pleasing to the eye.

The female guests have learned embroidery since they were young, so they naturally know how much effort it takes to complete this whole embroidery picture.

Many ladies from all over the world gasped, and the way they looked at Zhang Xiaoru changed instantly.

In the past, I only thought she was a little transparent. Although she was the daughter of the general's mansion, the father of the family was not a general. There were many generals' mansions, but General Zhang's mansion was not outstanding.

But now, just relying on her embroidery alone is enough to prove Zhang Xiaoru's embroidery skills.

In this era, almost every woman in Kyoto can embroider. When a woman gets married, the wedding dress at home must be sewn by the woman herself.

Good embroidery is enough to prove the virtuousness of this woman, and it can also increase the superiority of being proposed.

Everyone was amazed by this picture of peonies, only the eldest princess Minghui was surprised at first, but when she looked at Zhang Xiaoru later, there was a hint of inquiry on her face.

"Xiao Ru, did you really embroider this? It must have taken a lot of time to embroider such a large picture!"

The eldest princess Minghui's face did not look obsessively at the embroidered picture as Zhang Xiaoru imagined, but her tone was calm when she spoke.

Zhang Xiaoru looked at the eldest princess Minghui's eyes that seemed to know everything, and panicked, and the hand holding the embroidered picture trembled.

This little trick is rarely noticed.

People who practice martial arts have better eyesight, and some male guests quickly understood what was going on.

Feng Jin and Wang Wu also noticed this situation, but Princess Minghui didn't expose it, so they naturally wouldn't steal the show.

"It was embroidered by my courtier's daughter. It took about... two months!"

The smile on Zhang Xiaoru's face was a bit unnatural, but he still admitted it bravely.

At the same time, he glanced vigorously in the direction of His Highness Chen Shi.

Successfully seeing His Highness Chen Shi looking at the direction of her finger, presumably also discovered her talent.

"This is extremely exquisite embroidery work, and it is also the hard work of an embroidery girl. I can't accept it, so I should take it back and treasure it!"

Eldest princess Minghui rejected the embroidery and raised her finger slightly.

The meaning is obvious, you should go down.

The eldest princess Minghui knew that there was only one person in the world who knew how to embroider, and that person was in the south of the Yangtze River, and she was also a close friend of her former boudoir.

However, later there was a conflict between the two that was difficult to adjust.

That person married Jiangnan, and the two never saw each other again.

Her embroidery was unmatched by anyone in the capital, even the son-in-law...

"The courtiers are embroidering pictures every day, and they just want to give it to Her Royal Highness, and please be sure to accept it."

Zhang Xiaoru didn't understand why the Eldest Princess Minghui didn't accept this embroidery. It was absolutely difficult to find the same treasure in the capital.

"Go back!"

The eldest princess Minghui had a cold face, and glanced at her father-in-law beside her indifferently.

The father-in-law walked in front of Zhang Xiaoru with small steps, and said with a smile,
"Miss Zhang, please take a seat! There should be ladies showing their talents!"

Although the father-in-law was smiling, everyone knew that if Zhang Xiaoru didn't leave, he would definitely drag her down.

That scene will become embarrassing.

"The servant girl retire."

Zhang Xiaoru pursed her thin lips, could only put away the embroidery, and returned to her seat.

If he didn't pull it down, it was almost the same, and he was kicked out.

Zhang Xiao subconsciously looked at His Highness Chen Shi, for fear that he would misunderstand him badly.

But he saw that because he was not covered by himself, his gaze fell on Fengjin again.

This time, not only His Royal Highness Chen Shi looked at Feng Jin, but also His Third Highness Chen also looked at Feng Jin.

Zhang Xiaoru grabbed the embroidered picture tightly, wishing to throw the embroidered picture on Feng Jin's face.

"Mother, Xiao Ru's embroidery is very beautiful. The peony should not only exist in the embroidery, but also on the drawing paper. Why don't we let all our girls compare this time?"

Princess Mi Le suddenly stood up, glanced at Feng Jin maliciously, and already had an idea in her mind.

In this world, a woman's talent is defined by piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

And the future princess must not be a wild girl who only knows how to farm.

"This one……"

Eldest Princess Minghui hesitated.

Although he didn't look at Fengjin, he was really worried about Fengjin's embarrassment.

Chen Yu specifically told her not to wrong the future princess.

"The princess has a good idea. Let's all compare who draws the best, and then we will be the first!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"I heard that Ms. Wang is the best painter, she will definitely be the first!"

"The princess's painter is the best, I think the princess will be the first!"


Before Eldest Princess Minghui could speak, several ladies from all over the world began to discuss.

Now, it's not okay to disagree.

"Success, let's compare."

The eldest princess Minghui shook her head and could only agree.

"Then mother, do you have a lottery?"

Princess Mile knew that she would definitely win, so she deliberately said this, so that everyone would participate more intensely, and then they would talk about it with great interest.

No.1 and the last place, who will win?

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