Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 247, for the throne at home

When Chen Shi heard the answers from his two younger brothers, he nodded in satisfaction.

For a while, as long as the three of them opened their eyes and talked nonsense, they vigorously boasted that Fengjin's painting was better.

It will definitely spread the good reputation of the future crown princess as a virtuous and virtuous princess.

He couldn't run away even if he wanted to, so he could only marry their taciturn and crazy brother.

Although I feel sorry for others like this, but in order for someone to inherit the throne in the family, this is the only way to go.

It took a whole hour for all the ladies and beauties to slowly put down their pens and blow carefully, as there was no ink that had dried in the shade.

Except for Feng Jin, almost everyone spent nearly an hour.

He was highly concentrated, and when he put down the pen and paper, his expression was still tense, and he looked at the people around him from time to time, wanting to take a look at other people's paintings.

See if there is any gap with your own. When you see someone who draws better than yourself, you will feel regretful and jealous.

When I see a painting that is worse than my own, I feel a glimmer of hope, thinking that I might win.

No one could see Fengjin's painting, because she had already rolled it up in half an hour.

But everyone thinks that Feng Jin didn't draw it even if it was just an ordinary peony picture, and it was rolled up so quickly to hide his embarrassment.

"Princess Jinxiu is the fastest at painting, and it must be better. Why don't you show it out for everyone to watch?"

Princess Mile looked at her paintings proudly, she knew very well that in the capital, probably no one could draw better than her.

The reason why he is so confident is that he has had similar competitions before.

Almost all the ladies of the family have the same caliber, saying that Princess Mile's painting is the best.

Over time, Princess Mile really thought that his paintings were the best.

There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

Princess Mile's painting skills are top-notch, but there are still two or three people in the capital who are better at painting than her.

It's just that they are all hiding their clumsiness, and they dare not spread it out, otherwise they will be targeted by Princess Mile all the time in the capital.

But this time, the lottery is so rich, if you win, you will be famous in the capital, and you may even get the favor of the Prime Minister and the three princes.

No one is willing to give up this opportunity.

Even if she was targeted by Princess Mile afterwards, so what?

The jade ruyi given by the eldest princess Minghui alone can calm Princess Mile. After all, it is a relic of the former emperor, no one would be so presumptuous.

Everyone is eager to try, hoping that they can come out on top.

But they didn't want to be the first to show their paintings. Hearing that Princess Mi Le asked Princess Jinxiu to show the pictures, many young ladies also had their own thoughts.

It is conceivable that Fengjin's painting must be very bad. If she is the first to show the bad peony picture, then comparing the second peony picture will definitely make people's eyes shine!
"Princess Jinxiu is the fastest at painting, and she must have been familiar with peonies for a long time. It is also great to be lucky enough to look up at her."

Zhang Xiaoru was the first to jump out again.

She always wanted to say a few more words in front of His Highness Chen Shi so that he could pay attention to her.

Even though everyone could sense Princess Minghui's dissatisfaction with Zhang Xiaoru just now, Zhang Xiaoru still chose to let everyone see her.

"I'm not good at drawing, so let's put it in the last one! Save the first picture and hurt everyone's eyes."

Feng Jin spoke modestly.

It doesn't matter if you are humble or not.

The important thing is that she prefers to watch other people being slapped in the face.

"Take it out and let us see, maybe you are not the worst one, what if you get No.1?"

When Princess Mi Le heard Feng Jin's words, she thought that she was a wild girl in the countryside, and she must not know what painting skills are.

If a bad peony picture is placed from the beginning to the end, it will definitely become the laughing stock of the whole capital.

"I still can't, I'll be the last one! The first one to show his work is better, and it must be easier to catch people's eyes."

Feng Jin squeezed the peony picture rolled up in her hand, looking nervous.

It's just that the swarthy eyeballs look sly.

"Don't give in anymore, since Princess Jinxiu wants to show it last, then let's show it last! Or start here."

His Highness Chen Shi stood up, smiled gently at Feng Jin, and pointed in a random direction from left to right.

This is to rescue the four siblings.

If there is a chance, His Highness Chen Shi would like to paint it himself with a paintbrush, just to prevent the fourth sibling from being ashamed.

That good and crazy younger brother managed to kidnap a princess, but he couldn't just run away because of other people's crazy words.

The throne at home is really important.

"Brother Emperor!"

Princess Mile stomped her feet reluctantly.

"His Majesty wants to start from here, then start from here. Princess Jinxiu is too embarrassed to show it, so let's put it at the end."

Gu Nansheng said with a smile.

Although Gu Nansheng and His Royal Highness Chen Shi both had smiles on their faces, they felt completely different.

His Majesty Chen Shi's smile was warm and sunny, and his whole person exuded a refined temperament.

Although Gu Nansheng also had a jade face, his smile gave off a cold feeling.

In addition, he himself is the prime minister, and he is a rebellious prime minister that is almost well known to everyone.

No one knows when he will rebel, but everyone can guess that the young prime minister will definitely rebel.

Looking at Gu Nansheng's smiling eyes, Princess Mile took a step back subconsciously, looking at Eldest Princess Minghui.

"Okay, let's start with Miss Shangguan!"

The eldest princess Minghui still smiled generously, as if she didn't see her daughter's embarrassment.

He just smiled faintly, and set his eyes on Miss Shangguan's painting with great interest.

Ms. Shangguan is just the daughter of a fifth-rank official in the capital, and she was able to come here this time because she used her usual hard work to curry favor with Princess Mile.

Her nervous hands were trembling, and she slowly opened the drawing paper, and a pair of graceful and luxurious peonies appeared vividly on the paper.

"Yes, the god of peony is drawn, but some details need to be carefully polished."

Eldest Princess Minghui nodded slightly, her evaluation was very pertinent.

Ms. Shangguan was too nervous when she was drawing, and she didn't show her true strength, and the lines were trembling in some places.

Next, is the second, third...

When it was Fengjin's turn, she jumped over and continued to look at everyone's paintings.

Feng Jin was a little interested at the beginning, but at the end he felt a little dull.

The same ink paintings are all exquisite and luxurious.

If they are put together, it is impossible to tell who drew who, they are all equally good and the same picture.

After looking around, the three princes and Gu Nansheng didn't comment either.

Gu Nansheng was too lazy to comment.

The three princes made up their minds to praise the fourth younger siblings for a while, but if they praise others now, they will not be able to step down later.

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