"Tch! What's the use of being good-looking! It can't be eaten!"

"In addition to having good looks, the prince is more powerful, has more money, and can be the emperor in the future..."

"What's so good about these!"

Gu Nansheng said a lot dry-mouthed, and then said earnestly,
"If you want to be a queen, or empress, I can help you, you don't have to find that lunatic!"

A few withered and yellow leaves fell on Gu Nansheng's body, and Gu Nansheng threw the leaves on the ground.

It was not enough to make up a kick, and I rolled it back and forth twice.

Treat the leaves as Chen Yu.

"The long thief is handsome!"

Feng Jin only said these few words.

Hearing Feng Jin's firm answer, Gu Nansheng's eyes almost rolled to the sky.

So handsome!
He looks so handsome now!
As long as you work harder, you can become Zen in Mount Tai.

Even if the dragon robe in the cabinet is thrown away every day, it can last for a month.

Why didn't you see him!
This is not fair!

Just because he was an ex?

"Okay, don't discuss this annoying question, Xiao Jin, I'm going to ask you a serious question next, and you must tell me honestly."

Gu Nansheng's face suddenly became serious, and he glanced at the direction of the yard.

After confirming that no one around was listening to him, he stared closely at Fengjin's eyes.


Feng Jin didn't know what Gu Nansheng was talking to her, after all, she just found out Gu Nansheng's identity just now.

"Before I saw you at the Princess's mansion, I met Wang Tong first, and he told me some incredible things."

When Gu Nansheng said this, he hesitated.

Because of some things, Wang Tong didn't tell Fengjin because he wanted to protect Fengjin.

But Gu Nansheng's thinking was the opposite of Wang Tong's. He didn't want to hide Fengjin's knowledge. Fengjin still had the right to know some things.

"whats the matter?"

Feng Jin was puzzled.

"You, do you know why we traveled here?"

Gu Nansheng finally said it.

He wasn't sure at first, but after seeing Wang Tong, he barely guessed the whole picture.

Later, after hearing that Feng Jin experienced a short period of "amnesia", he confirmed some things even more.

The so-called amnesia is not amnesia, but the return of the original owner.

Maybe one day, not only Feng Jin will be like this, but he and Wang Tong will be like this too.

This body originally belonged to someone else.

Sometimes, he can also clearly feel that an inexplicable hostility suddenly arises in his body.

And this kind of hostility can only be found in the original owner in memory.

That young prime minister who is full of calculations will one day have a chance to regain control of his body.

"I came here as soon as I woke up."

Feng Jin shook his head slowly, and also thought of his father Wang Tong's urging to go to the capital immediately to settle down.

The memory of that time is blank.

But she could vaguely guess something.

Before losing his memory, the strong emotion in his heart came from the original owner.

From the heart, Feng Jin doesn't want to go back now.

First, she didn't know that after she went back, her old body would have rotted away, maybe it had been cremated by kind people.

Second, Chen Yu is in this world, and after leaving this world, he will never find such a perfect boyfriend again.

There is already a feeling in my heart that is not easy to let go.

When she came to this world, she was unwilling.

If she is forced to leave, she is unwilling.

"No, we were summoned here. The old emperor here wanted to summon the heavenly beings to deal with me, but what he didn't expect was that the heavenly beings summoned over, but it triggered a series of butterfly effects. Because of the huge magnetic field, we , also crossed over."

"So, I, Wang Tong, and you all know each other. I suspect that the heavenly being who was summoned might be the person around us, so we were brought here as a bonus."

Gu Nansheng propped his chin and analyzed.

He only guessed these things, the toad Wang Tong didn't say anything else.

He'll figure it out soon enough.

It's just...he has a very serious matter that he didn't say directly.

That's the uncertainty factor.

No one knows how long these otherworldly souls can stay in this world.

Maybe when he wakes up tomorrow, Gu Nansheng is no longer Gu Nansheng, but a young prime minister.

And Wang Tong will also become that lazy beggar on the street, no longer as easy to expose as now, he will become more cautious, better at disguising, more like Bai Xiaosheng and the leader of the beggar gang.

At that time, these uncertain factors may become a burden.

If Xiao Jin didn't know that he didn't have it, and still treated the young man as himself, if nothing else happened, he would definitely be tricked.

In the eyes of the young prime minister, there is only a dragon chair, no family, friendship and love.

And Wang Tong, the leader of the beggar gang, would not hesitate to swing the stick in his hand at Fengjin.

Both Gu Nansheng and Wang Tong were worried about this problem, and there was nothing they could do.

"If the magnetic field affects the brain waves, does it mean that we are illusory, maybe our world, where we are still sleeping, is just a...dream?"

Feng Jin frowned, a little unwilling to believe this fact.

Even if you don't believe it, modern people like them are heterogeneous, occupying other people's bodies.

Even if their brain waves have the upper hand now, they are not original products after all, and they will be pushed out sooner or later, right?
"I don't know about this yet, but the old emperor should have some records about people from other worlds, and he probably brought us here!"

When Gu Nansheng said this, he sighed heavily.

It's all because the original owner of his body is too powerful, the old emperor can't kill him no matter what, even the old emperor has many people around him who are his eyeliner.

That's why the old emperor risked his life and spent a huge price, resulting in today's situation.

The special magnetic field made them what they are today.

"The person summoned by the emperor should be our best friend or classmate? If we can get in touch with that celestial being, and the celestial being is particularly easy to be respected by the emperor, maybe we can come up with something else!"

Feng Jin suddenly thought of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu has always been responsive to her requests.

If Chen Yu is asked for help, he will definitely help, and even Chen Yu knows that Feng Jin is from another world.

I always subconsciously don't want him to know. If he knows, he will definitely be worried.

She hoped that there would always be stars in those beautiful eyes.

"That's what I'm thinking too. I have several eyeliners in my palace. I'll try it when I get back to see if that celestial being knows us or not!"

Gu Nansheng already had an idea in his mind.

It's fine to rebel casually, the old emperor will definitely discuss with the heavenly beings, as long as the old emperor meets the heavenly beings, the eyeliner will also have a chance to meet the so-called heavenly beings.

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