Chapter 259, reason

"Shut up! That's the carriage of the Princess Palace!"

Feng Minsheng covered Feng Zheng's mouth expressionlessly, and looked in the direction Feng Zheng was pointing at.

On the carriage of the Princess Palace, an elegant woman is getting off the carriage.

Before the beautiful woman got down completely, she looked in the direction of Feng Minsheng, and her eyes fell on Feng Minsheng.

Eye to eye, watching that is called a concentrated attention.

Seemed to be very interested in this person.

Feng Minsheng only glanced at the Eldest Princess Minghui, and then Feng Minsheng continued to organize things with his head down.

Unexpectedly, in less than a breath, the eldest princess Minghui and the two maids had already arrived at the door of the shop without a plaque.

"You bought the shop here?"

The eldest princess Minghui's dignified eyebrows frowned slightly, and her eyes fell on Feng Minsheng again.

He looks like a farmer who is farming the land, but he has a strong bookish atmosphere on his body, which is natural, elegant and easy-going.

"See Your Royal Highness the Princess."

Feng Minsheng and Fengzheng looked at each other, and they saluted the Eldest Princess Minghui.

The eldest princess Minghui wore ordinary clothes, but she did not deliberately conceal her identity. The expensive hairpin on her head and the maids of the eldest princess mansion could make people guess her identity.

Eldest Princess Minghui saw Feng Minsheng and Feng Zheng quickly guessed her identity, and she was not too surprised, but looked Feng Minsheng up and down again.

What a handsome man.

Although he was middle-aged, the charm on his body made this person even more attractive.

"Caomin just took down the shop here and is going to sell some rouge and gouache."

As Feng Minsheng said, he took out the cosmetics he made.

Keeping an eye out, instead of taking weird cosmetics, I took a lip balm that looks very ordinary.

Even the most common ones look different from the common lipsticks on the market today. The lipsticks on the market are basically red paper or red powder paste.

And what Feng Minsheng made is a small piece of wood with a movement pulled out of the middle. Using a small mechanism, it achieves the effect of lipstick in modern society. It can be pulled out with a twist, which is very convenient.

Princess Minghui saw this kind of lip balm for the first time, and she could clearly feel that the smell and color of the lip balm inside were very different from those made now.

If nothing else, this shop will be popular in the future.


The eldest princess Minghui put the lipstick back on the counter, looked at the handsome Feng Minsheng, and added,
"I came here today to take over this shop, but I didn't expect it to be sold."

The eldest princess Minghui, who was always dignified, never talked for so long with her cousin, but today she said a few more words, and she didn't hide her eyes.

Logically speaking, she should turn around and go back immediately now.

"excuse me."

Feng Minsheng replied calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.

Even after knowing the identity of the eldest princess Minghui, Feng Minsheng was not too fawning.

His background is already very strong, and he doesn't need to curry favor with anyone.

In a sense, he is Chen Yu's future father-in-law, and the eldest princess Minghui is from her husband's family.

Naturally, he can't put his posture too low, lest his daughter will be wronged when the time comes.

The eldest princess Minghui smiled gently, said nothing, and finally turned and left with the maids.

Just when I left, I turned around and asked,
"The shopkeeper is so young, he can be considered talented, can you tell me his name?"

As soon as the eldest princess Minghui opened her mouth, the two servant girls who followed her were startled.

He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Eldest Princess Minghui, nor did he dare to look at Feng Minsheng.

When did your always dignified Highness become so bold?

What's more... It's really impolite to ask a foreigner's name like that.

Even though His Highness is the eldest princess, the part of the female ring is also fulfilling her duties.

What's more, the son-in-law is still alive.

"Crass folk style, people's livelihood, I just brought my daughter here from a small mountain village under Fengyang County a few days ago."

Feng Minsheng didn't hide this.

Sooner or later you will know.

"It turned out to be Xiaojin's family."

Eldest Princess Minghui looked at Feng Minsheng and was a little dazed.

Could this be the reason why Hefeng Minsheng has hit it off?
I always feel that I have seen it somewhere, and I always feel that it should be deja vu.

But I can't remember it all the time.

Take a closer look, the eyebrows of Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin are indeed somewhat similar.

The eldest princess Minghui thought of this, she put away the strangeness in her heart, chatted a few more casually, and left here.

Intentionally or not, when Princess Minghui's carriage left, the curtain lifted a corner from inside.

It just so happened that Eldest Princess Minghui looked this way, and happened to see Feng Minsheng at the door of the shop.

The carriage is drifting away.

It wasn't until they disappeared that the curtain of the carriage slowly fell.

in the carriage.

Eldest Princess Minghui's expression was still a little dazed.

"His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness?"

The close servant girl whispered to the Eldest Princess Minghui who was in a daze.

"What's the matter?"

The eldest princess Minghui finally regained her senses, opened the curtain again, but quickly lowered the curtain.

"His Royal Highness, the servant wants to say that it is not time to go back to the mansion, but to get some medicinal materials for Princess Mi Le."

The personal servant girl reminded the eldest princess Minghui in a low voice.

Princess Mi Le has had red rashes all over her body since the banquet, and the medicine prescribed by the royal doctor in the palace can't cure it.

It was about peaches, but all the peaches in the princess' mansion had been destroyed, and the rash continued.

Eldest Princess Minghui came out this time not only to look at the shop, but also to grab some medicine outside, otherwise Princess Mile couldn't sleep at night, and her skin was scratched.

"After stopping at the entrance of the medicine hall, go and grab some medicinal materials."

Princess Minghui sighed slightly when she thought of Mi Le.


The little servant girl responded, thinking of the bloodstained face of Princess Mi Le, she shuddered silently.

The carriage of the Princess's Mansion soon stopped at the gate of the largest medicine hall in the capital.

The little maid hurriedly got out of the car and walked towards the medicine hall.

At the same time, an elderly man just came out with a pile of medicinal materials.

As soon as the old man saw the carriage of the eldest princess's mansion, he guessed that the eldest princess Minghui was also on it.

Now that we met, we naturally had to salute.

With aged steps, Feng Nanshu saluted the carriage of the Eldest Princess Minghui,

"Chen Fengnan wrote to meet His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

The king is the king, and the minister is the minister.

Whenever and wherever Feng Nanshu meets members of the royal family, he naturally needs to salute.

"Master Feng, don't be too polite."

When the eldest princess Minghui saw Feng Nanshu, her eyes flickered slightly, and she waved her hand without being overly polite.

Feng Nanshu also knew the reason, so he resigned.

When Feng Nanshu was most energetic that year, the eldest princess Minghui happened to be born, and Feng Nanshu also happened to be named on the gold list.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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