Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 266, Heaven and Man Are Here

Chapter 266, Heaven and Man Are Here
Qianqing Hall.

An old man with all white hair sat in a comfortable chair.

His face was full of dimples, and he looked lifeless.

Lying halfway on the dragon chair, he was not as energetic as a young man, and looked bleak.

He was dressed in a dragon robe, which gave his old body a bit of majesty.

Surprisingly, it was the old man who went to Fengjin's shop to buy wine last time.

He held a wooden wine glass in his thin hand, and there was light red fruit wine in the glass.

It is the fruit wine bought from icing on the cake last time.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but since he drank the fruit wine bought from his daughter-in-law, his whole body feels different.

I feel that my body is stronger than before, and I don't need others to support me when I walk a few steps.

The old emperor Chenming thought that this might be a psychological effect, after all, he was already very happy to see the prince and concubine in his lifetime.

more excited than anyone else.

I thought that the prince's cold face and those three stupid sons would have to be bachelors for the rest of their lives!
As expected of his most favored prince, he was the first to find his daughter-in-law.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Princess Jinxiu have already entered the palace, and will be there in a while."

The eunuch Rongfeng came to the old emperor and reported respectfully.


The old emperor hummed softly, and a strange expression suddenly appeared on his old-fashioned face,

"I heard that the future crown princess is very powerful, even dare to beat the crown prince. Is this true?"

The old emperor didn't see it with his own eyes, so he obviously didn't believe it.

Let alone the crown princess, the old emperor himself did not dare to beat him, the son he was most afraid of.

It's also his fault, he didn't protect the queen well, that's why this son's temperament changed drastically.

And has been letting him do anything.

Over time, even the old emperor himself was a little afraid of this son.

But if you are afraid, you should be favored.

He knew that he was about to die, and he didn't want to leave the prime minister's cancer to his son, so he touched the restriction and summoned the heaven and man.

I want to do one last thing for my son.

However, the result seems to have changed in an unexpected direction after the appearance of the princess.

The prime minister has changed.

He stopped fighting against himself, and joined in the fun in front of the princess, seeming to respect her very much.

Even the prince no longer targets the prime minister.

Reconciled for no reason.

This made the old emperor very curious, what role did the appearance of the crown princess play?
Or... the prime minister's shameless brat is also a follower of his daughter-in-law's script?
"Should... be true."

Rong Feng thought for a while, and answered the old emperor honestly.

When he falsely preached the imperial decree, he was fortunate enough to see the scene where His Royal Highness was "bullied" by the Crown Princess.

The prince looked like he didn't dare to show his air, how cowardly he was.

It wasn't until that time that Rongfeng realized that His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness Chen Yi were really brothers.

When Chen Yi was hanged up and beaten by His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness the Third Highness was also so cowardly.


The old emperor hummed again.

Because the old emperor lowered his head and sipped his wine, Rong Feng did not see a smile flashing in the old emperor's eyes.

Chen Yu was beaten!
Since the queen died, no one dared to touch the prince.

It's not that Chen Yu has never been beaten before. When the queen was alive, Chen Yu was also very naughty.

If you make a mistake, or if you eat too much snacks, you will be punished by the queen.

Thinking of the past, the old emperor smiled and looked forward to his future daughter-in-law even more.

At first, the old emperor was a little disappointed when he knew that the prince had taken a fancy to a peasant girl.

Although he couldn't object to the prince's decision, he still had some regrets. The position of the prince concubine in the future should be as gentle and dignified as the previous empress.

However, the old emperor later accepted it.

The words written by the daughter-in-law are really fragrant!
He has written so many books, and he likes every book.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that my cold-faced prince son is not worthy of him at all!

Those hands of others are masters who can draw all kinds of scenes, just the prince's ice face with yin and yang, tsk tsk tsk.

Toad wants to eat!

Although, though, though.

The old emperor remained silent, not daring to object.

His son is still great.

With a stare of those eyes, he surrendered first.

However, he was very happy to hear that Bing Cuang'er's face son would be beaten. If possible, he hoped to see it with his own eyes.

Maybe it can make him look happy and live two more years.

"Your Majesty, the old man Tianren will come later, saying that he wants to meet the crown prince and Princess Jinxiu!"

The chief eunuch Rong Feng spoke respectfully, his voice lowered a bit.

It is taboo to call the names of the heavenly beings directly, even in the palace, the names of the heavenly beings are rarely mentioned.

Heaven and man have been staying in the same palace, except for the old emperor, no one has seen his true face.

Every time I come out, I sit in a sedan chair and wear a bamboo hat, which is very mysterious.

"Okay! When the heavenly man arrives, let him come in directly!"

When the old emperor heard that the heavenly man was coming, he quickly sat up straight with a faint smile on his face.

It's good that the heavenly man is here, it's good for him to chat with Xiao Yu more, so that he can assist the crown prince to ascend the throne in the future.

The prime minister reconciled inexplicably, so he can't be careless, maybe it's a tactic to delay the army.

What's more, it wasn't until recently that he discovered that besides the prime minister, there was another existence who wanted to usurp the throne.

The mysterious man dispatched countless dead soldiers to encircle and suppress the prince and princess.

The old emperor still doesn't understand how the prince and princess managed to escape, but he was relieved.

It's fine!
It shows that the future princess is not an ordinary person, maybe because of the birth of a celestial being, she will be blessed by heaven.


Rong Feng responded, stood beside the old emperor, and gently rubbed the old emperor's shoulders.

"His Royal Highness, see you!"

"Your Honorable Princess Jinxiu!"

The eunuch's high-pitched voice came from outside the palace gate.

The old emperor who seemed lifeless sat up instantly.

——Sit up in shock while dying.

With one mouthful, he drank the fruit wine in the glass.

"Cough cough..."

As soon as he got nervous, he choked his throat all at once, and the old emperor coughed violently.

Choking's face became a little rosy, with three points of vitality.

"His Majesty!"

Rongfeng hurriedly gave the old emperor his favor.

The old emperor coughed violently a few times. Thinking that his son and daughter-in-law were about to arrive, he tried to hold back his cough.

But the more I endured, the more I coughed, and the cough became more intense.

"Cough cough cough..."

The old emperor almost choked himself to death.

Fortunately, when Chen Yu and Feng Jin walked into the hall, the old emperor had already sat down and looked calmly at the two people who were walking towards him.

Feng Jin looked at the old emperor of this dynasty at first glance.

The first feeling is that this old man is really familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere.

The second feeling is that the old emperor looks quite energetic, his face is rosy and there is no trace of sickness, which is different from the rumors.

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(End of this chapter)

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