"Also, let's call him Your Majesty!"

Feng Jin was stunned for a moment, then smiled dryly.

She hasn't been canonized as a princess yet, she's only in love, so she can't change her mind so quickly.

The main reason is that there is no change fee.

So, of course it's His Majesty.

She could say the word "old emperor" in her heart, but she still didn't dare to say it face to face.

After all, he is the emperor.

"Don't care about these details, we are all family anyway."

The old emperor looked at Fengjin with a smile, and had a lot to say, but Chen Yu was standing there all the time, so he was too embarrassed to ask.

All I want to ask is about the script.

It is obviously a bit shameful to say these love affairs about cultivating immortals in front of his son.

He hoped that in his son's heart, he could be a competent emperor... Although Chen Yu, a prodigal son, did not look him in the eye.

Feng Jin could only smile and nod, then slowly took the snacks on the table and ate them in small bites.

... Sure enough, there is still a little generation gap with the ancients.

There is no more topic now.

Feng Jin didn't know what to say, the old emperor wanted to say it, but his dignity didn't allow it.

The hall began to fall silent.

It was so quiet that even the old emperor could not help but cough softly.

Feng Jin looked at the old emperor and then at Chen Yu, really not knowing what to say.

I don't know if the face saint is over or not.

Can I go home.

And... isn't it agreed that there will be a reward for entering the palace this time?

"A reward."

As soon as Feng Jin thought of this, Chen Yu opened his mouth coldly.

The voice is so righteous.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the other princes of the old emperor dared not name them for rewards so openly.

It is an honor to give, and it is due not to.

But Chen Yu's behavior made Feng Jin think of the old people in modern society.

It's a matter of course to be confident and confident.

The kind that if you don't give it, you will lift the table and strangle your neck.

"There, it's quite heavy, and it's probably not easy to move."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, the old emperor pointed to several large boxes in the corner of the hall.

To be honest, the old emperor didn't know what was inside.

Anyway, it was all pretended by Chen Yu's command, and the old emperor didn't dare to look at it, for fear that his flesh would hurt to death.

It was so heavy that several eunuchs did not lift it up, and finally several guards with kung fu came and lifted it up.

The old emperor couldn't help taking a few more glances, and became more and more convinced of Fengjin.

This princess must never be replaced in the future.

I can't afford it!
Not to mention anything else, if it was another person, Chen Yu would definitely come over and ask him for something, and he specified that he must become the poorest emperor in history!

So, this princess, he decided!
No one can object, he said!

"Let's go!"

Chen Yu nodded in satisfaction, and turned around to leave without letting Feng Jin thank the Lord for his kindness.

I made a lot of money, Xiao Jin should be very happy!
"That... the heavenly beings are coming too, are you joking and chatting with the heavenly beings?"

When the old emperor spoke, he had a somewhat humble tone.

Feng Jin stopped abruptly.

The Celestial Man might be someone from the 21st century, or someone she once knew.

Gu Nansheng tried to test heaven and man, but because Gu Nansheng accidentally killed someone in a state of dementia, he had to re-communicate.

No news yet.

The process is a bit tortuous. If you meet the heavenly beings in a while, you will save a lot of trouble.

Feng Jin stopped in his tracks, so Chen Yu could only stop, and he looked at Feng Jin immediately.

He understood that Feng Jin should know something.

Recently, Prime Minister Gu Nansheng ran to Fengfu very diligently, and also communicated with the dark lines in the palace.

Chen Yu originally planned to hide it with Wang Tong, at least find a way for them to travel or a way to stabilize their souls, and then tell Fengjin.

However, the palace is so big, it is very difficult to hide it.

He is also not very good at lying to Xiao Jin, and has always avoided this topic.

"Xiao Jin, the flowers in the imperial garden are blooming well, why don't you go and have a look?"

Chen Yu looked back at the old emperor.

No matter how hard the knife is in the eye, it can't be hidden.

The old emperor pretended not to know, didn't see it, but his throat started to itch again.

Even Rong Feng, who was watching from the sidelines, was anxious and afraid for the old emperor.

The old emperor has never been abusive in his life as a soldier, governing the country and the people and the world.

Beating his son (mainly His Highness Chen Yisan) has never been soft-hearted, and even the execution officer in the cell probably trembled three times when he saw it.

However, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is the emperor's nemesis, and he can't be beaten or scolded.

I can only endure it, swallow it, it's a very pitiful kind.

"Since His Majesty has opened his mouth, let's wait for the heavenly beings!"

Feng Jin didn't move, and pulled Chen Yu back again.

The cold air wrapped around Chen Yu's body for three minutes, and he glanced at the old emperor again.

The old emperor continued to pretend to be calm, and took a sip of the fruit wine.

Blame him for being cheap.

If I knew that the prodigal son didn't want to look at heaven and man, then I'll wait for the next time, and I will have a chance.

As a result, the prodigal son he got now looks like he will be slapped to death immediately, and he will immediately ascend the throne and become emperor.

"Heaven and man have come, after chatting later, you can go to the imperial garden to have a look."

The old emperor looked outside vigorously, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the extremely luxurious sedan chair again.

Feng Jin and Chen Yu looked outside at the same time.

I only saw the sedan chair surrounded by curtains, and there was a man in the sedan chair. The man was wearing a thick bamboo hat, and his face could not be seen clearly.

After a while, the sedan chair arrived in the hall, but the man did not come down, but was carried into the hall by the eunuch, until he was in front of the old emperor.

Then he got off the sedan chair slowly.

Just standing like that, kneeling and worshiping, etc., are all avoided.

Feng Jin looked at Tianren carefully for a long time, but he didn't see any tricks.

Thick pockets, long clothes, even the figure is unreal, let alone the face.

After a long time, Fengjin's gaze finally landed on Tianren's lap.

Vaguely, seems to be shaking?
Feng Jin rubbed her eyes and looked at it for a while longer, but still felt shaking.

Feng Jin looked at Tianren meaningfully.

This is interesting.

According to Gu Nansheng, the old emperor regarded heaven and man as guests, and he could have whatever he wanted, and he almost regarded them as gods.

Even so, celestial beings should be very good and high above, so why are they trembling?
Could it be that you lack confidence?
"You are here, please take a seat."

The old emperor stood up from the chair, and quickly let the heavenly man sit on the chair, with a respectful and pious attitude.

After all, it was a god summoned from the forbidden area passed down from the ancestors, and the old emperor still respected it very much.

Tianren nodded slightly, without saying anything, walked slowly to the chair and sat down.

If Fengjin hadn't seen Tianren's slightly trembling legs, then Tianren, who had been silent all this time, would have looked quite aloof.

"This is Xiao Yu's concubine, Feng Jin. Xiao Jin, this is a celestial being, a god from heaven."

After the old emperor sat down in the sky, he stood still, and quickly introduced Fengjin and Tianren to each other, and also hoped that Chen Yu and Tianren could get acquainted.

In the future, I will assist Jiangshan.

The old emperor didn't notice that when Tianren heard the word Fengjin, his bamboo hat moved.

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