Mu Yunlong looked at the thin and delicate girl in front of him, from the hope of taking off the bamboo hat at the beginning, to the shattering of hope, all in a short moment.

From the moment he heard the name of Princess Jinxiu, hope was ignited in his heart.

The name Feng Jin is the same as the name of his former best friend.

If it was her, he would be considered a fellow in this wonderful world.

It's not that he dare not say a word until now, and can only play the image of himself as a celestial being.

Fool the poor old man who is not cared for by his youngest son at home.

Hearing Feng Jin talk about surfing the Internet and conic curves, Mu Yunlong guessed more firmly that the Princess of Jinxiu is Feng Jin.

However, he seems to have guessed wrong.

This face from the 21st century is not the face of his best friend.

Mu Yunlong's eye sockets became moist in an instant.

So, is he basically living alone in this world that no one knows?

... However, it's okay, at least there are other fellow villagers in the 21st century who can barely talk.

"You, your face..."

When Feng Jin saw Mu Yunlong's face, his eyes were filled with shock.

From the beginning to the present, no matter whether it is her, the old man, or Wang Tong and the others, everyone has traveled here by virtue of their brainwaves.

In short, they are not using their own bodies.

And Mu Yunlong in front of him looks exactly the same as before, even the scar on his forehead is clear.

The hair has just grown out and not long!
When Mu Yunlong and Fengjin were together, he felt a little less nervous, not as stressed as he was in front of the old emperor.

In front of the old emperor, he basically pretended to be cold, for fear of showing off.

Heaven and man must be high and cold, because it is extremely cold at high places.

Moreover... His voice trembled as soon as he opened his mouth, and he was guilty of guilt, so he didn't dare to speak at all.

Who knows what he's been through these days.

He slept soundly at home, and when he dreamed of playing ranked with a beautiful young lady, he opened his eyes and came to this world.

Before Mu Yunlong could react, the old emperor brought a group of people to kneel in front of him.

For a moment, Mu Yunlong thought he was a demigod fooling the old man.

Originally wanted to explain something, but the old emperor didn't give him a chance to speak at all, so happy tears came out of his nose.

Looks like it's about to burp.

What happened next was even more frightening.

The old emperor shouted to keep the secrets of heaven and man.

Mu Yunlong didn't even have time to ask what a celestial being is. All the people in the room, except the old emperor, committed suicide.

Yes, these are all orders from the old emperor.

Don't look at the old emperor in front of Chen Yu like an old emperor who can't take care of himself and is afraid of his son.

In fact, his majesty and decisiveness are unmatched by anyone.

More than a dozen people died one after another in front of Mu Yunlong.

Mu Yunlong could only bite the bullet and perfunctory the old emperor, not daring to say a word.

Let the old emperor invite himself to live here.

In order to save his life, Mu Yunlong didn't dare to talk nonsense afterwards, so he could only pretend to be cold and heavenly.

Fortunately, what the old emperor asked was some strategies for governing the country and the world. Although he didn't understand much, he watched a lot of TV dramas.

There are also a lot of good ideas.

That's why the old emperor didn't notice.

"Do you know me?"

Mu Yunlong watched Feng Jin keep looking at his face, and asked quickly.

He even brought his square face close to let Fengjin take a good look.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, shook her head, but said nothing.

The best friends are used to cheat.

Play tricks for a few minutes first.

"I do not know!"

Mu Yunlong looked at Fengjin and shook his head, with disappointment in his tone.

He sighed heavily.

"In the vast crowd, the possibility of two people meeting each other is very small, let alone in this feudal superstitious dynasty, even though your names are exactly the same, obviously, you are not her."

It would be nice if it was really Fengjin.

Then he would have nothing to fear.

There are many strange friends among his best friends, and Feng Jin is also one of them, and he is also the one with the most violent output among his best friends!
If there is Fengjin, what kind of old emperor are you afraid of!

If the two join hands directly, it is possible to change the dynasty!

"Is there anyone else with the same name as me?"

Feng Jin rolled her eyes slightly, and smiled at Mu Yunlong.

But at the age of thirteen or fourteen, he smiled innocently and innocently, and stared innocently at Mu Yunlong with his big dark eyes.

No matter how you look at it, how weak, pitiful, and easy to arouse sympathy.

"Ang, yes, but you are different from the other Fengjin!"

Mu Yunlong recalled his former buddies in his mind.

Violent maniac, toad, pervert...

None of them are normal.

Tsk tsk tsk, compared to the innocent and harmless little cutie in front of me... No, there is no way to compare!

"Is there anyone else with the same name as me? Then... what kind of person is the other Fengjin?"

Feng Jin sat back on the chair slowly, ate the snacks in small bites, holding the snacks in both hands.

No matter how you look at it, it's cute and cute.

There are suspicions of pretending to be tender, but he is indeed still a child.

"The other Xiaojin, she is good at everything, but it hurts to beat people, and she is very, very violent. Children should not learn from the other Fengjin. Violence can't solve any problems! You are fine like this!"

As Mu Yunlong said, he also gave Fengjin a smile that he thought was amiable.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Jin tilted her head and smiled, didn't say anything, just ate the snacks mouthful.

My heart has become active.

The silent rage factor began to wake up.

Fengjin took out a white handkerchief, and slowly cleaned off the remaining pastry crumbs.

Then he walked towards Mu Yunlong step by step.

Seeing Fengjin obediently wiping away debris, Mu Yunlong sighed again,

"You look more like an ancient princess than the other Xiaojin. If Xiaojin comes here, she will look like a general!"

Mu Yunlong didn't notice at all that the smile on Xiao Jin's face was getting more and more sinister as he got closer.


Feng Jin shook her white and tender little hand, which made a creaking sound.


"That's right, it's better for girls to be cute."

Under Feng Jin's death gaze, Mu Yunlong nodded vigorously.

Feng Jin smiled, "Do you think I look like a little princess or a general?"

With lightning speed, he raised his hand and gave Mu Yunlong a big fight.

once, twice...

Mu Yunlong was honored to experience a set of combined punches.


Mu Yunlong was stunned.

There was no response for a long time.

Brain buzzing.

This pain, this feeling, this strength.

Absolutely no second girl can do it.

"No, no, you are not a little princess!"

"It's not the general either!"

"You! Yes! Me! Of! God!"

Mu Yunlong quickly raised his hands to express his surrender, tears burst out, he didn't know if it was pain or excitement.

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