Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 276, The shop opened by the Feng family?

Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin squeezed outside for a long time before squeezing in.

The entrance of the store is tight, but the inside is orderly and needs to be lined up.

"Guests, the store just opened today, there are too many people, please wait patiently."

There was a boy standing at the door of the shop, talking to the crowd with a smile on his face.

It should have been said that if you can’t buy it today, you can buy it tomorrow.

But on the first day of opening, it is really not suitable to drive away customers, so we can only appease them over and over again.

"Hey, hey, hey...Guest officer, please line up!"

Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng were just about to go inside the shop when they were stopped by the servants outside.

When Feng Minsheng turned his head, the boy's face almost became tense.

"Master Feng, Miss Feng is well!"

The boy hurriedly said hello.

He really didn't expect that the two fiercest people just crowded were the masters of his family.

"Ang, you have worked hard."

Feng Minsheng hurriedly said a word, and then took Feng Jin to the shop.

There are people everywhere upstairs and downstairs, not as crowded as outside, but compared to other shops, it is already considered a prosperous shop among the prosperous shops.

"Master, miss."

As soon as Feng Minsheng and Feng Minsheng entered the door, a middle-aged man greeted him immediately, and saluted Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin respectfully.

It is the shopkeeper of Qingchengyan, Fenghua.

Fenghua seems to be a refined man, who knows how to mix some medicinal materials, and Feng Minsheng taught him some not-very-important and simple methods of making cosmetics.

"You did a good job today."

Feng Minsheng looked at the orderly shop, and he didn't hesitate to praise him.

He just talked about the way of doing business in modern society, and Fenghua can quickly get started and apply what he has learned.

The inside of the store was also arranged in a stable manner by him.

To be honest, it looks much better than the shop run by those dead men in Fengzheng.

It is said that Fenghua was born in a businessman, his family was in decline, and he offended a villain, so he was sold as a slave.

Later, because of his talent, he was transferred to work under Wang Tong.

In the end, it was bought by Feng Minsheng.

"Thanks to Miss Wang's family today, she only stood in front of the shop for an hour, and there were already a steady stream of people at the door."

When Fenghua talked about Miss Wang's family, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

He originally thought that the young lady of the richest family was cold and condescending.

did not expect……

She took the cosmetics and tried them at the door, which was a delicate and contrived one.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the presence of the eldest lady of the Wang family, all the buildings in the capital can be supported.

Anyway, the beautiful appearance shocked everyone, no matter if it was a man or a woman, they cried and wanted to buy the same style.

Miss Wang stayed for an hour and then left, but there are still legends about her in the shop.

More people come here for fame than cosmetics.

Fortunately, the supply of goods in the warehouse is sufficient.

It is obvious that every bottle and jar needs a lot of money to buy, but everyone seems to be not short of money all of a sudden.

Buy and buy!
"Of course it's your credit. You don't have to be restrained. Do your work first. Xiaojin and I will just look around in the shop."

Feng Minsheng said.

"Yes! Master, miss, excuse me."

Fenghua saluted and went to receive guests.

There are too many guests, not only the maids are there to receive the guests and explain how to use it, but even the servants are here, so he can't be idle.

Before leaving, his gaze stayed on Fengjin's face for a while.

It was also the first time for him to see the eldest lady, the legendary Princess Splendid, so he naturally had to take a closer look, lest he might not even recognize his own master in the future.

Feng Jin already has the title of princess.

But in Fengfu, almost everyone is called Miss Fengjin, and Fengjin is more used to being called Miss.

If you call her princess, Feng Jin will always think of Gu Nansheng who disappeared inexplicably.

"Is this for wiping your face? Apply it directly to your face? Do you need to press it gently?"

"Is this a mask? Put it directly on your face?"

"Can this lip balm have so many colors? It's so beautiful!"

"This can make the face whiter? Give me two bottles!"


The shop was bustling with activity. At the beginning, everyone came for the beauty of Miss Wang's family.

After entering the store, after experiencing some trial kits, everyone found that the things here are really easy to use.

Don't talk about the skin care products that won't see the effect for a while, just talk about lip balm and foundation on the face, which has already made everyone dumbfounded.

This is the effect that can only be seen.

The girls are even more crazy.

If it can become whiter and redder lips, maybe everyone can be as charming as Miss Wang!

In the whole street, the shop door of Qing Cheng Zhi Yan is crowded, and you can see the prosperity of this shop at a glance.

"Whose shop is this?"

From a distance, old man Feng saw these crowded people, and he subconsciously walked towards the crowded place.

He knew that the young master had always been glamorous, and wherever he went, a group of people would follow behind him.

Therefore, he subconsciously thought that the prosperity of this shop must have something to do with the young master.

"Stinky beggar! Stay away!"

The smell of Mr. Feng's body wafted around, and he subconsciously stretched out his hands to grab others, trying to squeeze in.

As a result, it was overthrown at once.

With a plop, he fell directly to the ground.

In this world, not everyone is patient, and not everyone will tolerate the rudeness of Feng's old house.

"Please don't worry, we have sufficient supply, and we will definitely allow you to buy what you want."

A young servant ran out from the door of the shop. He didn't dislike Mr. Feng who fell on the ground at all, and bent down to help him up.

During the training process in the past few days, the master repeatedly explained to them that they should not judge people by their appearance, no matter whether the person who came was a rich lady or an ordinary person, they had to be treated with the same courtesy.

Therefore, the boy rushed out immediately.Help beggars who are in trouble at the door of their shop.

"Old man, are you okay?"

After the boy helped Mr. Feng up, he asked a question.


Mr. Feng's eyes fell on the gray gown on the boy.

A small word "wind" is embroidered on the cuff.

The boy saw that there was really nothing wrong with Mr. Feng, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

There are too many customers in the store, he can't be lazy.

"Wait a minute, you guys... is this a shop run by the Feng family?"

Mr. Feng hadn't eaten properly for several days, but he didn't know where the strength came from, so he rushed to the servant's side and looked at the servant's cuff with hope.

"Our master is surnamed Feng."

The boy noticed that Mr. Feng was looking at his sleeve, so he admitted it generously.

"Then... what is the name of your master?"

Mr. Feng's eyes lit up.

"Sorry, I don't know that."

The boy shook his head, he is a servant and cannot reveal everything about the master.

He secretly wrote down the face of Mr. Feng, ignored Mr. Feng, and left.

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