Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 284, if you are a man, you can win the world

On the busiest street in Beijing.

Princess Mi Le was dragged away by the guards in a daze, her shoes were all worn out.

It can be seen that those guards are not sympathetic at all.

Where a woman is escorted by guards on the street, she has no dignity.

What's more, she is still a high princess.

Along the way, she didn't raise her head, and even resisted, but the strength of the guards was much stronger than hers, no matter how hard she tried, her arms couldn't twist her thighs after all.

Even through the high walls and terraces around her, she could feel that those ladies who flattered her in the past were covering their mouths with handkerchiefs and secretly laughing at her.

It's a joke that she also had such an embarrassing day.

Princess Mile tightly clenched her fingers, her lips were dripping with blood, she still gritted her teeth and held on.

Don't faint.

Standing and walking can be regarded as having some backbone.

The shoes on the feet are not suitable for walking, they are just exquisite handicrafts. When they walked to the princess mansion, the exquisite soles fell off.

Showing off her fair toes.

Princess Mile lowered her head, looked at her toes, she thought, it's over.

It will never be possible for her and the prince's cousin.

The future princess will definitely not expose her skin to the outside.

She is not worthy to stand beside the prince's cousin.

Princess Mile raised her head in confusion, looking at the plaque on the Princess's Mansion, her head felt more and more painful.

She used to be so favored.

The four princes longed for a little princess sister, and she was born.

Although she didn't have much time to meet the four princes, she had heard from everyone since she was a child that she was the only girl in the royal family, the only little princess.

The name has not been canonized as a princess, but her treatment has long been almost the same as that of a princess.

Why, why, she was still escorted on the street like a heinous criminal.

Cousin Prince, tell me why?

The eldest princess Minghui rushed out of the eldest princess's mansion, walked straight to Princess Mile, and looked at the redness and swelling on the face of Princess Mile with distress.

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince has an order. The son-in-law has passed away. It is not appropriate for a family of three to be here, and the plaque of the Princess's Mansion is too big. Please move out of here as soon as possible!"

Although the guards spoke tactfully, they did not beat around the bush when they spoke.

"I would like to ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, why did I feel sorry for the Crown Prince, and let the Prince treat my only daughter like this!"

The eldest princess Minghui's dignified and elegant posture could no longer hold on, and her eyes were about to burst.

No matter what Eldest Princess Minghui thinks in her heart, from the outside, Eldest Princess Minghui plays the role of mother during Chen Yu's growth.

Even if it is not his own, he is extremely conscientious.

"Your Highness, please move out of the Princess's Mansion as soon as possible. Also, the plaque needs to be replaced."

A leading guard spoke.

He has been with His Royal Highness for a long time, and he followed His Highness when he was a child.

He can guess the prince's mind nine out of ten.

He also didn't understand why the prince suddenly clung to the eldest princess's mansion so hard.

After thinking about it, there is only one reason, and that is the princess.

Even the guards saw for the first time that Feng Jin had already occupied such a large place in the heart of His Highness the Crown Prince.

"Good, good, good!"

The eldest princess Minghui said three good things in a row, and dragged Princess Mile, who was almost unable to stand, and walked towards the eldest princess mansion.

The guards did not leave in a hurry, but stood guard at the gate of the Princess's mansion.

They were all smart people who followed His Highness the Crown Prince, they were not driven away, and they survived for a long time, which shows that they know the Crown Prince best.

It is said that the plaque of the Princess's Mansion is too large, so the plaque must be taken down, and no one can live in it.

In the palace of the eldest princess.

The servants, maids, maids, mothers-in-law and father-in-law immediately became busy. They shuttled around the eldest princess's mansion, packing things everywhere.


No matter how unwilling the eldest princess was, she clearly knew that in the heart of the emperor, her own sister was not as close as her own son.

It is impossible to sue the imperial court, so the loss can only be minimized.


The eldest princess Minghui wiped the warm towels on Princess Mile's face, and applied some ointment.

Princess Mile no longer has the energy to say what happened.

She was lying on the bed, already asleep.

Looks like a deep sleep.

It is conceivable how miserable the torture was.

The eldest princess Minghui looked at the face similar to her former self, and remembered the past again.

Her father once said that if she was a man, she would win the world.

She couldn't remember the expression on her father's face when he said this, she only remembered that at that time he was already the most favored.

Even the crown prince, the current Holy Majesty, is not treated as well as her.

Even the Eldest Princess Minghui secretly imagined that if, if her father could change the rules left by her ancestors for her sake, would she really be able to become an empress?

An unprecedented queen.

Unfortunately, no.

Therefore, she must fight for her own happiness.

The eldest princess Minghui took a deep look at Princess Mile, then stood up and walked towards the innermost room.

The regret, helplessness, and anger on her face have turned into calmness.

After throwing the inconspicuous wall, a dark secret passage was soon dunked out.

The eldest princess Minghui walked in slowly, not afraid of the dark at all.

The darkness didn't last too long, and the front soon became much brighter.

In the blink of an eye, Princess Minghui arrived in a secret room.

On the table in the secret room, stacks of envelopes were neatly placed.

Above the envelope, there are baskets carried one by one.

Princess Minghui didn't even glance at those envelopes, but raised her hand to take a blank piece of paper, picked up a brush and began to write.

There was a rustling sound.

In the dark environment, it looks so abrupt.

For a long time, dense handwriting was written on the blank paper.

Princess Minghui gently folded the paper and put it in an envelope.

She casually put the envelope into the basket directly above the table.

The basket was instantly pulled up by the pulling thread, and soon disappeared.

"Father, father, if you really thought that way at the beginning, I think you must want to see the current situation."

"This throne is not necessarily only suitable for men, as a woman, you can also win the world!"

The eldest princess Minghui muttered to herself.

It was too late to stop. She had worked hard for so long and was about to succeed.

Thinking about it, her father's spirit in heaven would definitely be proud of her.


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