Feng Zhengnian frowned and looked at the ragged beggar in front of him.

After watching for a long time, I didn't recognize who the other party was.

He just subconsciously leaned back.

The stench from Feng Mincheng's body was really overwhelming, which made him a little bit overwhelmed.

"It's me, brother! I'm Fengmincheng. We used to drink together in Fengyang County. Have you forgotten?"

Fengmincheng finally called out the word "brother", but it was very cryptic, and this address could be used for all men.

Even so, he felt unprecedented satisfaction in his heart.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the Feng family is in decline, Feng Nanshu is still Feng Nanshu after all. He used to be the grand master, and his family must have a lot of assets.

Even Feng Mincheng felt that Feng Nanshu did this just to cover up the fact that he was extravagant.

"Fengmin City, it's you!"

Feng Zhengnian suddenly remembered the past when his leg was broken.

If it wasn't for his fate, he would surely die if he offended His Highness the Crown Prince. No matter who his father was, he would not be able to compare with the Crown Prince's father who is now the Holy One.

Feng Zhengnian subconsciously clenched his fists and glanced around.

If Feng Mincheng hadn't led him and his son, he and his son wouldn't have happened to face Feng Mincheng's nemesis and brother Feng Minsheng.

Because of their fanning the flames, I offended His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

It was only later that he found out that Feng Minsheng's daughter was the future princess, and she was named the princess of Jinxiu.

If he had known this earlier, he really shouldn't have appeared in Fengyang County back then.

Now it's all right, not only can the son not marry the only eldest lady of the Wang family, he even lost his former glory.

Fortunately, Feng Nanshu is full of peaches and plums all over the world, so he will not be so downcast that he will be treated the same as ordinary people.

"I didn't expect you to remember me!"

Feng Mincheng was dazzled by happiness, and almost told the fact that the two had the same blood in the public.

"I didn't expect to see you in the capital. Since you are in the capital, come with me to see the prosperity of the capital!"

Feng Zhengnian still had a refined and easy-going look on his face, and his tone of voice was light, revealing too much excitement.

There was a fierce light in his eyes.

Now that you're here, never go back.

Stay in this bustling capital city.

He has always been vengeful, and the matter of offending the prince is also inextricably linked to Fengmin City.

His legs are already in good shape, and they don't look as bent as Feng Mincheng's legs, but it still hurts when he walks.

The prince couldn't bear the grudge, so he could only put this account on Feng Mincheng's head.

And Fengmincheng, with this life, returned his and his son's legs.

Fate is cheap, don't worry, take your time, Fengmin City should also belong to parents, sisters and brothers, so it's okay to let his whole family die.

"I didn't expect you, my lord, to really remember me! I just happen to have something very important to tell you!"

Fengmin City has already made up its mind.

He couldn't wait.

Seeing that Feng Zhengnian and his son are not frugal masters, if they squander all their money by then, won't he have nothing to take advantage of?

This is not his original purpose.

Must, must, let his brother recognize his ancestors and return to his clan before all the money is spent. As the eldest brother, it is only natural for him to help his brother manage some important silver land deeds.

"Then come up and sit down! Take you to a good place!"

Feng Zhengnian didn't care what important things Feng Mincheng said, he just played a color on Feng Mincheng.

His family is from a scholarly family, and a few words with a stinky beggar has wronged him.

He let Fengmin City in because he didn't want him to lose himself outside.

"Good good!"

Feng Mincheng quickly climbed onto the sedan chair and sat opposite Feng Zhengnian.

In fact, he wanted to sit side by side with Feng Zhengnian, but the disgusted expression on Feng Zhengnian's face was too obvious, so he could only pretend to sit on the opposite side as if nothing had happened.

Feng Zhengnian really hated it.

He was almost suffocated to death by the smell of Feng Mincheng.

Couldn't breathe, even felt nauseous.

He could only hold the curtain with one hand, barely breathing in the breeze.

"Master, are you still going there?"

The person carrying the sedan chair asked softly.

Under normal circumstances, the young master is very careful when he visits the brothels, and never lets outsiders see him.

Now that there is a living person on the sedan chair, logically speaking, the young master should turn a corner and go to the bookstore to buy books before returning.

"No, go directly."

Feng Zhengnian glanced at Feng Mincheng, with a hint of evil on the corner of his mouth, which was quite different from the temperament and image of the elegant middle-aged man in the past.

Let this slovenly low-level person see the way of life of the high-level people, and then die with regret!
The person who carried the sedan chair was stunned for a moment, looked back at the direction of the sedan chair, and sighed slightly.

Just now, I didn't even see who the poor man was.

What a pity!
There will no longer be such a person in the world.

By the young master's side, except for the surviving cronies, everyone who knew the young master's secret is dead!
The four carried the sedan chair and continued to walk forward, getting more and more remote until they came to a small alley with no one there.

Then it stopped slowly.

Feng Mincheng and Feng Zhengnian got off the sedan chair together, looking around curiously.

It doesn't look luxurious.

It's not the drunken and dreamy appearance in the legends and imaginations.

I just feel that there is dirt everywhere, not like the capital city, but like a small dirt alley in the village where no one lives.

"Bang bang bang."

The boy stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door.

Feng Mincheng noticed that the sound of the boy knocking on the door was rhythmic, more like a code.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The howling sound of a ferocious large dog sounded from inside.

Before seeing the appearance of the dog, just listening to the sound, Fengmin City could feel a shiver of fear.

Legs started shaking.

With a creak, the door quickly opened from the inside.

It was a woman in red who opened the door. There was a dark mole at the corner of her mouth, which looked very iconic.

A smell of cheap powder filled the air.

Feng Mincheng instantly understood the identity of this woman, and must have thought it was the old bustard.

I feel more and more worthy of being my brother.

Back then, he also often looked for girls.

This is probably the tacit understanding between scholars, and scholars should understand romantic and talented people in this way.

"Yo! Young Master, you're here. Ying'er misses you so much these days that she can't eat or sleep. She's looking forward to your coming here every day!"

The old bustard didn't directly call Master Feng or Young Master Feng, but called Young Master directly.

This place was supposed to serve some gentlemen who looked elegant on the surface for fun.

People who know this place recommend each other one after another, and they know everything about it.

Never let others, or the stubborn old man in the family know about it.

Can wanton play.

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