Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 294, the princess can't go in

Feng Zheng glanced at Feng Jin, then followed behind the two of them, looking around vigilantly.

But I was a little puzzled in my heart. It should be the first time for the eldest lady to come to this place. How did she determine Chen Yu's direction all of a sudden?
However, this is not something he needs to understand clearly.

The master and the eldest lady already have many secrets, as a subordinate, he only needs to obey.

Along the way, the strong smell of paper money and joss sticks made their vision a little blurred.

In the flower city at night, the sound of sobbing came from time to time, like a ghost city.

Soon, Feng Jin and the others saw a tent stationed in the city.

A few anxious soldiers stood around the tent, as well as a few men in black.

Under normal circumstances, the dark guards of the men in black would not appear in the open.

They just stood there, indicating that the situation inside was already very dangerous.

"Is Chen Yu inside!"

Feng Jin and Feng Minsheng glanced at each other, then walked towards the inside without stopping at all.

Now that you are here, you will definitely be able to find a solution.

Feng Minsheng's face was much calmer than before.

After staying in the space for such a long time, he has roughly thought of which medicines can be used to curb dysentery.

The effect is not yet clear.

But space products must be high-quality goods.

It should be fine... right!
"Princess, please stay!"

As soon as they saw it was Feng Jin, they half-kneeled on the ground and blocked the door.

The sound of the porcelain bowl falling to the ground also came from inside the tent, and there was a burst of noise.

"Let's go in, we have a solution to the plague!"

Feng Minsheng spoke with a serious face.

He hasn't fully decided how to treat it, but the pathology is similar, let's take Chen Yu as a guinea pig first!
Feng Minsheng murmured to himself, at worst, they will be wiped out together!

Anyway, he and his daughter may have two lives, and if they are lucky, they can return to modern times!

"His Royal Highness confessed that for the safety of the princess, the princess cannot enter."

The soldier and the dark guard glanced at each other without moving their positions.

This is something His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has enjoined thousands of times, so naturally Feng Jin cannot be let in.

They also knew clearly that Feng Jin was the future crown princess.

The life and safety of the Crown Princess is very important. If something happens to her, they, the current people, will bear the blame.

"We have a solution and protective measures, so let's go in!"

Feng Minsheng frowned, pressed his mask hard, and was about to pull Fengjin in.

Feng Jin also looked anxious and took another step closer.

However, they still did not give way.

"Princess, please don't embarrass the slave, the slave is also for your safety."

The soldier shook his head seriously.

He also didn't believe Feng Minsheng's words a little bit.

It is impossible for him to say that there is a way and there is a way.

Medicine King has nothing to solve here.

It must be the princess's plan to slow down the army, so the princess cannot be allowed to enter.

The hidden guards also agreed with the soldiers that it was too dangerous not to let Fengjin in.

The princess entered Huacheng, I am afraid that His Royal Highness will punish those who let the princess in afterwards.

"We've all come here, so we can't help but go in! Besides, your Highness the Crown Prince said you wouldn't let the princess in, didn't you say you wouldn't let me in? Why don't you let me in alone?"

"In this way, the princess will not be in danger!"

Feng Minsheng spoke helplessly.

These people are dead-minded.

"to make!"

The soldiers didn't even think about it, they just gave up the space and let Feng Minsheng in.

He also gestured a gesture of invitation, simply and neatly, without any hesitation.

To be honest, they don't know Feng Minsheng, they only know Feng Jin, the future princess.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been infected in the tent, and the Crown Princess must not be allowed to enter again.

Feng Minsheng is fine, as he just said, he may have a way, so let him in!

The doctor's parents believe that he is definitely not afraid of death!

Feng Minsheng looked at the path made by the soldiers and the hidden guards, and fell into deep thought.

Co-authoring, his life is different from that of his daughter.

Afraid of his daughter getting infected, not afraid of him being infected, he is not afraid of death!
fall! ! ! !

Feng Minsheng took a deep breath, silently took out a simple mask from his bosom, put it on neatly, and made sure that he was covering it tightly, before walking inside.

He didn't panic at all.

He just thought that if possible, he wanted His Highness the Crown Prince to die with dignity! !

Feng Jin watched Feng Minsheng go in, regardless of 21, followed directly behind Feng Minsheng, squeezing in abruptly.

"Princess, please don't embarrass your subordinates!"

A few soldiers and hidden guards frantically prepared to block Feng Jin.


Feng Jin shouted.

Several soldiers' dark guards' legs softened and they knelt on the ground.

Feng Zheng twitched violently, silently stretched out his hand, covered his face, lowered his head, and followed his master and eldest lady into the tent.

It wasn't an honor to win this battle.

in the tent.

A strong bitter taste of traditional Chinese medicine.

The stove was still gurgling and steaming, and the black Chinese medicine was tumbling in the medicine soup, and it was no longer possible to tell what kind of medicine it was.

On the bed, half-sitting a man in white was Chen Yu.

In front of his bed, there was a broken medicine bowl, and there was still soup all over the floor.

The smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the entire tent is emitted from the ground, which is bitter and choking.

After a few days, the beautiful face was sunken, looking extremely haggard.

"do not come."

Chen Yu's voice was weak, his face was pale, and he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand, so he could only retreat slightly.

He didn't want to infect Fengjin with the plague.

"My father will definitely be able to develop an antidote!"

There was a slight redness in Fengjin's eyes, she wanted to say a thousand words, but in the end she only said one sentence.

The man had unconsciously walked up to Chen Yu, and held Chen Yu's hand that wanted to leave.

"Let me see first!"

Feng Minsheng separated Feng Jin and Chen Yu's holding hands, and said to Feng Jin,
"You and Feng are preparing these medicinal materials first."

After finishing speaking, Fengjin was handed a piece of paper.

This paper was written by him in space, and it contains some medicinal materials specially used to treat dysentery, the most important of which is Coptis chinensis.

Feng Minsheng also knew in his heart that these alone would definitely not be able to eradicate the plague.

Some doctors with superb medical skills can prescribe this prescription.

The most important thing now is the medicinal materials and spiritual spring water in the space. Using the materials in the space may have an effect.

"it is good!"

Feng Jin glanced at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's eyes fell on her, and he was full of depression that couldn't be shaken off, but when he looked at her, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Chen Yu's hands touched the pillow for a long time, and finally put on a simple mask.

"I said you brat, I have been brewing medicine for you here for so long, and you haven't even worn it. Now that your princess is here, why don't you put it on?"

"My old man is not afraid of the plague or death?"

A bluffing sound sounded.

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