Don't panic, Father Xueba and I crossed together

Chapter 297, Could it be that there is no sublimation?

Chen Yu glanced at Feng Jin's expectant eyes, and then at Yao Wang.

Yao Wang also looked at him expectantly, and picked his own finger by the way.

Bricks of black unknown dust rustled down from his hands.

"Let's... have another bowl?"

Chen Yu turned his head away with difficulty, obviously not wanting to drink.

"It's all the same, this is the most essential part of the casserole for you, don't dare to waste it!"

Yao Wang tried to persuade him while picking his finger.

He has always had a sensitive nose, and Feng Minsheng's prescription looks very ordinary, except for that strange white tablet.

But the boiled medicinal materials are mixed with a touch of bitterness, which is different from the bitterness of any medicinal materials.

He also smelled it for the first time.

I only feel that the bitterness is severe, and the efficacy of the medicine is temporarily unknown.

Drug addicted, he just wanted to see the effect of Chen Yu taking it quickly.

If the plague could really be cured, he felt that there should still be a way to go in the part of medicinal materials.

It is what Feng Minsheng said to extract this rhythm.

Unheard, unseen.

Chen Yu pursed his lips and did not open his mouth.

Feng Jin didn't know the reason, even if he knew, he had to pour it down.

This disease cannot be dragged on, it will drag down the body.

Regardless of Sanqi 21, Feng Jin went straight to Chen Yu's mouth, and in the end the spoon was no longer needed, so he just poured it with a bowl.

"Cough cough..."


Chen Yu retched again, which was strange to say, this time he didn't spit out the medicine, but just retched.

The expression on his face was slightly distorted.

"Eat some candy!"

Seeing that the expression on Chen Yu's face was not very good, Feng Jin thought it was too much bitterness, so under the cover of his sleeve, he took out a piece of fruit candy from the space.

The taste of peaches filled the mouth, and Chen Yu instantly felt the bitterness in his mouth be dispelled.

The sweet peaches seem to have opened up the taste buds, making him feel a little hungry even if he has been unable to eat.

"I can't see the effect yet, wait an hour and see again!"

Old man Feng waved his hands, ready to find a place to lie down for a while.

Under normal circumstances, patients who drink the medicinal soup will not see immediate results, at least it will take several hours.

Because Chen Yu's plague was so severe that it could affect a person's life within a few hours, so after an hour, the effect of the medicine could basically be seen.

However, at that time, if the prescription is changed, the condition will be delayed.

Old man Feng didn't close his eyes for several days.

"This will work faster, and it won't take an hour! If Xiaochen feels better later, just set up a big pot and cook it!"

Feng Minsheng is a little bit confident about ciprofloxacin, but he doesn't know whether it is suitable for the disease.

But seeing that Chen Yu didn't spit out the medicinal materials, and even ate the candy given by his daughter, his eyes even became lecherous.

I thought this should be fine.

A delay of 1 minutes is a delay of countless lives.

Synthetic pills are quick to take effect, but they treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and you still need to use traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate your body, otherwise you will still lose money.

Regardless of whether it can be solved or not, we must first take action.

"Okay, I'll trouble you and Mr. Feng with Mr. Feng's matter."

Chen Yu nodded. He didn't know if he was delusional, but he felt that his mental state was better.

Just thinking of Yao Wang's hand makes me feel sick.

"So fast?"

Old man Feng didn't believe it.

Take a step forward and feel Chen Yu's pulse.

From Chen Yu taking the medicine to now, it's just a cup of tea. Can he suppress his illness so quickly?
Old man Feng felt Chen Yu's pulse quietly, and looked up at Chen Yu's face carefully from time to time.

It seems that it is better than before.

He is the king of medicine, with superb medical skills, even if he is using a silk thread to diagnose the pulse, he can accurately diagnose the diseases of various patients.

He is still very clear about Chen Yu's pulse.

The more you get diagnosed, the more frightened you become.

It really got better!
The beating of the pulse became stronger!
Just a little bit, old man Feng has concluded that the medicine is useful.

Among the medicinal materials that Feng Minsheng prescribed, he didn't know about the pill, and he had never tried to add it!

It's all thanks to that pill!

"What exactly are antibiotics?"

Old Man Feng grabbed Feng Minsheng's arm suddenly, and looked Feng Minsheng up and down, as if looking at a treasure.

"Human illness is caused by germs in the body, and antibiotics can effectively eliminate these germs!"

Seeing Old Man Feng's thirsty eyes, Feng Minsheng could only explain again.

I have to admit that the old man of this age is more thirsty for knowledge than his scumbag students!

"But now is not the time for us to discuss this, it's time to cook medicine for the people to drink!"

Feng Minsheng naturally doesn't know how to diagnose pulse, he only knows how to synthesize pills and some simple prescriptions for children.

Seeing old man Feng's shocked expression, it might be useful.

Also, infectious diseases are basically caused by germs, and antibiotics can treat most infectious diseases relatively speaking.

"Walk, let's talk while walking!"

Old Man Feng held Feng Minsheng's arm like an ordinary little girl, for fear that he would run away.

He wanted to find out what the hell that pill was.

Feng Minsheng was somewhat uncomfortable being held by an old man's arm, but he was saved by him.

Just let him hold her hand.

"Do you want to be a doctor? How about I be your master? You worship me as your teacher, and I will teach you how to cure diseases and save lives!"

Old man Feng looked at Feng Minsheng attentively.

"The junior is preparing to become an official, but does not want to be a doctor. Thank you Medicine King for your kindness."

Feng Minsheng just wants to make himself stronger.

The so-called strong is wealth, power, power.

Obviously, becoming an official is the fastest.

"Then do you want to take in an apprentice? This old man recommends you a smart, cute and cute disciple, okay?"

Mr. Feng is not in a position to force others, and he doesn't want to let Feng Minsheng go.


Feng Minsheng did not refuse.

They saved his dog's life.

Since the King of Medicine recommends it, then accept it. In the future, it will be regarded as having a relationship with the King of Medicine. The more relationships you have, the better.

It's just that I don't know how old the clever apprentice introduced by the medicine king is. According to the customs of this era, shouldn't it be a two- or three-year-old doll that he directly raises for himself?
Feng Minsheng cursed in his heart, raising a daughter is already very difficult, can we not have another little doll?

He is also very tired!
"I started concocting medicinal materials at the age of three, and I can cure diseases and save lives at the age of five. People who have seen the old man say that I am amazingly talented, a well-deserved genius!"

"Master, please be respected by your disciples!"

Mr. Feng's eyes flashed, and before Feng Minsheng could react, he had already knelt on the ground.

Feng Minsheng stretched out his hand subconsciously, but Yao Wang was even faster, knocking him three times.

With lightning speed, he completed the apprenticeship ceremony.

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