"It's windy here, father, please invite the Holy One and His Royal Highness to go inside and rest together!"

Noticing Feng Nanshu's gaze, Feng Zhengnian hastily talked to Feng Nanshu in a low voice.

The face is still gentle, but the eyes are a little flustered.

The cure for the plague was actually prescribed by Feng Minsheng?
Then, the people in the old house of the Feng family who were thrown by him to suffer, are they still alive?
Feng Zhengnian regretted it a little.

If he had known that his father and the emperor would come here, he would never let Fengmin City see the sun the next day.

Why do you have to throw him over to torture him, even if you just throw him to feed the vicious dogs, it will be much better than the current situation!

The reason why he came here with the emperor with his father was because his father wanted to take this opportunity to make his relationship with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince better.

His legs are still lame, and after what happened last time, he lost his official position, so he can only be a follower by his father's side.

If His Royal Highness is happy, he might be able to return to his original position.

This can be regarded as allowing him to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

He never expected that his father would rely on this opportunity to get closer to the Crown Prince.

He is not stupid, he knows that Feng Minsheng must not be touched, he can only clean up the people in Feng's old house.

After Feng Zhengnian's reminder, Feng Nanshu quickly supported the old emperor and walked into the tent.

But Chen Yu was too lazy to answer the old emperor and didn't go in.

Chen Yu didn't go in, the old emperor walked two steps and then turned back. In front of Chen Yu, the usually majestic and serious old emperor could only become an old father looking at his son eagerly.

"Father, I will help them deliver medicine to the common people!"

Feng Zhengnian was a little anxious. He raised his eyes and glanced at the officers and soldiers carrying the medicine barrels, and he already had an idea in his mind.

The most important point is that if you find Fengmin City first, then you have to leave here and find it in the streets.

I was afraid that my father would find out, and because the old emperor and the crown prince were both here, the use of hidden guards would easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

The only way to find Fengmin City is to walk around carrying buckets like the officers and soldiers.

"Go ahead!"

Seeing that Feng Zhengnian offered to help the people, Feng Nanshu nodded slightly.

His son was not very knowledgeable, and he had to spend a lot of effort to barely rely on his own strength to become a moderately idle official position.

But for this son, he is still very satisfied, because his son is gentle, polite, and respects the teacher.

Good conduct is enough.

Even though he is well-educated and full of economics, scholars in the sky will respectfully call him Mr. He also thinks that a son with good conduct is good.

Not disappointed.

Feng Zhengnian didn't dare to stay, so he hurriedly bid farewell to the emperor and prince respectfully, then he really carried a big wooden barrel and walked unsteadily on the street.

"Mr. has contributed a lot this time. Whatever you want, sir, just ask. I will not be stingy."

The old emperor smiled and talked with Feng Minsheng.

I silently added in my heart that although his private treasury was about to be emptied by Chen Yu, his foundation was still very solid.

Anyway, they were all given to the Crown Princess’s family, and they belonged to both the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess, so it’s not cheap for outsiders.

Feng Minsheng just wanted to say that he didn't want a reward, it was just a matter of little effort.

Chen Yu opened his mouth early.

"Tomorrow, I will send someone to move it, and then I will send it directly to Fengfu."

There should be some good things that he didn't see, so I will search for some more and give them to Xiaojin!

I heard that there is a secret room in the old emperor's imperial study, and no one has ever entered it except the old emperor, so it seems to be a good thing.

Then move two more boxes.

"it is good!"

The old emperor was bleeding, but he still agreed with a smile.

Chen Yu never talked to him, but he talked to him more frequently in recent months.

Although they all asked him for the key to the private treasury, but it can be regarded as enhancing the relationship between father and son.

Just move!

The big deal is to ask his other three sons to give him more good things, so that Xiao Yu can come to him twice more.

"Then thank Your Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince first!"

Feng Minsheng clasped his fists, and saw the old emperor's pained expression but he had no choice but to agree.

In my heart, I unconsciously thought that even the patriarchs in the feudal society could not escape the tragedy of being asked for debts by their children.

Chen Yu's virtue is similar to that when the girl reached out and asked herself for money to buy messy things!
"Go around the city to appease the people, Xiao Jin and Mr. go too!"

The old emperor looked at Fengjin gently.

This is the existence that can beat him up, the more he looks at it, the more pleasing it is.

He didn't dare to fight himself, but he was quite happy watching Fengjin fight, and felt that he could survive for a few more years!
Feng Jin is the future crown princess, appearing at this time, coupled with Feng Minsheng's prescription, can win a lot of people's hearts.

Good for the future.

"We're not free."

Feng Jin didn't answer, Chen Yu's cold voice had already caught the old emperor's ears.

He doesn't want to get along with the old emperor even for 1 minutes.

"How about...or go?"

Feng Jin thought of the eldest princess Minghui, she sent someone to spread the virus to Chen Yu, wondering if she would spread the virus to other places.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can also walk around and take a look at the water source here.

"Then go!"

Chen Yu changed his words quickly.

The old emperor: ...

If possible, can he not have this dog son?
But anyway, he appeared in front of the people with him, and his heart was quite...warm.

Probably before Chen Yu brought him a bolt from the blue, so even if Chen Yu just stood beside him, he felt warm in his heart!
So, Long Huan walked along the street mightily.

The old emperor is also a person who can handle affairs, so he directly asked the eunuch to speak to appease the people.

"The emperor has a decree that the medicine prescribed by the princess's father, Mr. Feng, can cure the plague. Please take it with peace of mind!"

The common people have drank the medicinal soup for a long time, and this is the second or third time. Of course they know that the prescription works.

But I don't know who prescribed it!
Now that they heard the voice of the eunuch, they knew that the father of the crown princess opened it. Although they didn't know when the crown prince had it, it didn't prevent them from being grateful to the crown princess.

Feng Minsheng and the others also followed Long Zhuo, and they could only pretend not to hear them being watched enthusiastically by the people.

Still a little bit awkward.

"Is it inappropriate to call me the princess directly?"

Feng Jin's ears turned red when he heard Rong Feng's voice.

The relationship has been confirmed.

But she really isn't a princess yet.

Not to mention getting married, even if it's engaged, it's not there yet.

At most, she can be regarded as the future crown princess, and it is too early to be called crown princess.

"I'm already preparing the dowry gift, and I'll be able to offer it soon. There's nothing inappropriate about it. You are."

Chen Yu held Feng Jin's little hand, feeling a little anxious.

The dowry was still prepared a little too little, and it was too fast. It seems that we still have to hurry to move the things of the old emperor and a few stupid royal brothers.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's not enough.

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