Chapter 303, Speechless
Seeing Feng Zhengnian's gloomy face, Old Man Feng was shocked.

Without Feng Mincheng's pull, he quickly ran in the direction of Feng Taifu.

I'm afraid that Feng Zhengnian will send someone to pull him out!

Feng Zhengnian saw that the two of Feng Mincheng were walking in the direction of Master Feng, and he became anxious all of a sudden, he didn't even mention the empty bucket, he threw it on the ground and ran towards the two.

at this moment.

Feng Zhengnian regretted it. If he had known that he would have directly sent someone to kill them, the current situation would not have happened.

It's all his fault that in order to satisfy his perverted psychology, he only wanted to make their deaths miserable and didn't give them a good time.

time is life.

All three of them ran very fast.

After all, Feng Mincheng and his son are closer to Feng Taifu. Feng Zhengnian has not been close to this father and son, Feng Mincheng has already arrived at Feng Taifu's side.

"Master! The old slave finally found the young master!"

Without saying a word, old man Feng knelt down beside Master Feng, tears streaming down his face.

Fortunately, only Taifu Feng is here, and Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin are not here, otherwise he really can't get rid of this old face!

Feng Taifu was carrying a dead body with an officer, looking at the old man kneeling in front of him, he didn't recognize who it was for a while.

His whole body was dirty, and his face was all dusty.

A smell worse than a corpse penetrated into his nostrils, making him take a step back subconsciously.

"You carry it over first."

Master Feng took a look at the place where the corpse was burned, and it was not far away, so he asked the officers and soldiers to carry the corpse there first.


The officers and soldiers who carried the corpse did not have any ink marks, so they carried the corpse on their backs and left.

"Old man, what is this?"

Feng Nanshu helped Mr. Feng up from the ground, and looked at Mr. Feng carefully.

Still didn't recognize it.

At the beginning, I met Mr. Feng at the gate of Feng Minsheng's house, but at that time, Mr. Feng was still pampered and well dressed.

Now he is a broken beggar.

"It's the old slave, the old slave is Feng Jiafu! I have been following the young master since I can remember, has the young master forgotten the old slave?"

Mr. Feng tidied his messy hair back, and spoke with an "excited" face.

From the corner of the eye, he unconsciously glanced at the direction behind him.

Feng Zhengnian had already arrived behind him, his eyes were still gloomy, but now he had no way to deal with himself and Feng Mincheng.

Can only watch from the sidelines.

As long as Master Feng recognizes himself, it is impossible for him to do anything to the father and son under the nose of Master Feng.

For no reason.

"Family fortune?"

Taifu Feng was stunned for a moment, and soon remembered that his personal servant was called Jiafu.

Been with me for many years.

Later, when he went to the capital, he dismissed his family's servants, and did not let Feng Jiafu follow him, and gave him back his freedom.

"So it's a family portrait! We haven't seen each other for so many years, we are getting old!"

The expression on Feng Nanshu's face was not very excited.

He clearly knew what kind of person Feng Jiafu was. He had been with him for many years. Logically speaking, he should have taken him to the capital as well.

After all, he is a personal servant.

But he still didn't, because he knew Feng Jiafu's nature very well.

He is a very vengeful villain.

After all, he had been a master and servant for many years, and he didn't sell him, but gave him back his freedom.

"Is the medicine soup finished?"

At this time, Taifu Feng also found Feng Zhengnian standing there, and looked up.

The master and servant didn't think there was anything wrong with meeting each other. What he worried most was the people.

The time of delay is the life of the people.

"Not yet. I saw this old man running towards his father. He was afraid that his father would be in danger, so he came too!"

Feng Zhengnian spoke gently, without the harsh expression on his face, and even smiled at Feng Mincheng and his son.

"This is my boy from many years ago, there is no danger, you should hurry up and deliver medicine soup to the people with them!"

Feng Nanshu was still afraid that some people would not be able to drink the medicinal soup.

"Yes, father."

Feng Zhengnian gave a junior salute to Feng Nanshu, and glanced at Fengmincheng father and son.

Feng Mincheng also took a look at Feng Zhengnian at this time.

There is fear in the eyes, but also pride.

He knew that he couldn't die, so Feng Zhengnian could only obediently give him money.

Feng Zhengnian tightened his fingers slightly, then let them go suddenly, and finally left.

He knew that these two people came for him, and the purpose was still money.

As long as they want money, they will not tell the secret. As long as they are greedy for money, they will definitely die.

Feng Zhengnian still left after all.

Looking at the back of Feng Zhengnian walking away, Feng Mincheng breathed a sigh of relief.

In the end, I bet right!
"Do you... know Feng Minsheng?"

The more Feng Nanshu looked at Old Man Feng, the more familiar he became, and finally remembered that Old Man Feng used to play tricks at the door of Feng Minsheng's house!

At that time, he happened to go to Feng Minsheng's house to find the prince and intercede for his son.

So I was particularly impressed by what happened at Feng Minsheng's house.

"I know, that is... Gouzi, but due to various reasons, he is no longer my son."

When Mr. Feng heard Taifu Feng's question, his hands subconsciously squeezed together, and his voice became a lot flustered.

For fear that Master Feng would guess that it was his own son.

"I see……"

When Master Feng heard that Mr. Feng admitted, he was even more displeased with this personal servant whom he hadn't seen for many years.

I knew before that he was not an upright person, but now it seems that he is still confused.

Youfeng Minsheng is such a good son, but he was forced to separate the family abruptly.

It's really sad and hateful!
"This is all in the past. My father already knew that he was wrong, but there is no way to make up for the past mistakes. Now I just hope that my brother can always be fine, and we will not bother him anymore. It's all right."

Feng Mincheng considered it in his heart, bent slightly towards Master Feng, and spoke slowly.

Sure enough, Master Feng nodded slightly when he heard Feng Mincheng's words.

If you break off your relationship, you will break off your relationship. In the past, you were not good to others, but now that they are prosperous, it is shameless to bother them.

Feng Mincheng's words eased Master Feng's expression a lot.

If you have made mistakes before, it is good not to make mistakes again in the future.

"It's good for you to understand this truth. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can tell me. In view of the former master-servant relationship, I can help you."

"However, don't go to trouble Minsheng and them."

Feng Taifu paused word by word.

After all, he still has his heart towards Feng Minsheng, and he clearly knows that Feng Minsheng and Feng Jin don't want to pay attention to the people in Feng's old house.

Since he was his former servant, he couldn't watch them sleep on the street and expose their corpses in the wilderness.

Therefore, it is impossible to help them if they don't starve to death, and let them develop.

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(End of this chapter)

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