Chapter 305, Death Deed

Feng Nanshu looked at Feng Mincheng and Mr. Feng who were kneeling on the ground, and frowned even tighter.

He clearly knew Jiafu's character.

In the past, it was because he could see that he was unwilling to be reconciled to the current person and had a wicked mind, so he was given money to let him leave Feng's house.

Now, he wants to return to Fengfu again, which means that Fengfu has what he wants.

But what does he want?
But he has already given it to him, is it not enough to dislike it, or does he have other plans?
Feng Nan was calm in writing, but in his heart he had already read the two people's thoughts at odds.

"You can think about this matter again. Being a servant again is not a trivial matter. You must think about it carefully."

Feng Nanshu sighed.

He is not lamenting the master-servant relationship between the two of them.

He knew very well in his heart that the two of them didn't have much affection, maybe there was resentment.

"The old slave really thinks clearly, he can serve the young master now, if the young master doesn't agree, the old slave won't get up!"

Master Feng clenched his fists and knelt on the ground.

I just feel that today's dignity is really gone.

I can't stop regretting it.

At the beginning, he shouldn't really sever ties with Feng Minsheng, even if the relationship is not good, just showing a little bit from his fingers is enough for him and Feng Mincheng to be rich and prosperous.

Where is the need to kneel again Feng Nanshu!


Feng Nanshu frowned and didn't want to agree.

But these two people have been kneeling here, and they used to be Feng Minsheng's biological father and brother, even if they were divorced, they still have the same blood.

Both the crown prince and the emperor are here, let them see it, maybe it will cause other troubles.

But he really didn't want these two servants.

No, it doesn't seem to be very good, if you really kneel for another hour, Feng Minsheng will definitely have some opinions when he sees it.

"Congratulations to Lord Feng for having two new loyal servants."

Feng Jin's crisp voice came from one direction.

Feng Mincheng and Mr. Feng shook their bodies at the same time, so they didn't stand up and cursed directly.

But Fengjin was already scolded to death in his heart.

What they fear most is losing face in front of Feng Jinfeng and Minsheng.

Compared with life, it can only be like this.

Don't, don't let them stand up again. As long as their momentum is stronger than Feng Jinfeng Minsheng and Feng Nanshu, these people will end up in a miserable situation.

The two knelt on the ground without moving, but Feng Nanshu naturally would not ignore Feng Jin's voice.

This is the future Crown Princess and Princess Jinxiu.

What's more, Chen Yu was still standing beside her.

Even if you offend the old emperor, you can't offend His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince, see Princess Jinxiu!"

Fengnan Shugong saluted the two neatly, and at the same time touched the shoulders of Feng Mincheng and the other two.

Signal them to salute too.

Even if Feng Mincheng and Mr. Feng were Feng Jin's elders, they still have to salute.

If you have a short kiss, you are not an elder.

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince, see Jinxiu... princess!"

Fengmincheng would bow his head, salute to Fengjin and the two without changing his face, and even made a big salute.

Old Man Feng felt his throat was so tight that he couldn't shout at all, so he could only numbly salute along with Feng Mincheng.

Also a great gift.

The two saluted according to the standard, but they still had the idea of ​​killing Fengjin in their hearts.

Cowardly and unable to do it, I can only think silently in my heart.

"The servants of Master Feng's family are all dead contracts?"

Chen Yu glanced lightly at the two people kneeling on the ground, and didn't ask them to get up, but just made a gesture to Feng Nanshu, telling Feng Nanshu not to be too polite.

Feng Nanshu also saw a trace of... gentleness in the eyes of His Highness the Prince.

I became more and more surprised.

When did the prince become so gentle?

He always felt that these two days the crown prince treated him not as coldly as before, as if he really regarded himself as an elder?

This... can't it?

Even the old emperor didn't get this kind of treatment!

Feng Nanshu suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and answered Chen Yu's words respectfully,

"Returning to His Royal Highness, the servants in Weichen's family are indeed dead contracts."

Almost all the servants of the high officials' families in the capital are under death contract.

This allows for better management of subordinates.

It can also ensure that the secrets of the mansion will not be leaked.

Recruiting people is about the same amount of money as buying a servant on a death contract, and it is not short of that little money.

If it was really because of the servant who revealed some secret, it might cause trouble for the whole family.

Even if Feng Nanshu is a clean and honest official, he will definitely not use short-term labor, but a servant with a dead contract, so don't worry.

They can kill servants at will, and they can also guarantee the sincerity of servants to a large extent.

"Since they are all death contracts, there is no need for Mr. Feng to hesitate. If you two want to go back to Fengfu, go back!"

Chen Yu's cool voice was a bit cold.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Feng Mincheng never expected that His Highness the Crown Prince would speak for him, and even thanked His Highness the Crown Prince.

A death contract is nothing to him.

Anyway, it was just to be able to hang around under Feng Nanshu's nose, so that Feng Zhengnian would not attack them.

At the same time, it can also squeeze Feng Zhengnian to a greater extent, maybe there will be a lot of money in hand.

With the money, it would be perfect to redeem Feng Nanshu before he died of old age and fly far away!
When Feng Nanshu heard His Highness the Crown Prince's words, he immediately looked at Feng Jin's face.

After being a courtier for so many years, Feng Nanshu is very good at listening to the undertones.

His Royal Highness said so directly, which means that these two people will die.

If it were ordinary people, it would be easy to kill the two of them, but it would be a little bit unreasonable.

But if they are servants of the death contract, even if there is nothing wrong with these two people, they can still kill them.

No one else can find anything wrong with it.

Therefore, when His Royal Highness spoke, Feng Nanshu guessed that these two people would die.

He looked at Fengjin subconsciously, just to see the attitude of Feng Minsheng and Fengjin.

Seeing that Feng Jin didn't show any expression, he already understood in his heart that they were already chilling with Feng Mincheng and the two of them.

If you calculate again, you can only kill them.

Mr. Feng's head was buzzing, and when he heard the word "death contract", he wished he could immediately refute.

But he seemed to have no other choice.

He could only kneel on the ground numbly, and could only listen to his son for everything.

Hope, hope everything goes well.

"The two of you follow Laifu to wash up and change into clean clothes. After you return to the capital tomorrow, go to file a record!"

Feng Nanshu didn't hesitate any longer, and agreed directly.

He really can't save the person His Royal Highness wants to kill!

Everything can only depend on the lives of the two of them.

In the future, it is still necessary to watch over the two of them more, so as not to make some fools and drag Fengfu down.


Feng Mincheng and Mr. Feng got up from the ground and followed the middle-aged man who came out from the side.

This time, he returned to Fengfu completely.

"Princess, I don't know the future..."

Feng Nanshu knew that Feng Jin didn't want to talk to these two people, but he asked again.

After all, there is a blood relationship, even if it is a broken relationship.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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