Chapter 84 The Underground Demon Palace
"It's not me, your eyes are gone now." Shi Yuqi said, "Now is not a good time, it will attract more demons, it is better for us to retreat earlier."

Jin Xiangyi rubbed her neck, coughed twice, and said, "That Su Xinling..."

Shi Yuqi: "Just with her, you don't need to worry about it. Leave it to me here, you can go first."

When he said this, Shi Yuqi had a serious expression on his face, and he didn't see the casualness of the past at all.Kinka Yi felt that he should get to know him again.

"Can you do it..." Kinka Yi hesitated.Sensibility told her that she should not just leave the time and the period and run away.After all, the strength of Mojun Yanqi is too strong, and it is very likely that Time and Period are not her opponents.

But Shi Yuqi firmly wanted her to go first: "I can handle it, don't worry."

Since he said so, Kinka Yi had to follow his advice and turn around and leave.

At this time, the demon king again controlled the long whip and came: "Did this seat let you go?!-"

The long whip moved away from the near incense, and Shi Yuqi's movements were one step faster than hers.He pushed the incense move outward, and at the same time exerted force with both palms, the invisible light shield blocked the way of the whip.

Seeing this, Kinka Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately flew towards the crack in time and space.

However, the crack was clearly in front of him, but Jin Xiangyi found himself getting further and further away from it.Somewhere, there seemed to be a force pushing and pulling her to the edge.

Jin Xiangyi was puzzled and raised her eyes again to find that the surrounding scenery changed suddenly.The gloomy sky was gone, and all around her was a ghostly forest.

The trees in the forest towered into the clouds, and the tangled canopies blocked the view of the sky above, and all I could see was a continuous black shade of trees.

Jin Xiangyi stopped immediately.

In this situation, she seemed to have inadvertently fallen into a strange fantasy, trapped in it and unable to escape.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind behind him.

The cool wind blew coldly across his neck, and Jin Xiangyi couldn't help but shuddered.She turned her head, but saw a dark shadow standing on a tall tree behind her.

The black shadow was dressed in a black robe, and a large hood covered his face. In the vagueness, Jin Xiangyi felt that he was also wearing a mask.

He was the one who expected to drag her into the illusion.

"Since your Excellency is looking for me for something, you might as well get straight to the point and say it straight."

Kinka Yi couldn't sense any aura from the other party, nor did he know his identity.But it's not a good person to pull her into the illusion without saying hello.

She folded her body with one hand, the mana condensed in her palm.

"There is indeed something I would like to ask for help from Hall Master Fangfei."

This is the voice of men.His voice was hoarse, clearly disguised.Just listening to the tone and voice of the other party, Kinka Yi couldn't tell the identity of the person.

She said, "Oh? What's the matter?"

The man in black: "I want to ask the palace master from now on, not to interfere in the affairs of the heavens, and do not interfere with the safety of the three worlds."

"Are you requesting, negotiating, or threatening?" Jin Xiangyi said again, "I also want to ask, why do you want me to leave the Three Realms?"

"If the palace master agrees, it is a discussion and a request. If the palace owner does not agree, it is a threat." The man in black said: "As for the reason, I am afraid I cannot tell you."

Jin Xiangyi calculated his chances of winning: "You don't even give me a reason, how can I agree? No matter what, I am also a priest in the heavens, and it is impossible to abandon my responsibility and leave just like that."

As she spoke, she thought to herself.The other party pointed out that he did not want her to participate in the battle between the heaven and the three worlds.

But why?
It's not that the man in black is out of concern and doesn't want her to die because of this catastrophe, right?

If so, why didn't he just reveal his identity?If it's really good for her, why not say it straight?
Thinking from another angle, is it because he would pose a threat to him, so he went to such extremes?Although it may be a little too confident to think so, but...

If she really threatened the man in black, he could choose to kill her directly.

But no matter what the situation is, the person in front of her must be someone she knows well, otherwise she wouldn't pretend to be like this.

The only people that Kinka Yi knew were the priests of the heavens.

Ordinary priests would not talk to her like this, unless the other party was a demon spy hidden in the heaven.

It is known that there are two types of spies who hide in the heavens. One is the person who is the one who is the same as the gods and demons mentioned by Daojun Heyu;

The master of Yu Xuanchi, who has the same body of god and demon, personally caused Yu Xuanchi, Daojun Heyu to become a demon.Those who steal Tian's memory dreams can escape safely under the command of the Palace Master Yan Lu.

Jin Xiangyi closed his eyes slightly and let out a long breath.Very good, she can't beat both of them.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and Jin Xiangyi said: "I can promise you. But you must first let me out of this ghost place, so that I can leave the heaven."

She thought anxiously in her heart: Anyone who comes, please help! ——

The man in black didn't believe what she said: "You agreed?"

Jin Xiangyi nodded: "Well, yes."

"Okay, I can barely trust you. But..." The man in black jumped down.He slowly came to Jin Xiangyi and said, "Just in case, I can't let you out."

Jin Xiangyi: "???"

"Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, you know that?"

"I know, but so what?" The man in black said, "Perhaps you can think that I am the best beast tamer."

Seeing the opponent approaching step by step, Jinxiang clenched her teeth, and then slapped her palm, slamming straight towards the other side's door!

She couldn't see how the man in black made his move, but saw that his palm was slightly raised, and his palm qi dissipated in an instant.And the countless tree roots that Kinka Yi sneak attacked were also cut off by the opponent one by one.

When the nine-turn youth formation was about to rise, the man in black squeezed the tactic with one hand, and an invisible air hood fell.At the same time, a powerful mantra fell on the top of Kanakaya's head.

The pressure from the air hood made her unable to move, and the spell held her mind and brain firmly.

In an instant, Jin Xiangyi's mind went blank, and his whole body strength was blocked bit by bit.

She fell down absentmindedly.

And at the moment she fell, a huge crack appeared in the dark ground.Beneath the rift is an endless depth, and a sinister roar from the depths of the ground came out from below.

Jin Xiangyi didn't realize it, and just fell down absentmindedly.

In her field of vision, the man in black stepped forward slowly, watching her fall into the abyss indifferently.

The voice of the man in black seemed to come from afar: "The underground magic palace in the Buddha City is the most hidden place, and within the Three Realms, no one except the demons knows this place.

"You can stay here in peace until the turmoil in the Three Realms ends. By then, you will no longer be able to stop me."

He watched Kanka Yi engulfed in darkness, and slowly revealed a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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