Chapter 105 Picking up corpses (2)

Ji Xuan put the toolbox on the ground, squatted on the ground, and slowly put on a pair of nylon gloves with both hands.

Carefully scratch the dead man's skin with a Ya-shaped knife.

Fang Wu crouched under the shade of a tree, looked over,

Xin's tall figure and indescribable posture clearly squatted there seriously and meticulously, but it gave off a lazy feeling, with a bit of reserve but not hot.

That every move, even if it is gut-wrenching, makes people unable to move their eyes away.

"Judging from the condition of the corpse, he died almost two weeks ago. Before he died, he ate almonds and crabs. It was the two foods that contradicted each other and caused his death."

"Accident?" Ye Zhuqing was taken aback, and interjected.

"No. I asked before I came here. The government has no record of closing the account for nearly a month." Ji Xuan refused mercilessly.

There is a folk saying in Daman that if you don’t close the household, you will have no place to return to, and you will never die. Therefore, when someone dies, most of the family will cancel the household.

But not in the last month,
And even if there is, it may not be. Whose family will not wrap a mat, just throw it under the tree for no reason, and bury it at will.

Also, is the face intentionally bad or a coincidence? If it was intentional, then the murderer deliberately concealed the identity of the deceased, which would bring certain difficulties to the government in investigating the case.

The possibility of a coincidence is very small, so after checking the stomach, Ji Xuan shifted a step and began to examine the face.

You can see traces of mosquito bites on the neck and arms, although few, but very clear.But there was nothing on the face. Although the face was very chaotic and couldn't see the original appearance, he could tell at a glance that it wasn't after being bitten by a mosquito.

"Is it possible that he has no family?" Ye Zhuqing continued to ask.

I don't know why, but from his words, Jixuan can hear an almost certain feeling, he doesn't know where this feeling comes from, it's like the sixth sense, which is very accurate.

He questioned: "If there is no family, who is buried here?" The simple words seemed to confuse iced tea, beating coldly on people's hearts.

Ye Zhuqing was taken aback by the question, yes, is this a murder case?
It's really a wave of unrest.

Fang Wu walked over and squatted opposite the corpse. She pointed to the man's hair and said, "Master, have you noticed? The bottom of his hair is red."

In her image, it seems that there are some dyes made of plants that can dye nails in other colors.But in his impression, those dyes were very expensive, and they were not affordable by ordinary people, but judging by the clothes of this corpse, it should not be a wealthy family.


Ji Xuan nodded, he saw it before, but he didn't know what caused it.

"You can cut some for evidence. Mr. Tan knows something that can cure your hair to turn red." He asked Fang Wu while raising his head to look at Tan Sihan.

Tan Sihan was born noble, and traveled all over the world these years, if possible, she might have met her.Yes, he asked.

"I haven't seen it, but I don't rule out the possibility. Women in the palace usually use sap leaves and flower stems to dye their nails. I don't know if they can dye their hair."

Qin Sihan shook his head.

"It doesn't smell like anything." Ji Xuan sniffed Fang Wu's hand and hurriedly avoided it.Maybe even he himself didn't notice, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his heart was beating thumpingly.

He moved his eyes away from the dead man's face, looked up carefully again, and put his hands between the hair, soft, smooth, without any texture.

Touching it inch by inch, he shook his head, but found nothing, so he had to stare at the face again, it was as white as jade, except for some jaggedness, there was no unevenness on it.

It was as if this face had no facial features in the first place, like a flat stone carved with patterns by God, but they were carved randomly, without any sense of beauty.

He found a green bottle from the toolbox and poured the powder on his face.

The face quickly changed, the white powder suddenly turned into orange-yellow, bubbling and bubbling, giving people a nauseous feeling.

It took a while for the foam to burst one by one, and some white and deep bones could be clearly seen on the face, and the frontal bone, nasal bone and so on could be vaguely seen.

"It should be that preservatives and some kind of hydride were used to prevent the corpse from decomposing and the face is effective for identification. It does not rule out the crimes committed by acquaintances." Ji Xuan said flatly.

At this time, it was basically seen that at least the one who buried the body was the murderer.

Because the face was destroyed, the mouth and teeth could not be seen. Is it possible that the teeth have been injured.

There was no emotion in his voice, it was extraordinarily cold, calm, and only half lazy, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

in an instant.

Ji Xuan took over the autopsy records from Fang Wu, looked at them for a while, then signed and handed them to Fang Wu.

"I think Mr. Tan should have some eyeliners in various states and counties. Can you please ask them to help you recall and see if there is such a person with red hair who passed by. Or ask the government to check the government records." Ji Xuan said. The idea is to find a way to find out the identity of the deceased no matter what.

"I heard from Zhang Xuan before. You have been assassinated, and there are always countless people around you." Seeing Tan Sihan looking at him suspiciously, Ji Xuan lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles." Tan Sihan laughed, halfway through the smile, he turned to look at Bai Xi.

To be honest, although these people are doing things for him, he may not be able to contact them.

These people want to cheat, but there are only two ending points, one is Baixi, and the other is the place where various strange things happen.

The task of these people is to help him find someone and observe some things in secret.

"Yes, Lord, I will contact you when I go back." Bai Xi nodded.

"Thank you, both of you." Ji Xuan said,

"It's half a public matter." Tan Sihan smiled and said indifferently, he didn't want to be favored.

"Although we have known each other for a short time, Mr. Tan has helped me a lot, whether it is business or private. I didn't do anything, but Mr. Tan has done a lot. The things in the yamen, Mr. Tan dare not say that everything is big or small, but he also You can take responsibility in twos and threes, but no one can give you anything in return, isn't the young master even willing to ask for your help?"

Ji Xuan shook his head, and asked seriously, while he was asking, he carefully touched the contours of the corpse's face with both hands.Although he can't figure it out, he can always figure out some ways over and over again.

Tan Sihan just smiled and said nothing, but he felt that there seemed to be two eyes staring at him in the air.

One is Bai Xi's, with care and respect, he is very familiar with it, the other is a little strange to him, he has seen everyone present, but he finally found the source.

Ji Xuan didn't continue talking, just continued to check the corpse...

(End of this chapter)

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