Chapter 117 Dispute
"Look up Ji Xu's life, where is Mrs. Ji buried." Tan Sihan ordered.

"What is Mr. Tan going to do?" Ji Xuan looked at Tan Sihan squarely, as if his eyes were about to scratch Tan Sihan.

"I'm not a foreman. I don't know how to dissect a corpse or dig a grave. It's just to look at Ji Xu's past. After all, there is a saying that is good. Whether it is you or Ji Xu, you can't see Mrs. Ji." traces of existence."

Tan Sihan smiled and said that he didn't care at all, and called his father's name directly in front of Ji Xuan.

Bai Xi didn't care about the dispute between the two, just focused on searching.

At this moment, Imperial Physician Lu's hand felt Ji Xuan's pulse, but no one paid attention.

Ji Xuan glared at Tan Sihan, he didn't know what he was going to say, as if nothing he said could change Tan Sihan's movements.

The courtyard was quiet, and the sound of chess pieces jumping into the chessboard could no longer be heard, and even Bai Xi's sound of flipping through the pages of the book could not be heard, so Imperial Physician Lu quietly took his hand away.

After a while, I heard Bai Xi say: "Master."

He handed it to Qin Sihan,

Tan Sihan didn't look deep, but only looked at Ji Xu's portrait, then looked at Ji Xuan seriously, and said with a sigh: "It doesn't look like her, and I don't know what Mrs. Ji looks like."

He looked back and found that there were not many records about Mrs. Ji, not even where she was buried.

"Master Ji, do you know where Lingtang is buried?" Tan Sihan asked with a smile.

Ji Xuan looked at Tan Sihan inquiringly and said: "What is Mr. Tan doing? First, I really don't know where my mother is buried. Second, I am also a citizen of this Daman. Third, is your son interrogating a prisoner?" ? I remember the son once promised me."

His eyes seemed to want to open Qin Sihan's brain and find out the gentle and refined him.

Looking at it seriously, Tan Sihan was wearing an undershirt, fox fur, and loose hair. The messy hairline slightly covered his handsome face, and the setting sun was falling on it, like a young lady, but the eyebrows The sword eyes made Ji Xuan's words less harsh.

"I said before, don't worry, Mr. Ji, I won't do the autopsy. What I have to do is to find this person, bring him back to the capital, and give him lifelong protection. Actually, it's ridiculous to say, but It's a letter, an old thing, no one has ever told me that this person existed, am I a little crazy."

"Master Ji, you and your father look different. Is that because of Mrs. Ji?" Tan Sihan said solemnly.

His words seem to promise something, but also seem to explain something.

He doesn't care if Ji Xuan understands it or not, but this is what Qin Sihan has been doing all over Daman, and even this continent.

It seems that he likes the vast lands and mountains of Daman very much, more than beauties, more than imperial power. Yes, he loves this beautiful scenery, but he loves to find this person in the beautiful scenery.

"I don't know, I haven't met my mother." Ji Xuan sighed, and he recalled it seriously, it seems that he did not.

His father died when he was seven years old, and they seemed to have discussed his mother countless times, but he was the one talking, while his father was listening, and the other party never answered a single word. His father didn't have any relatives or friends, and he didn't know what his mother was like.

It seems that Tan Sihan is the second person who is so attached to his mother.The first one besides him.

In him, Ji Xuan felt a little like Chen's acquaintance, although Ji Xuan didn't feel any kindness.

It seemed like a vortex made him fall into it.

"Bai Xi, you can look at other things. Send them back and let our people look them up." After a while, Tan Sihan sighed and said lightly: "I remember, there is a piece of paper under our mother's desk. The portrait, you let someone steal it, show it to me, if you can’t steal it, go to the palace and ask His Majesty for it.”

That portrait is of Marquis Cheng En, but the house of Marquis Cheng En has been ransacked because of treason, and the person Tan Sihan is looking for is the illegitimate son left behind by Marquis Xian Cheng En.

"Master, this... If His Majesty knows about it, I'm afraid..." Bai Xi bit his lip, got up and knelt down to persuade him.

"There's nothing he doesn't know about this Daman. I don't care. Let's try to steal it first. After all, our Lord Ji is a Daman citizen, and no one can be sure that he has anything to do with what we are going to do. We haven't seen him yet." Yes, aren't they people from the past?" Tan Sihan smiled, but this smile contained a lot of vicissitudes.

"Yes, Lord, this subordinate will go and give instructions." Bai Xi agreed, pulled out the file, nodded to Imperial Physician Lu, and went out.

Ji Xuan asked with a squeak, "Mr. Qin, what are you doing?"

Tan Sihan knocked on the page in Ji Xuan's hand and said: "It's nothing, Mr. Ji, don't worry about it. Just continue to do what you did before. Don't worry, my lord. What I want to do may be what I should do for my son. Mr. Wang, I hope You didn't hear what happened tonight."

Wang Qi nodded, he seemed to understand something in his deep eyes, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

He put the scroll there and said: "It's late at night, I went back to the Yamen to sleep, don't worry, my lord, I don't know anything." After Wang Qi finished speaking, he saw Tan Sihan's approval and left.

Ji Xuan read it for a long time, then put down the scroll and put it into the room.

"My lord, are you looking for the illegitimate son of Mr. Xian Chengen, who may not exist?" Imperial Physician Lu asked in a low voice at this time.

Tan Sihan nodded, he didn't find it strange, Imperial Physician Lu had some relationship with Cheng'enhou's residence.

"Although the Marquis is used to flirting, there have always been rumors of the Marquis in the army, but no one can be sure. The Marquis left an heir in the army, and the Marquis of Cheng'en must have checked again and again when he inherited the title. It is unlikely. "

"The Marquis of Cheng'en has a lot of troops. The late emperor stayed in bed for a long time. Now it is only a matter of time before he becomes His Majesty. I, Daman, have always had the ancestral motto of setting up a heir, establishing an elder and then establishing a virtuous man. Although the mother's family has never had a legitimate son, whose eldest son will allow the property to be in the hands of others? Therefore, from the moment His Highness did not give birth to the eldest son, the Chengenhou Mansion was already in danger."

But just a few words can set off a bloodbath.

"Your Majesty loves me. It's always easy for me to travel in the three provinces and six departments. The rebellion of the Marquis of Cheng'en's mansion does not seem to be planned, but more like a last resort. I have never met Marquis of Cheng'en, what do you think?"

Tan Sihan shook his head and said sentence by sentence, he seemed to be remembering something while looking at the moon.

"No, but the pulse is a little weak, and there is a feeling of fetal insufficiency." Imperial Physician Lu said truthfully.

Tan Sihan nodded, and Imperial Physician Lu also quit the door. At this time, he needed to be quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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