Chapter 131 Opening (2)

But the girl shook her head almost without thinking.

Gatherings, now in the state capital, there is no one who doesn't invite the oiran to join the fun in the building, but they don't. Girls still have many little sisters in various brothels on weekdays, and it's not the same thing.

"Then are there any of you who receive guests on weekdays who are particularly capable and can invite these guests away. Or in your impression, you all have some of those guests." It's not that Ji Xuan wants to ask here, the main reason is that they have looked through the old bustard house, none at all,

However, he did not suspect that the girl in front of him lied to them, but the murderer took her away. Judging from the method of committing the crime, the method of action, and the speed of calculation, it was a premeditated crime.

After killing the bustard, how could he give them such a crucial thing?

Therefore, Ji Xuan quickly realized that the thing might have been destroyed or fell into the hands of the murderer.

"Master Wen. His surname is not Wen. Once my mother told me that her surname was Guo, and her name was Guo Wenshi. She was an official in the capital. Others are so-so, maybe I don't know." The girl thought for a while, His eyes suddenly lit up.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present inevitably looked at each other. Fang Wu reacted quickly, and found a portrait among the pile of papers on the table.

That's right, Guo Wenshi's portrait, since this person has come into their sight and is very likely to have a great relationship with these cases, how can they not pay attention?Naturally, I found this person's information.

Fang Wu unfolded the portrait, looked in front of the girl, and said to her, "But this person?"

Her voice was gentle, as if it could melt the ice and snow in winter. The girl who explained the matter inevitably glanced at her, and was glared at by Ji Xuan, and then turned her head to look at the portrait again.

"...It seems that I haven't seen it much." The girl said.

"Then whoever has seen it, he usually comes to see someone." Fang Wu asked.It's no surprise that almost every girl has her own regular clientele.

The same goes for the guests who come to visit the brothel, they all have their own fixed, of course there are some new ones to play with, but they will still find familiar ones later.

The girl scratched her head, and said after a while: "It seems that there is one named Xiang Yi, and the other one is unknown. For a while, she was hired out by Mr. Wen."

Because things like visiting brothels are indecent, but they can't help themselves not to go, so most officials hide their heads and show their tails, and there are not a few like Guo Wenshi.

Fang Wu nodded, turned his head to look at the copied paper, without this one named Xiangyi, what's inside the brothel is unclear.

But she moved very quickly, found out the music book of this Xiangyi girl, and looked carefully.

Round face, round eyes, small cherry mouth, sloping shoulders, although it is a baby face, but for some reason it looks charming, and I can't help the urge to say a few words.

She was very sure that there was no girl like this in the brothel, but in case she didn't find out, or the girl was too frightened to come out, so she passed the music book to everyone and said: "This is Xiangyi Le Ji, I used to be an oiran. Let's take a look, have you seen it in the brothel?"

Her voice was not loud, and she only rang out among the officials, but those who answered her all looked blank.

"Come on, take them down and keep them under surveillance. This one should be held in isolation and find a room with better conditions for her." Seeing that no one continued to ask questions, Ye Zhuqing ordered a cell boss.

Soon, there was a sound of kicking and tapping, and the hall became much quieter.

Ye Zhuqing continued, "Go to the brothel and see who the other one is." He spoke in a very firm tone, picked up the Le Ji and the piece of paper while speaking, and strode out the door.

Ji Xuan and Zhou Ze followed, while Fang Wu and Zhang Xuan stayed behind to see if they could find anything new.

"If this case really has anything to do with Mr. Guo, I'm afraid we'll have to live together first, and maybe we'll have to find Mr. Tan." Zhang Xuan flicked through the files indiscriminately, and some mourners said.

After finding Guo Wenshi, they naturally also found some other party's information and official voice, but the praise was unanimous, and he seemed to be a person who cherished his feathers.

Even though his father-in-law has passed away, he is still like a new rich man in the officialdom.

"Young Master Tan, Young Master Tan, can't you work without someone?" Fang Wu asked, rolling his eyes.

Zhang Xuan looked at her, snorted coldly and said, "Miss Fang is capable, so come here."

He whistled as he spoke, and made a gesture of invitation, but the person sat there with his legs crossed, wobbly and unmoving, obviously not paying attention to the other party.

Fang Wu fainted when he heard that.

But turning his head and thinking again, he suddenly looked at Zhang Xuan with bright eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Xuan subconsciously straightened up and asked, his body covered in goosebumps.

Fang Wu's eyeballs rolled around, looked in the lobby, and then sat down and said: "Catch the rape and catch the double. If we can be sure that it is really Mr. Guo, then we will find him." Settle down, and then..."

Zhang Xuan nodded, and was about to slap his thigh, but quickly shook his head and said: "It's a good idea, but where does he end up? What evidence can prove that these two people are really together? This kind of unreasonable behavior The Yamen will not grant approval."

Fang Wu imitated Ji Xuan's movements, closed his eyelids and said, "I told you to find him. If I know where his foothold is, I will let you find it."

Zhang Xuan sighed.

In short, they now understand that Mr. Guo is very suspicious.

Whether it's the dagger or the missing girl, they are all inseparable from Mr. Guo.

How can it be so coincidental,
A criminal bandit who uses a dagger, the instructor suppresses the county government under his hands.How could such a coincidence be missing the girl he often sees?And what a coincidence, he is an official everywhere, and he should not be underestimated in the officialdom. In a word, officials near Fanzhizhou should have face.

Judging from these coincidences, the most suspicious person is Mr. Guo.This case had a huge impact and had to be solved as soon as possible. However, whether it was the oiran in the brothel or other sources, there were very few clues they could provide.

How could they give up so easily given Guo Wenshi's direction?

None of the officials here are bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

"Is it okay? My Zhang Dabuzhi." Fang Wu waited for a long time before he sighed, turned around and raised his hand to shake Zhang Xuan's arm, pouted and said.

"Master, please try your best." Zhang Xuan shook off Fang Wu's arm and went out with a sword.

Fang Wu rubbed his wrist and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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