Chapter 138

"Obviously you don't want me anymore." Tan Sihan said.

Bai Xi didn't understand, so he just lowered his eyes and looked at him.

"When you brought Mu Qing back, didn't you let him stare at me, afraid that I would torment me and find me annoying. You clearly said in the afternoon that you were still with me, but you still found someone to come back." He said.

"Master, this subordinate is afraid that one of his subordinates will be careless, so you really made you go out. Mu Qing is here to find you, not to be annoyed by you, have you ever seen that slave who is annoyed by his master? Turn back, this subordinate will serve you. Drink the antidote. I'm afraid your subordinates have poisoned your head." Bai Xi said guiltily.

"You're not leaving?"

"No. Do you know the story of the boy herding sheep who cried wolf?" Bai Xi asked.

He didn't know why Qin Sihan's sense of security was so weak, it seemed to be especially weak here.He thought, calm down.

Qin Sihan nodded.

"This subordinate dares to compare you to that child, but no matter how many times you call wolf, this subordinate will go to you. Lord, this subordinate will not change."

Bai Xi looked up at Tan Sihan and said, this time he lacked respect, only some guarantees.

Tan Sihan smiled, pulled him up and hugged him again: "If you say that, I really have to take your household registration back and detain it. lest you be filled with wolf belly someday. Remember, be my slave, Every inch of this whole body is mine, and if you are injured, sick, or dying, you have to give my order. Do you hear me?"

"The servant heard it." Bai Xi said.

"No. Still claiming to be a subordinate." Tan Sihan said.

"Yes, my subordinate heard it." Bai Xi followed suit.

"Without my order, if you are injured, come to me to get the board." Tan Sihan continued.

Of course he knew that Bai Xi was going to kill people outside to make way.

"Yes." Bai Xi said.He has nothing extra, he knows exactly what kind of master he is following.

He may have everything, but it is not easy to have someone who is only him.Therefore, he probably let him be rare here. Although he just knew why he was able to do this, it didn't prevent him from continuing to do what he did before.

Qin Sihan closed his eyes when he heard this, and slowly fell asleep.It's just a pair of hands still hugging people.

Bai Xi had no choice but to sit still.

Early in the morning, Tan Sihan woke up and saw the person in her arms pecking at rice like a chicken, and couldn't help but smile.

Lying down lightly, he looked at him with interest, but when he moved, Bai Xi woke up, tilting his head and saying, "Master."

"Master Ji is going to teach Miss Fang to dissect the body today, are you going?" He asked.Muqing came in early in the morning and said.

"Go. Anyway, idle is idle."

"Is your subordinate waiting for you to change clothes?"

Tan Sihan nodded and said, "No, I'll do it myself. You have a good rest, and I'll call you later."

"Thank you." Bai Xi said, he understood Tan Sihan, so he agreed.

Tan Sihan smiled and moved silently, Bai Xi curled up and fell asleep silently...

The breeze was gentle, and it was dripping light rain.

As soon as Ji Xuan and Fang Wu stood in the yamen, they saw three figures coming in one behind the other, naturally they were Qin Sihan's master and servant who wanted to see the excitement.

"Young master, is this?" Ji Xuan was taken aback.

The three of them were all in coir raincoats, they didn't speak when they came in, they just gave Tan Sihan a stool and sat aside.

"Master Ji can't just teach one class. I'll also come to study." Tan Sihan said.

Ji Xuan had no choice but to nod.

He handed the scalpel to Fang Wu and said, "This corpse is useless. Do it boldly."

That corpse belonged to the old bustard, Ji Xuan thought about making the best use of everything, so he deserved to die.

Fang Wu nodded.

Holding the knife in his hand, recalling Ji Xuan's usual movements, he lowered the knife from his chest.

But as soon as he landed, he heard Ji Xuan say: "It's off."

He raised his hand to hold Fang Wu's hand, moved it to the left, and then slowly let go, as if to let her continue.

Fang Wu couldn't help blushing a little, but he quickly cut open the skin with the knife. Although the knife was not straight, it was good enough to cut open.

The internal organs can be seen clearly.As for the ribs on the chest, Ji Xuan had already dealt with them before.

"There is no content in the stomach, which means that he did not eat for eight hours before death." Fang Wu said.

Ji Xuan nodded and continued: "Actually, the time of death of a corpse can be judged to a certain extent from the spots, rigor, and temperature of the corpse. But these three appear too early, and the corpses we see are usually relatively late. "

"Does that mean that the sooner the corpse is inspected, the higher the rate of solving the case?" Tan Sihan asked.

When Ji Xuan heard this sentence, she frowned. Although this scene is not very beautiful, it is not enough to fill in three large light bulbs, right?

"Yes. The more complete the crime scene is preserved, the higher the rate of solving the case. The dead body is considered part of the crime scene." Ji Xuan said.

"Then it seems that Mr. Wang who can't wait is back." Tan Sihan sighed.

"What do you mean, son?"

In this sentence, Ji Xuan seemed to hear another meaning, but he didn't understand it.

"A fourth-rank official in Yancheng Town died on the street. I let Bai Xi suppress this case. On the one hand, I am waiting for His Majesty's imperial decree, and on the other hand, I am waiting for Your Majesty Wang. I ask Your Majesty to call two adults to handle this case." Qin Sihan said.

"When did it happen?" Ji Xuan hurriedly asked.

Qin Sihan looked back at Bai Xi.

"About two days." Bai Xi said.

This case and the case of the two His Royal Highnesses enclosing land came out one after another, and people have to suspect that there is something involved in it. However, because of the two His Highnesses' affairs and Guo Wenshi's case, Bai Xi has not yet arranged for anyone to investigate, and only cares about the matter first. When the scene is controlled, it is inevitable that there will be another accident.

For such a matter, Bai Xi would wait for Qin Sihan to order, but Qin Sihan had made up his mind to ask Ji Xuan to investigate, so naturally it was impossible to arrange for Bai Xi first.

After all, one person has his own way of doing things, and if two people do one thing at the same time, it will inevitably be self-defeating.

Therefore, Tan Sihan just asked to watch and don't care about anything, so Bai Xi naturally gave the order.Bai Xi had already explained the inside story to Tan Sihan, but he really didn't know whether the two cases were the same.

"Is it convenient for the young master to bring the ministers there?" Ji Xuan said.

"Okay. Bai Xi can arrange it." Tan Sihan said.

Bai Xi said: "Master Ji is looking for some accompanying officials, who can ride horses. I will take care of the horses. Wait a minute, my subordinates will prepare a carriage for you. Do you think it is possible?"

Tan Sihan nodded, and Bai Xi backed out.

Ji Xuan was also busy going out.

Only Tan Sihan, Mu Qing and Fang Wu were left in the room at this time.

"Why did you join this case, Young Master? Was it His Majesty's order?" Fang Wu asked cautiously.

"Your Majesty's order has not yet been issued. The fourth grade is not low, and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs will intervene, but I am here, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice must first ask me what I mean. Therefore, I recommended Mr. Ji." Tan Sihan said.What he said was true, otherwise how could Tan Sihan be the first to arrive when he lost his horse?
Part of it was because of the people under Bai Xi's subordinates, and part of it was because people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice came to him. After all, he was able to get there one step faster and had the real power.

Daman has always attached great importance to horses, but this one is just because Tan Sihan wants to run into him.He had already known to the Ministry of Punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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