The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 130 The first show of the speech coach

Chapter 130 The first show of the speech coach
[Commentary Fengxiu: After LNG banned Jia Luo and Ying Zheng with two hands, then the LNG shooter is likely to be out of action. 】

[Commentary Yun Yang: If KA had expected this horse, he could have grabbed it in advance. 】

KA's shooter chose Di Renjie.

[Commentary Fengxiu: KA still wants to put the middle lane at the end before choosing, first look at what the LNG bottom lane duo wants to come up with, and then deal with it. 】

Jiang Ci stood in the spare space between the middle and the field, put his hands on the table and looked at the lineup in the game. After ten seconds of meditation, "Take Meng Ya and Sun Bin."

The entire LNG team listened carefully to her BP layout. She was originally the main conductor. When she was in September, she often discussed new styles of play with the coaching staff. Moreover, she is still one of the few players with three repairs. No one is better than her. Clearer and more qualified to stand in this position.

[Explanation Yun Yang: The combination of Meng Ya and Meng Qi LNG is to form a tower suppression system, and then there is a wandering Sun Bin that can make the line-turning speed of the entire lineup faster and pull better. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: KA's current top four-handed lineup looks rather offensive. Once the opponent pulls the skills to the air, it will be an opportunity for LNG to fight back. 】

Under the voice of the commentator, KA's last mage chose Shangguan Wan'er.

Qin Si's magic thorn.
The camera showed Jiang Ci, and there was some sadness between her brows.

Taking advantage of the final stage of adjustment, she carefully deployed and told them how to open the game.

"At the beginning of the game, do a wave change first, and the opponent will definitely let Shangguan and Zhu Bajie change lines in the early stage. The speed of upgrading to level [-] will be much faster by hanging the side lane, so Shen Mengxi and Meng Qi will switch, and Sun Bin will still go to the middle lane to help. Grab the line."

"Mengqi brings smiting, after clearing the first wave of lines, it can interfere with the opposing wild area."

"Wandering opposite is the King of Lanling, Jing must be careful about his vision when playing blue."

"Lin Ran remembers to explore the field of vision, do you hear me?"

Lin Ran, who was suddenly caught by the cue, yawned casually, "Ah, oh."

[Explanation Yun Yang: Although KA has changed players in the middle this season, their coaching staff has not changed, resulting in their core remains unchanged. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: But the LNG side has changed a lot. Not only the middle lane Fawang Yanci we are most familiar with has left the starting position, but also the LNG coaching staff has also undergone great changes. The original head coach left in September due to illness. Words take over, and this is the first show of a verbal coach. 】

[Commentary Yun Yang: So tonight's game has high expectations. Okay, let's enter the first BO5 match between the two sides in this autumn game. LNG will play against KA, the blue side will be LNG, and the red side will be KA. 】

The BP is over, and it's time for Jiang Ci as the head coach to end.

But she did not choose to go back to the lounge to watch the game, but sat in the front row of the auditorium, surrounded by the staff of the LNG team.

This is the first time she has missed an LNG game.

Words, the ID, really started with World Crown and ended with World Crown.

She was the champion when she debuted in the World Championship, and she is also the champion now that the World Championship has retired.

But it wasn't her will.

The retirement she has fantasized about countless times is the real retirement after winning the 2022 World Championship.

But it doesn't matter, she is only semi-retired, and has not signed a real retirement agreement, because as long as she doesn't sign, she still has a chance to come back to the game.

Xi Chen looked over, Jiang Ci subconsciously avoided.

The opening KA was indeed as Jiang Ci thought, Shangguan Wan'er and Zhu Bajie had a wave of line changes, but she expected in advance to give her players a layout, so there was no loss.

At 1 minute, the mirror was hitting blue, and the Lanling King from the opposite KA passed by and wanted to interfere, but the last blue was still accepted by Huo Chao's mirror strike.

[Commentary Fengxiu: HZ's smiting attack was still very accurate, and was not successfully countered by King Lanling. 】

[Explanation Yunyang: The main one is to flash Zhu Bajie, and the other is to interfere with King Lanling, so it's not easy to reverse. 】

(End of this chapter)

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