The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 16 Surprise!Instantly harvest 5 little fans

Chapter 16 Surprise!Instantly harvest five little fans

Wen Zhuo nodded excitedly, but he saw Jiang Ci at first sight in the crowd.

"Yes, I am the captain of ZERO."

Wen Zhuo shouted to his other four brothers: "Come here quickly, this is the sister A Ci I often say, she is good-looking, and she is also very good at playing games."

For a moment, Jiang Ci was surrounded by five big boys, one taller and more handsome than the other.

"My sister is the word god of KPL, I am a fan of my sister, can my sister sign for me?"

"Don't grab it. I'm also a fan of my sister. I love to watch my sister's game. Not long ago, I watched her play in the finals. She's so handsome. My sister is so amazing."

"Sister, I'm also your fan."

"I am me too."

Surrounded by Jiang Ci, she had no choice but to sign one by one, and even asked her to sign directly.

Wait, who is the idol? ? ε=(ο`*)
She is just a professional player, why did she gain five little fans in an instant? ?
Xi Chen gritted his teeth watching from the sidelines, having a myocardial infarction.

Where did the men come from around his little cabbage? ? !
Xi Chen gave Su Qingyu a look to let him understand for himself, is this the artist of your Suhe Media? ?Just this virtue? !
pissed him off.

Why does Jiang Ci have so many fans? ? ? ╭(╯^╰)╮

Su Qingyu sneered, he can't be blamed for this, who knew that the whole group of ZERO liked Jiang Ci? ?

At this moment, Xi Chen felt extremely uncomfortable, he walked over and pulled Jiang Ci out, Jiang Chun did not stop him from behind.

Jiang Ci shook off his hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

Xi Chen looked at her angrily, "What am I doing? Do you like being surrounded by a group of little boys with no hair yet?"

Jiang Ci crossed his arms and laughed at him: "Xi Chen, are you jealous or angry? Oh, I get it."

Xi Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, this male protagonist who can be said to have come out of a comic is more handsome than ZERO and other male idols who have been in the entertainment industry, "What do you know?"

Jiang Ci narrowed his eyes slightly, sized him up, and was about to reveal his shortcomings: "You are so angry, could it be that you are jealous?"

Seeing Xi Chen's darkened face, Jiang Ci laughed out loud, even Huo Chao and Su Qingyu couldn't hold back their chuckles.

After laughing enough, Jiang Ci waved his hands and explained: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, lest you, Young Master Xi, never end."

She pulled Wen Zhuo over again, and introduced to him: "Aren't you just curious about how I know them? Here, he is Wen Xi's younger brother, Wen Zhuo."

"He is only 17 years old, don't think about what you have."

With a deep voice, Xi Chen approached Jiang Ci: "Is there anything? What do you want me to think about?"

Jiang Ci shrugged his shoulders, deliberately imitating Xi Chen's yin and yang aura and attacking him: "Then I don't know, after all, you have a delicate heart, how could I guess."

Wen Zhuo is not stupid, he looked at Xi Chen with his beautiful eyes, "This uncle is..."

uncle? ?uncle? ? Σ(⊙▽⊙"a
Jiang Ci is the elder sister, and Xi Chen is the uncle? ?

Su Qingyu's laughter was really because the uncle couldn't hold back the words, and Xi Chen's murderous eyes drifted over in the next second.

Jiang Ci just wanted to say, well done! ! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
Let the old thing know how old he is, nice, nice.

Jiang Ci coughed lightly: "This is not an uncle, he also..."

Jiang Ci blinked, and deliberately raised his voice a little: "It's only four years older than you, uncle doesn't count, just call him brother."

Wen Zhuo listened to Jiang Ci's words very much, and obediently shouted: "Hello, brother."

Thanks to Xi Chen for the dumb, he remembered it.

Wait, he will never forget this uncle in his life! !

(End of this chapter)

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