Chapter 170

In the situation where one's own side is at a disadvantage, Jiang Ci appeases the army, "Don't panic, don't panic, you guard the tower."

The game gradually came to 10 minutes.

[Commentary Fengxiu: In 10 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides is [-], which is a lot. KA's current suffocating style of play is really unsolvable. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: Yes, let the opponent feel suffocated. As long as the opponent has a little disadvantage, KA can seize the opportunity and continue to enlarge step by step. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: The understanding of the version is really strong. It can be seen that their style of play is very strong in the autumn competition. Up to now, they have not lost a game in the finals of the Winter Championship. It is really terrifying. s. 】

[Accept Yun Yang: I think KA has reversed the red and blue buffs on the opposite side again. As long as KA gets a little advantage, he will snowball and use the resources in the opposite wild area. 】

Xi Chen's Pei Qinhu's economy is very high, and after 10 minutes, the Shadow Lord and Shadow Tyrant can already be taken alone.

At present, KA's economy is more than [-] yuan ahead of LNG, which is very fatal and difficult to deal with. According to the LNG lineup, the most important thing is to rely on Yu Jing and Bai Qi, Jing's burst damage, and Bai Qi's mocking Xi Shi.

At a disadvantage, Jiang Ziya's economy is a bit slow, so her role is more to clean up the pawn line and take the initiative to start a wave of consumption before the group.

KA took Bo Shuanglonghui, and has the dragon line in his hand, so the speed of pushing the tower will only be faster.

"Defend the tower and guard the tower, look for opportunities to open again."

At 4 minutes, KA came to the middle lane and wanted to press a wave of highland towers.

"Xi Shi and Meng Tian didn't flash, and Sun Bin didn't purify."

"There is a chance, there is a chance."

"Bai Qi flashed up and mocked."

After being instructed by Jiang Ci, everyone in LNG acted according to plan.

When Bai Qi flashed to taunt a group of people on the opposite side, Jiang Ziya flashed his big move to catch up with the damage, and coupled with the explosion of Jing's entry, two people were killed on the opposite side after a wave of intense team battles.

But KA didn't want to leave at this point, and then the remaining three turned to the top road and continued to press the high ground tower. KA chose to retreat after forcing the high ground tower on the opposite top road.

[Commentary Fengxiu: In this wave of team battles, the cooperation between Zhongli and Words can be said to be perfect, and the two heads taken by Jing entered the field gave him a lot of money. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: Fortunately, only one highland tower was destroyed in this wave of LNG. 】

[Commentary Fengxiu: In fact, as long as KA remembers the refresh time of Zhong Li's Bai Qi's skills and the flash refresh, they can take the initiative to initiate a wave of big groups at this time when Bai Qi is not mocking. 】

[Explanation Yun Yang: Indeed, it is difficult to drive to the opposite C position without flashing, and it is completely unnecessary to drive Meng Tian in the front row. 】

"Hold on, hold on, keep guarding the wave, the buff time for the dragon on the opposite side hasn't passed yet."

Because KA is blessed with dragon lines, LNG can only be forced to guard the highland tower, and the resources outside are controlled by KA.

15 minutes, ten 6 minutes.

LNG lasted through KA's dragon buff blessing time, but Zhuang Zhou was caught by the KA people who had already crouched in the grass when he cleared the lane line, causing LNG to lose one person before the team, and KA's Xi Shi If there is no Zhuang Zhou on the opposite side, you can catch people at will.

[Commentary Fengxiu: There are only two highland towers left for LNG, and the grand slam of KA is just around the corner. 】

[Commentary Yun Yang: Looking at Chen's position, the tiger has already circled back and is ready to enter the arena at any time. 】

The five KA gathered in the middle and quickly pushed down the highland tower. Xi Chen's Pei Qinhu successfully circled behind and perfectly eliminated Bai Qihejing, allowing his teammates to output without any scruples.

Although Meng Tian has been supporting him all the time, Jiang Ci did not give up his big move to clear soldiers, but it is a pity that KA's troops have already stepped up.

[Explanation of Fengxiu: Pei Qinhu's four consecutive extraordinary! 】

[Commentary Yun Yang: Let us congratulate KA for winning the 2021 King of Glory Winter Champions Cup championship! 】

"KA completed the grand slam of their team history, and also became the second KPL team with six championships!"

"They created a new record of [-] consecutive victories and double championships!"

(End of this chapter)

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