Chapter 177 Just Call Sister Ci

In thirteen minutes, the top of Shield Mountain was at the forefront, and the five of them huddled together and directly broke the Highland Tower on the lower road.

"Touch the dragon, touch the dragon."

"The opposite side is coming, just take the initiative to fight a wave."

Several members of the Dream Chasing Team approached.

"Shield Mountain opens people."

"Ah Li didn't purify the opponent and didn't dare to fight."

"Zhen Ji didn't flash, so I can stay."

Follow the command, so.
"Three consecutive victories."

In the case of professional players on the opposite side, Jiang Ci's Yuan Ge directly hit a triple kill.

Commentary: "Show, it's too showy, this is the King of Faci, the once unique Yuan Ge, the first sister of the national costume."

After four people died on the opposite side, the king team didn't have to fight the dragon directly, and the economy directly crushed the middle Luping and pushed to the high ground. As soon as the pawn line came in, they pushed down the crystal.

"Let's congratulate the Kings for winning the game."

It is true that no grass grows wherever Jiang Ci goes.

Hostess: "Let's invite ten contestants to the stage."

After the arena, Jiang Ci and Xi Chen returned to the stage together talking and laughing.

Jiang Ci did what she said to lead everyone to lie down and win.

Male host: "It's the first time I saw Yanci and CHEN fighting together in the same team. It's really wonderful. Your Yuange Luna combination is really good."

Hostess: "But I really want to ask White Cat a question, how does it feel to be single-killed three times in a row?"

In addition, in the last wave of team battles, he died four times in Jiang Ci's hands.

Of course, he found it himself the first two times.

The white cat didn't look too angry when he got the microphone, "It's amazing, it's really amazing. It's worthy of being called Lord by the fans. I'll change the note to Lord Ci later."

Male host: "Hahaha, is there anything we want to say with our words?"

After taking the microphone from Xi Chen, Jiang Ci looked at the white cat, "You don't have to worship it so much, just call me Sister Ci."

Male host: "I also want to ask our word god again, regarding this jungler, do you think HZ is better or Chen and you cooperate better?"

What kind of proposition is this?

Jiang Ci looked between Xi Chen and Huo Chao, and he was very sure: "Of course it's my own jungler. After all, Chen hit me for real, and death is real."

Xi Chen didn't pick up the topic, and whispered something in Jiang Ci's ear, "Little heartless you, thanks to the blue buff I gave you in the game, Qin Si didn't even dare to touch my wild area, you're lucky, choose Choose me to make me happy and refuse?"

Jiang Ci put down the microphone, looked at him sideways, and said with serious eyes: "But you are the opponent, and Huo Chao is my teammate. Even if I choose you, should you kill me or kill me on the field."

Xi Chen is really going to vomit blood from Jiang Ciqi, she is really straight.

It is said that the professional is a straight man, and Jiang Ci is a big straight woman + 'Sea King'!
Hostess: "Ask SI, how does it feel to fight with Jiang Ci for the first time?"

Originally because of Wen Xi, Qin Si didn't like Jiang Ci, but the geniuses always cherish each other, and now he is convinced of the level of the game.

Qin Si was standing on Jiang Ci's right hand side, "Jiang is still old and hot, but the wave is higher than the wave. I think I can sit for her in the future Dharma king's position. The old man can take good care of himself."

Male host: "Oh hoo, this is a harsh word for next year's spring competition? Words, what do you think?"

Others have hit him on the head, and this Jiang Ci can't bear it.

Jiang Ci raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in a calm tone, "Is this how you see it? Let me hold the six trophies and watch."

"Whether you can sit in this seat depends on whether I am willing to give it up."

Oh ho!Oh ho!
The smell of gunpowder between the two was directly filled.

They are all talented mid laners, but there is only one champion.

Facing the pressure from newcomers, Jiang Ci will only turn it into motivation.

After the host's brief interview, the second half of the show, the awards ceremony, will begin.

"Thank you ten players for bringing us a wonderful professional competition. Please sit down and rest. We will soon enter the second half of tonight's Glory Ceremony."

(End of this chapter)

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