Chapter 189

Due to the majesty of the old sister, Jiang Munian slowly leaned over, feeling aggrieved, "Sister~ I was wrong."

"I know I shouldn't hide it from you, but if I tell you, you will definitely not agree."

Jiang Ci unceremoniously tugged at his ear, and taught him a lesson: "You know that I won't agree with you to come to the game? This game is not something you, a brat, can bear. It's cruel, very cruel, isn't it?" A place for you to come and play."

Jiang Munian protected his head, and rescued his ears from Jiang Ci's hands, "The state officials are only allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps, sister, I am eighteen, I am not a child anymore, I have my own choice power, and I didn't rely on you to enter the professional team, I was spotted by the coach, why can't I play professionally?"

"I have never told anyone that you are my own sister. It was Coach Fifteen who chose me because of my strength. Why can't I come to this place since I have this strength?"

"Didn't my sister survive at the beginning? If that sister can do it, so can I."

Having not been home for almost a year, Jiang Munian's stature has grown very fast, much taller than Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci raised his hand to hit him, but he could only hit him on the shoulder, and he clenched his fist fiercely, "No wonder my mother said that your grades were unstable during the college entrance examination. I was busy playing the spring game and had no time to care about you. I didn't expect you to dare Under my nose, I thought you were going to college, but you are lucky enough to play games without telling me?"

"Jiang Munian, you've become disobedient as you grow older, you dare to lie to me?"

"This is Ci team's younger brother? He really looks alike."

"The genius Bianlu that Coach Fifteen mentioned was originally a younger brother of the CI team. No wonder he is so good. With the same gene, his sister's is so good. So being a younger brother shouldn't be much worse."

"It turns out that talents can be inherited. My sister is the number one dharma king of KPL, and my younger brother is a talented winger. Why am I a little bit looking forward to the sister and brother joining forces?"

"If they're in the same team, then the tacit understanding between the top and the middle school doesn't need to be practiced."

There were discussions at the dinner table. The LNG team members did not reject Jiang Munian's joining, but hoped that he could join the team. After all, the people who can attract Coach Fifteen's attention and want to take them away from GDG must be one in ten thousand.

But here on KA
"They LNG want to strengthen the flank?"

"I'll go, isn't it necessary to fight against our early game when the wing is strengthened?"

"And this guy is still the younger brother of Yan Ci. When the two of them team up, I dare not imagine how fierce the spring split will be next year."

"He hasn't played yet? What are you afraid of now? With so little competition experience, it will definitely be difficult for him to adapt to the KPL."

"What's wrong with this? Don't forget that Li Yan had almost no competition experience at the time, but he won the World Championship in the first season of his debut in KPL. Like a sister, there must be a brother."

"That's true. Back then, our captain was also the peak when he debuted, and the champion when he debuted."

A big bad wolf in front of others and a little sheep in back, especially in front of his own elder sister, Jiang Munian did not dare to fight her at all.

Because he couldn't quarrel, fight, or scold, he was teased and ordered by Jiang Ci since he was a child, and he would admit it to Jiang Ci whenever he had the guts, so how could he hide it for half a year.

Jiang Munian swayed Jiang Ci's arm gently, "Sister ~ sister ~ my good sister ~ you don't remember villains, please forgive me this time?"

"I've already suspend my schooling. Even if you don't let me play games, I won't be able to go back to school."

Jiang Ci sighed helplessly, "You won't be able to enter such a good university. Do you really think this field is so easy to mess with? No one will look down on you without a champion."

Jiang Munian's academic performance was not particularly good. In order to allow him to be admitted to university, he was specially asked to learn painting, so he was admitted to the Department of Fine Arts of Beijing University as an art student.

Teikyo University is the best university in China.

(End of this chapter)

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