The whole network is eating me and the CP of the e-sports wild king

Chapter 20 Because I am the chief conductor, I cannot make mistakes

Chapter 20 Because I am the chief conductor, I cannot make mistakes
"No regret is success." The host repeated her words, and the smile on her face showed that she admired the only female Dharma queen in KPL.

"LNG entered the KPL in [-] and won three consecutive championships, opening up a generation of LNG dynasty. However, since [-], LNG has fallen into a trough and it is difficult to win the championship. It is time to win the Winter Championship before. It has been almost two years, and during this time, the team has experienced many personnel changes, from the original Cibao all the way to the current Ci team, falling from the peak to the trough and then returning from the trough Do you think there will be any psychological changes when you reach the position of champion?"

Because it was specially set up for the just-concluded spring season, the camera would always focus on Jiang Ci, and the interview questions would mostly focus on her.

After all, Jiang Ci's debut was the pinnacle, and he won three crowns when he debuted.

LNG swept KPL in [-] years, and the record of [-] consecutive victories has not been broken by any team so far. They were so terrifying that year.

It was such a strong team that lost to Qian in the end. The uneven distribution of bonuses and the unfairness of some subsequent resources made the conflicts between the players worse and worse. If they don't go on, they will have to go their separate ways and go their separate ways.

When mentioning the former LNG, Jiang Ci is often in a trance. Although time is ruthless, it can heal the pain.

Back then, she was the youngest in the team, and because she was a girl, everyone loved to call her Cibao, so she naturally became the favorite of the team.

Everyone calls her Ci God now, but how could she become a God so easily? How could she be named a God without shedding a little blood or being skinned?
In [-] and [-], she was ridiculed, abused, and questioned because she didn't win the championship again. How could it be so easy to become a god?

The old players all chose to leave, and she was forced to become the new captain of LNG to lead a group of newcomers to continue to compete in the KPL. But at that time, she was still a newcomer, and she had to take care of the whole team before she arrived. team.

Everyone said that she has a bad temper and is not easy to provoke, why?
Because she used to see all the messy things in the team, she didn't want those newcomers to continue to follow the path of the old, and her career was short, so she must not let herself down and live up to the dream of being a champion.

"It can only be said that the psychological endurance has become stronger."

"I remember one time when LNG failed to make the playoffs. At that time, many comments said that I was not good enough, that I did not have the ability to lead the team, and that I would never be able to stand on the stage of the finals again to win the championship. The trophy of the championship, but it is more to say that LNG has no hope of winning the championship after Jiunian is gone. At that time, many people said that I was a third-rate mid laner. The so-called debut is the peak because of my teammates at that time. It’s awesome, saying that I was lucky to have a good team and friendly team, so I was able to lie down and win three championships.”

"At that time, I was actually very angry, and then I swore in my heart that I would let everyone see if my words would work. Every time I compete, I want to prove myself and prove that I am still the same words. Whether it is the field or public opinion, I will never I will not be afraid of half a point, I just want to be the strongest king on this stage."

When the entire LNG team fell into confusion, Jiang Ci was like a lighthouse illuminating the direction of progress, leading the team to regain confidence and rhythm.

And this is the reason why everyone is called the word god, because everyone really admires her from the bottom of their hearts.

Jiang Ci once said, 'Because I am the chief conductor, I can't make mistakes. Once I make a mistake, the whole team will be gone'. She has always demanded herself with high standards.

Everyone was quietly listening to Jiang Ci's narration, even Xi Chen, who had always been at odds with her and always loved to quarrel with her, was listening seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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