Chapter 221
Jiang Ci lifted his foot to crush his salty pig's hand, her eyes were arrogant and arrogant, at this moment she was exactly like Xi Chen, they were both so arrogant.

"Since you don't want this hand so much, I'll help you get rid of it."

The man who was thrown on the table instantly realized that he had encountered a problem.

"I'm sorry, I'm really, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time, I don't dare to do it again." The man begged for mercy, with a painful expression on his face, because it really hurts too much , A woman is so strong?

Ning Yan, who came back to his senses, hurried over and hurriedly asked, "Idol, what's wrong?"

Jiang Ci's tone was cold, and he bent down and pointed to the hand that was crushed by her, "He, is a poor hand to a girl."

Ning Yan understood instantly, she looked casually to the side, there was an empty wine bottle, she reached out and copied it, and threw it on the man's head without saying a word, blood gushed out in the next second, she was stunned The girls watching the excitement not far away.

And the girl who was bullied by him before was also startled, but she was very happy because someone chose to help her.

Ning Yan angrily threw the wine bottle on the ground, and yelled at the person in charge of the bar: "Call Zhang Yang, how dare this kind of thing happen on my mother's site?"

The Zhang Yang that Ning Yan is talking about is the owner of this bar, but he is not actually the boss, because the real big boss is Ning Yan.

In the past two years, she built a bar by herself for investment, and then hired someone to help manage it, but she said that her bar does not allow some promiscuous people to bully women!
When Ning Yan yelled, the sensible person hurried to call his boss.

At the same time, those in Ning Yan's circle of friends were stunned by this. They really didn't expect Jiang Ci to be so good at it?
Especially Chen Yao, he instantly felt that Ning Yan had saved his life before, or else he would have been the one who had been dragged down and died, right?
It doesn't matter if Xi Chen is an overlord himself, why is his sister so strong?

That's a strong man with 1.9 meters. If you say you're down, you're down?

Chen Yao swears that the farther away from Jiangci the better, otherwise he won't know when he will die.

Soon, the bar owner came, and after seeing Ning Yan, the eldest lady, he quickly apologized, "Miss, what brought you here?"

Ning waved his hand annoyed, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, some people dare to harass women on my site, how do you solve this?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Jiang Ci and the man like a dog's leg. It seems that he doesn't need to solve it, right?
"You say, you say, you can do whatever you want."

Ning Yan asked Jiang Ci for his opinion, "Idol, how do you want to solve it? I will listen to you."

Jiang Ci glanced back at her, and then looked at Zhang Yang, who was groveling, "Boss Zhang, you will be able to manage this bar in the future."

Zhang Yang nodded frantically, "Yes, yes."

Then Jiang Ci looked at the victim on the side. The little girl was quite handsome, and she asked softly, "How do you want to deal with him? I'll help you. Don't worry, if he dares to take revenge on you later, I'll tear up his ancestral grave. "

There was undeniable arrogance in Jiang Ci's words. The man who was stepped on by her would dare to provoke girls again.

Jiang Ci's eyes were deep, even if there were mixed fish and dragons here, it was not an excuse to instigate crime.

In the past, when she was walking on the street at night, she could see girls being stopped by men to tease and harass her. If she hadn't helped, what happened next would definitely be the headline news the next morning.

It’s not a girl’s fault to go out at night, it’s not a girl’s fault to be harassed in a bar, it’s not a girl’s fault to be taken away while drunk, and it’s not a girl’s fault to be raped if she doesn’t dress well.

What really needs to be controlled is the source of the crime. If the source does not stop, such tragic deeds will never end.

(End of this chapter)

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