Chapter 228 He Is My Jiang Ci

For Xi Chen, no one can bully Jiang Ci; so for Jiang Ci, no one can bully Xi Chen either.

She broke away from Xi Chen's arms, stretched out her hand to grab the big man, turned around, and fell over his shoulder. She threw the man who weighed nearly two hundred catties as soon as he said it, and hit the ground so hard that even the floor cracked. , It can be seen that the attack is ruthless.

Jiang Ci looked at the men around him with dark eyes, and the hostility on his body suppressed them so much that they dared not go forward again.

They not only hurt Xi Chen, but also hurt his hands. The most important thing for a professional player is his hands. Jiang Ci will not forgive any of them.

Hurting his hand was more intolerable than hurting herself.

Jiang Ci kicked away the chair in front of her, and a sinister aura surrounded her. Her tone was cold: "Since you want to seek death so much, I will grant you all."

She picked up the chair and went straight to the head of the man opposite, knocking him unconscious with such force, his forehead began to flow bright red blood due to the violent impact.

"The Fu family dares to be so domineering and act recklessly, who do you think you are?"

"Those who hurt my Jiang Ci in front of my Jiang Ci, you all deserve to die!"

Every time she raises her eyes, she reveals the domineering and ruthless King of Shura, overflowing with evil spirit, more like a god of death than a god of death.

After careful calculation, she has not exercised her muscles and bones for a long time. She has been playing games all year round, and she almost forgot what she used to do.

In terms of gangsters, she is much more powerful than a Fu family.

It could be seen that Jiang Ci was really angry, and he didn't show mercy at all.

Xi Chen and Jiang Ci turned their backs to each other and looked at the big men in front of them. No matter what they did, they could fight side by side.

Jiang Ci raised his eyebrows: "Xi Chen, let's compare who fights more?"

"Okay." Xi Chen agreed without thinking.

So the scene turned into a competition between the two. Both Jiang Ci and Xi Chen were very good in martial arts, evenly matched.

In just ten minutes, eight or nine strong men were beaten to the ground by the two men, unable to get up.

Seeing Jiang Ci approaching, Xi Chen quickly sent a message and put away his phone.

Jiang Ci asked with concern: "How is it? Is there something wrong? I'll take you to the hospital to have a look. A hand injury will delay you in next year's spring game."

Seeing her eager and flustered caring appearance, Xi Chen felt a little sweet in his heart. It turned out that he could get Xiao Jiang Ci's care when he was injured.

Xi Chen glanced casually, "Don't worry, it's all right."

Jiang Ci looked at his hand carefully. Fortunately, it was just a layer of skin scratches, not particularly severe. His eyes were full of concern: "Wait a minute, I'll go get some Band-Aids."

With that said, Jiang Ci went to find the shopkeeper for a Band-Aid.

Looking at Jiang Ci trotting for him, Xi Chen couldn't be too happy.

At this time, those passers-by not far away saw such an intense scene tonight and couldn't calm down for a long time, but they were more envious.

I envy a perfect boyfriend like Xi Chen who is so powerful, I envy him not only good at playing games, handsome, rich and powerful, capable of protecting his wife, but also considerate and gentle.

Jiang Ci came back very quickly, she tore open the package, took Xi Chen's hand and gently pasted it on him.

There was a smile on the corner of Xi Chen's mouth, and there was a sparkle in his eyes when he smiled.

Ning Yan watched from the side, let's just say can we stop giving her dog food! !

Ning Yan, who was angry, could only kick the strong men who were beaten to the ground and vomited blood one by one.

Xi Chen rubbed Jiang Ci's head with his other hand, and Jiang Ci took his hand down, reproaching: "Don't make trouble."

Her tone was too gentle: "Turn around and let me see, is your back hurt?"

Xi Chen obediently listened to her words and turned around. Because he was taller, the wine bottle didn't hit him on the head, and his back was strong and didn't get injured, but all the beer in the bottle spilled on him. The thicker winter clothes were soaked in two layers.

(End of this chapter)

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