Chapter 230 Only you are the most suitable

Looking at the cynical look on Xi Chen's face, Jiang Ci knew that he had no good intentions.

"I'm a girl anyway, so you're not afraid of being angry and jealous if my future sister-in-law finds out?"

Xi Chen looked at her with a deep smile, "She won't be angry, she is generous."

So generous that I wish I could push him to another woman.

Xi Chen immediately raised his injured hand and shook it in front of her, pretending to be pitiful, "Xiao Jiangci, do you really have the heart for me to be alone? What if I accidentally wash the medicine away with water and the wound festers? What if What should I do if my injury worsens and I cannot play next year's game?"

"Besides, it's strange that two big men are in the bathroom. The women of our Xi's family are even more inappropriate except you. Not our mother, nor Ning Yan."

Jiang Ci looked at him, "Dad and brother Cheng are both at home, they should be fine."

Xi Chen leaned back with a carefree expression, "Mom and Dad went to bed early, do you want to disturb them with such a trivial matter? Besides, elder brother has been busy with work these days and is already very tired. How can I bother him? Well, it doesn’t matter how many times you count, only you are free and suitable now.”

The clock in the hall struck softly at exactly two o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that it was too late, Jiang Ci didn't want to talk about it with Xi Chen, so he just wanted to take care of this young master quickly, and then go to sleep.

Xi Chen's injury is because of her, and she can't be unconscionable, as Xi Chen said, if the wound is soaked in water and once it suppurates, it will affect next year's competition. Professional players, the most important thing is these hands .

Jiang Ci waved his hand casually, "Okay, okay, just this time, I won't be able to help you again in the future."

Xi Chen was so happy that he could see it with his naked eyes. He jumped up and led Jiang Ci to his bedroom with his intact left hand.

The movement of a few people coming back woke up Fu Xuefei a long time ago. She was already awake when Jiang Ci drove back, and then she came to the window and saw Xi Chen leaning on Jiang Ci on purpose. The movements of the two were so close.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that it is not like the interaction between brothers and sisters at all.

Fu Xuefei opened the door a little bit, and saw the figure of Xi Chen pulling Jiang Ci into his room. It was two o'clock in the morning, but a man and a widow were alone in a bedroom. .

Fu Xuefei could already imagine what the two of them were doing inside, she closed the door angrily, and couldn't settle down to sleep anymore.

In fact, she met Xi Chen once when she was eleven or twelve years old. At that time, Grandpa Xi and Grandma Xi were both still alive. When celebrating the [-]th birthday of the two old people, all the famous families in Haicheng came, and she followed her. Grandpa met Xi Chen for the first time, he was so young, reckless, rebellious, and well-known in Haicheng as a playful young man, but it was his cynical nature that got her into her heart.

Later, she actually wanted to find a chance to get close to him, but because there was some civil turmoil in the family at that time, in order to protect her safety, she was sent to M state to live for ten years, so she never saw Xi Chen again.

It was only by accident that she started to pay attention to domestic KPL through her friends, and then God paid off, she saw the little bully again, he grew up completely, became a handsome and excellent man, handsome He was like a two-dimensional boy who came out of a cartoon. He was wearing a blue and black team uniform and stood on the stage illuminated by thousands of spotlights. Nothing could make people more fascinated than that moment.

Fu Xuefei couldn't believe that the two brothers and sisters would do such an outrageous thing, but it was clear that Xi Chen and Xi Ci were twins born of the same father and mother.

Her eyes flashed suddenly, if she really can't get it, then she can destroy it.

If the matter between brothers and sisters is exposed to the public, will they both be condemned and forced to separate?

Then she can take advantage of it.

(End of this chapter)

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